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Everything posted by Avatar

  1. March 40 Paris reached, will fall next turn, LW weak as Manstein purchased. LC bypassed, going straight for the money...
  2. 39 Pol breakthru Denmark pinged 2nd turn: LC attack failed, minimal damage, all but 1 attack. Allies breaking into Baltic. 3rd turn: Taken Ardennes, but Poland not surrendering... arg
  3. You're sunk Dalmatia. Mistakes like ussr readiness rise don't fix themselves. Looks like too little time to invade other countries. USSR gets 480mpp a turn, you're getting ~220-300. You'll never make it, but good luck. Frick, just surrender, start a new game, and don't make the same mistake twice.
  4. Bid 210 Bards Tale, my god, that's old school. Albion, I never thought I'd meet someone who also played it.
  5. Yep DH, I played all those you just mentioned. Wizardry I played only 4 and 5, and M&M I didn't play 9 (yet . I was crazy about BG, but I never finished BG 2, it was sooooo long, and I restarted 4 times to try the different characters!. Ever played 'Planescape'? Best RPG EVER. EVER. Eye of the Beholder too was fun, and all those 'golden' AD&D titles. I'm only 26 so I missed some of the really early titles, but I tried to play everything that was out anyhow.
  6. German: Aufzug: Elevator Parade Auszug: Bank Statement Summary Departure Anzug: Suit Abzug: withdrawal discount deduction copy print trigger Atemzug: To take a breath of air Zug: Train (choo-choo) characteristic Let's just say it's gonna be awhile before my german reaches any heights...
  7. Hey, you know, I didn't realize, you're actually the first person to know where my alias comes from. People often believe it's an arrogant name because it means (a) God in human form (which I am). This meaning comes from India, where Avatar means the incarnation of their god Vishnu. However, I was a HUGE Ultima fan back in the late 80's, 90's, and I played every Ultima until Ultima VIII, which sucked. I never got back into the game after that. Oh, and I collected everything about it. I even have a limited edition poster of the Avatar standing above a Gargoyle (Ultima VI). Very nice poster, although Ultima V was undoubtely the best. And yes, I do stand for all 8 virtues, except possibly Sacrifice, which I'm not great at doing (that's what my girlfriend says).
  8. LOL. Dragon, ich muß ein großes dokument übersetzen, Deutsch zu Englisch, 130 seiten! Weis nicht warum die können nicht jemand anderes finden es macht kein spaß.... in jedenfals, Sombra will gegen mir spielen, und ich hab wenig lust.... ich warte gern auf SC2. Ok Sombra, I'll play you, but you have to promise not to make a big stink when you lose ok? I bid 200
  9. No problemo. In any case, see you back on the boards come SC2.
  10. May 41: Surpise takeover of LC. Will it surrender? Air battles in Egypt. Large reserve of UK mpp's is helping. Carrier tragically lost west of denmark sniff....
  11. March 41 Allies continue to fortify Egypt. Spain will survive one more axis turn Gibraltar recaptured
  12. Condor, you fight on all our behalves, all those who aren't #1 that is! No stupid mistakes, no wasted assaults.
  13. Yep, Leipzig. City of Books, Art, Theater etc... Nice city, good kneipe's. Since i have german bürgerschaftsangehörigkeit, things were pretty easy for me as far as working. I have urlaub in december for 3 weeks, and I really need to be back in Montreal for awhile!
  14. Actually, you're right DH, I was just trying to make myself look better You did beat me 4-1... but you had the upperhand then, with all your exp. But now, I feel like I could give you much more of a challenge. I'd like a rematch! And really, wasn't that the worst luck you had that game? I remember every attack for the first 2-3 turns, you got minimum damage, I couldn't believe it. I've never seen luck like that. (btw: incredible, don't 'remind' me) Zapp, imo, even if you manage to beat Terif with Axis, that's only a half-victory point. If you beat him with the Allies, i'll bow down before you. Axis is stacked, Allies not.
  15. I would turn on the ICQ, I could actually, but i'm at work. I'm 9 hours in front of a computer, but games r a no-no. Like the 'you'll get fired' kind of no-no, so what's the point really? The ICQ I use at work is web-based, so there's no firewall issue. Anyways, isn't it like 5am for you right now? you're GMT-7 no? I'm GMT+1
  16. War on terror - yes Support US troops - yes 4 more years - no
  17. Dragon, whoa, I beat you once remember? (yes, it was a bullsh1t victory in LC, and you had the WORST luck i'd ever seen, then and now). You beat me once. That's 1-1 lol, i'm not saying i'm better than you, the opposite is more likely. However, I have more experience now, and feel like a different SC man. Apart from SC, the games I'm awaiting are Gary Grigsby's World At War from Matrix, SC2 of course, and I really love that SSG series (TAO, KP) and now the upcoming Battles in Normandy.
  18. Actually, Zapp and I haven't agreed on if it's ICSL, but I wouldn't see why not. As far as the League is concerned, we should really have regular small tournies. Since 8 players would be max in such small tournaments, some people are going to get 'buys'. Let's assume Rambo, Zapp, Me, Dragonheart, Sombra, Kuni and Curry play. That's 7, so 6 would play a game, and 1 would advance from the buy. Then you have the semis, then finals. It works out. Rules: - Same standard house rules (should be set by Rambo though) - Bid? 1:5:20, or for equally interesting, .5:20:20. Just an idea.
  19. Hey, anybody seen that episode where they find a crayon in Homer's brain? Then he flashesback as a kid, and you see him sticking crayons up his nose counting '14' '15' '16!'.. 'ooooh, i don't feel so good'. That, my friends, was hilarious. [ September 04, 2004, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: Avatar ]
  20. Whoa, last nite, I was playing from 9pm-11:30, and the girlfriend said: "You play too long, I don't like it".... and just then memories flooded my brain of 10 hour marathons with Rambo and Zapp (pre-g/f). Jesus... better not tell her about those *cough* *cough*. Rambo, yah, Germany, EAST Germany... what a pit. No, that's not true, but it's not North America (Can/US not nearly as different as Euro/NA) I feel like such a traitor.... We need to play. I've had my practice against Terif, he knows that i'm the only one who can beat him , so now I need to beat on others. All I can say is that I'm available when I'm available. I'm pretty lucky here scoring a job at IBM with the 22% unemployment here, and showing up on time (at 7am) is priority 1. Priority 2 is SC followed quickly by G/f at Pri 3 I'll be around tonite (your time 1pm-3pm), but you're not around at that time. I'll be around tho if you can find me. Sombra, you're too weak for me, there'd be no challenge. How about you play Kuni, that'd be more even (I might eat my words)
  21. Dumb move near Tobruk loses me the CL and BB I had stationed in Alexandria. Oh well. Took Iraq last turn. Have 4 air w/ Jet 1 in Egypt. Axis has invaded Spain and is preparing to attack Egypt. Can the Allies hold on??
  22. UK forces attack baghdad with 3 air. Will fall sooner or later. Bergen taken previous turn, forgot to mention. Sweden attacked by axis in october 40
  23. September 40 Vichy will fall this turn Norway converted last turn UK attacks pings baghdad with 1 air. Jet lvl 1 revealed. No fleet action otherwise
  24. Late August 40: UK Cruiser west of Gibraltar hit by LW, while Axis proceed to attack vichy for xp. I suspect it will survive a turn longer than it should cuz zapp wanted xp more than the mpp. Tobruk port damaged by BB and CL from Alexandria, down to 0.
  25. Ok, didn't see the AAR Allies could be doing much worse. Worst thing is of course that Paris fell. However, it fell the 28th, not the 14th. Few UK losses in France, some armies fled. Preparing for Sealion, so i'm stocking up on points. Malta's Fr corps being bombarded. Italians getting experience. Call it justice since for around 6 turns i've been beating on his troops .
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