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Posts posted by Brigadier

  1. Originally posted by Dave H:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Brigadier:

    Have I mentioned before how much I admire this thread? GGGGRRRGGGGHHHHHRR

    You all make me wanna PUKE :mad: But that said, you have disarming way about you. ;)


    NOOOOOooooo!!! Not an Aussie!! :eek: Aren't the herds of uber-Finns punishment enough for one thread?

    Brigadier, are you up for a small (700-1,000 point) PBEM? I'll warn you, I have just started two PBEMs without either a German or a Russian to be seen. So either send me a setup, or tell me what you absolutely refuse to play before I send you one of mine. :D

    MasterGoodale (you maggot), since you were gracious enough to add me to your list of Daddies, I hereby return your letter G! Use it in good health, until I wipe you out again.

    BFC, is there some way you could modify the software on the Forum so if I exceed 8 graemlins I don't lose the entire message? I hate it when that happens! </font>

  2. I like the explosive impact on the target tank , where it has taken a catastrophic hit! But I must say in honest critique (no offense) I dislike the ballooning muzzle flash of the firing tank. For my money a muzzle flash has a more conical shape?

    Either way good job I couldn't do what you have done to save my life! smile.gif

    Oh wait, you didn't do the target explosion? I'm confused , I need a powder. :confused:

    [ May 20, 2003, 01:25 AM: Message edited by: Brigadier ]

  3. Just as an addon to this , I have found a scenario called "SS Fallschirmjager" which covers the Tito operation , althought I have no clue how authentic/good it might be! It's at The Scenario Depot. smile.gif

    Scenario Name SS Fallschirmjager

    Version 1.2

    Game Length 25 Fixed

    Size Medium

    Date May 1944

    Time Mid Day

    Region Balkans

    Allies Partisan Infantry Green

    Fit Full

    Axis German Airborne Crack

    Fit Full

    Brief Description: On 25 may 1944 was launched the operation"Rosselprung" against the Q.G of Tito at Drvar in Croatia(ex-Yougoslavia). The objectif was a capture Tito and destroy the partisans forces(1,6 proletarian div and brigade Lika).The german engage the 7ss kavalerie div"prinz Eugen",the 373 rifle div,the rgt brandenburg I,gren.rgt 92 and Pz abt 202.The capture of Tito was entrusted ss fallschirmjager bat.500 of Rybka(very rare).The ss was divided in KG.KG "panther" for captured Tito.KG "draufganger" for captured the transmission center.Others KG neutralised the partisans.

    Ground Dry

    Weather Conditions Clear

    Wind Breeze N

    Temperature Cool

    Defender Digin? Not Dug In

    Map Contours Normal (2.5m)

    Allow Sewer Movement Axis No

    Allied No

    Fanaticism Axis Regular or Better 25%

    Allied All Troops 50%

    Battle Type Axis Attack Historical

    Map Edge Friendly To W Allied

    N Allied

    E Allied

    S Allied

    Map Edge For Esit Points Axis No Exit

    Allied No Exit

    Flag Type Static

    Flag Quantity Large 1

    Small 1

    Best Played As Axis vs. AI

    Play Second As Two Player

    Computer Should Stick to Scenario Default

    Hosting Website The Scenario Depot

    Author Name christophe ambre

    Download Fallschirmjager.zip

    [ May 19, 2003, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Brigadier ]

  4. Originally posted by Spook:

    The pictured APU above (the Garrett GTCP 85) isn't a propulsion (thrust) engine. It provides pneumatic air supply and mechanical power to drive some accessories. One such application is in the C-130 Hercules transport, though the 85 is used in a few other aircraft too. It's a late-1950's era design.

    Most airliners have one version or another of an APU onboard. It's what is used to help start up the main engines on the ground.

    Spook if you can give me a typical application for a PULSEJET engine used during WW2 I will name my first born "Spook" (if you know the difference between an APU and a propulsion engine you are 2/3rd's the way there). AND NO USING GOOGLE! :rolleyes:

    I'm an AVIONIC's Engineer by trade but BGTE theory (WW2) gives me wood .

    **edited for clarity**

    [ May 11, 2003, 04:53 AM: Message edited by: Brigadier ]

  5. sgtgoody

    I have had to furl the Colors on your excellent senario. I'm afraid the challenge rating is beyond this relaive n00b. I got about 2/3rds the way thru the 3rd battle when my Germans copped such a beating from those well placed heavily entrenched Russkies , my morale dropped to near critical levels. Hunting forward up that one road with the big kitties seems like a good idea , with plenty of smoke and big caliber HE arty in support , but no joy. I did what I could with Pioneers trying to clear those darned minefields but the withering fire from the Russkies is intense! Oh well looks like they will have to sit out the war in a gulag!


  6. Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

    The average soldier in a foxhole attacked by ten enemy troops will hit exactly 0 of them while expending all the rounds currently in his rifle. 10 years in the infantry and twice that time in serious research has shown me how true this is. The fact that most troops are now armed with automatic weapons has done little to increase the casualty figures since the introduction of magazine fed weapons.

    What makes the most difference at the tactical level (forgetting arty and such) is training. A well trained man with a bolt action rifle will be much more effective than a schmoe with a machine gun. Even with ARs aimed fire is done from the semi-auto setting which argues against the need for full auto on individual weapons.

    Armies use automatic weapons because most soldiers in combat will not keep their heads and will not be able to hit a house. It is better to spray 5 or 6 rounds at a time than 1 if it is not aimed.

    Again concur. All this autofire rubbish , dear oh dear.Learned readers , has it not dawned on you that perhaps the reason why the German Army stuck with the 98K for sooooooooo long , was the fact that they had a firm grasp of the concept of "marksmanship".Marksmanship is VITAL to the infantryman,and the first class German Army of the early war was a fearsome thing to behold........
  7. Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by coe:

    (the question to ask is would you with a bolt action rifle want to go against people armed with assault rifles).

    Actually yes. While I am taking my time an picking his guys off one at a time, he is busy spraying the ground and trees with unaimed fire. I will trust my life time experience with firearms and my ten years of training and experience to keep my head. The majority of soldiers do not have this option which is why most armies have adopted ARs in the first place. A man who can remain calm and fire aimed shots can outshoot someone spraying rounds on full auto any day. </font>
  8. Concur, good job Lou. smile.gif

    No criticism , watch the amount of "physical" challenge the map might present to an attacker. Soft ground/ rough areas really cut down on offensive options. Spotters on the attacking side shouldn't , as a rule be spoon fed with primo spotting locations up front. Arty Spotters give the player a more realistic feel when they have to "work" a little for their kills.

    You have roads that demonstrate some realistic connectivity (which is a MUST IMHO). Roads that meander over terrain that would make an Engineer puke is a recurring issue in so many maps I have seen...... :(

  9. Is there one out there?? I have downloaded quite a few uniform/weapon sets (namely Juju's Modslutproject for the latter) but alas , the 'faust still looks like a clunky , silly piece of equipment completely devoid of camo or detail.

    (No reference to Juju's excellent work, I don't believe he modded the 'faust). :confused:



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