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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. I can't agree, Mr. Rambo is always so kind and polite against everyone... --- I don't want a new patch. 7 patches are enough. Now is the time to build a new, bigger & improved game about WW2. I would favor the same scenario, with improved options and a bigger map. And if possible a lot more informations from Mr. Carter about the actual status. Come on, Hubert, we need more news, we are starving here. - tum-de-dum-di-dum: Hubert Carter, why don't you write us, we're out in the jungle and huuuung - ry to hear youuu. Send us a card, we're waiting so hard for a new -hew -hew gaaaame ... [ August 23, 2003, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  2. After a total of 4 manned flights (one dead, three survivors): was the Natter really operational? :confused: Himmler recommeded and promoted this project, which would explain that this human rocket was build and declared "operational" under such circumstances... Only green pilots, a plane/rocket build mostly of wooden parts, highly explosive fuel: the project has been rejected by the Luftwaffe, but after Himmler interfered the responsible Luftwaffe officers suddenly changed their mind.
  3. The Natter was far away from being operational. It was a death machine in 1945 (for their pilots only).
  4. Who can read all your fantastic posts here without being kissed by inspiration? Thank you, JJ !
  5. Suddenly Terif remembered his first lessons: sinking your enemies ships is a very important step to victory... So Terif reached once more the top of the highest mountain (BRAVO!!!) while poor Rambo was beginning to sense that his RACK strategy ended his popular days sooner than he expected
  6. Your are so funny, JerseyJohn, thank your for this bright smile on my face!
  7. Only Berlin, Oder-battles excluded.
  8. Ironically, the Soviets' use of tanks in the street fighting (Battle of Berlin) was not dissimilar to the tactics used so disastrously by the Germans in Stalingrad. Soviet T-34s were highly vulnerable to the Panzerfaust, the German bazooka, fired by soldiers hiding in destroyed buildings. It meant further unnecessary losses for the Red Army. The soviets admitted that they lost appr. 700 tanks in Berlin alone through panzerfaust-fire. The Battle for Berlin had cost the Soviets over 70,000 dead. Many of them had died because of the haste in which the campaign was conducted (friendly fire etc.). Appr. 500.000 people died in the Battle for Berlin (including civilians).
  9. Reminds me on the Simpsons episode with Abe Simpson & J.F.K. in WW2 on a PTO in the Pacific Ocean. J.F.K: "Ich bin ein Berliner". Abe Simpson: "Shoot him, he is a Nazi!" "Self-praisenko stinks" - xwormwood english to whom it may concern...
  10. It was my pleasure to dig a bit for you in our el dorado (internet), boldly looking where no man searched before...
  11. Thank you for mentioning me. This time i can offer an answer as well:
  12. I found some infos here: German 40.6 cm/52 (16") SK C/34 / 42 cm/48 (16.5") SK C/40
  13. Glad you like it. I found 2 french BB-Type, maybe the ones you mentioned: Dunkerque Richelieu [ July 25, 2003, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  14. Panzer39 Try this webpage: German Hochseeflotte I think there was no Rodney-Style BB or BC, maybe only a study? :confused: [ July 25, 2003, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  15. next time you start the "Kuniworth's Icebergs are bad for the Titanic"-Topic, eh?
  16. Hipper survived the fight with Glowworm (poor Glowworm not, only 31 survivors). With a 40 m broad leakage Hipper continued on its mission to Drontheim. 3 days later it made it back to germany without help. After sinking appr. 20 merchant and warships Hipper was scuttled in Kiel on May 3rd 1945. The 5th heavy cruiser (Luetzow) was sold uncompleted to the USSR in 1940, towed to Leningrad, renamed in PETROPAVLOVSK, but never saw completation or active duty. Scrapped in the 1960's. When this ship was sold, the name Luetzow was free again, so the pocket battleship Deutschland could inherit it. 14 day after the channel run Gneisenau received heavy bomb hits while docked in Kiel. After this incident Gneisenau was transfered to Gotenhafen (Baltic Sea) in order to be extended there and to be reequipped with 38 cm cannons. Due to a foaming Hitler after the miserable outcome of the battle in the Barentsea (convoy PQ 17) and of course due Gneisenaus heavy damaged condition all works were stopped in Janury 1943. Gneisenau was disarmed (some 15 cm cannons are still to visit in Denmark and Norway, parts of the main turret A are in Holland, and main turret C awaits visitors in Norway...). And yes, it is the joke of the century that both Gneisenau-Class battlecruiser suffered so badly from heavy weather and overcoming sea (main turrets went out of action etc.). Some operations had to be broken off, and all this without any effort of the allied enemy.
  17. ------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Panzer39: Berlin: ...Goering who arrived late , and to some appeared drunk , voiced his opinion that the British could be bombed into submission... ...Himmler, who had come uninvited , threw his support behind Raeder. Having being appointed chief of the paranormal office of German intelligence ( Doenitz created the department in order to be rid of him ) Himmler felt that German power could be increased if the eye of Odin or The Arc of the Covenant could be found. To him Egypt and Norway were good places to start. Everyone found this was amusing except for Raeder since it considerably undermined his argument . ... The French corps in Malta was giving Italy more resistance than the entire French army that faced the Germans. ----------------------------------- That was so very funny, thank you Panzer39!!!! You and JerseyJohn are doing a splendid AAR here, can't await the next episode!
  18. JerseyJohn 100% agree! I don't think that this z-plan would have ever been possible till 1948, and even if the 3rd Reich would have been able to spare these gigantic ressources only for lunatic fleet dreams, every other nation with navy-traditions (UK, USA, France) would have reacted, making these enormous amounts of time, man-power and raw materials a complete waste. Just read that the Scharnhorst / Gneisenau often suffered heavy damage only from heavy sea (poor construction), and even the upgrade with an an improved so-called "atlantic-bow" offered no help. A BATTLESHIP with nearly 30.000 ts, receiving heavy damage from WAVES :eek: , oh boy, oh boy... [ July 24, 2003, 11:26 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  19. Graf Zeppelin was laid down on December 28th 1936, scuttled by German forces in Stettin (April 25th 1945). Raised by Soviet Navy, analyzed by Soviet technicians and scuttled near Leningrad / finnish gulf (June 18th 1947, position 55° 48' north and 18° 30' east) with torpedoes, 13 cm shells from a type-7 Gnevnyj destroyer, there are rumors that the soviet navy tested some new developed weapons as well (source: Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseeum, Bremerhaven. Btw.: Bremerhaven would have been the berth / harbor for both german CV). CV B was laid down in autumn of 1938, but construction was stopped at the beginning of World War II. 1940-42 the ship was scrapped in the shipyard. JJ, check your picture, date 1936 can't be possible. And because CV B never left the shipyard it shows the Graf Zeppelin, probably late 1938 or even 1939 There were many rumors about what happend with CV Graf Zeppelin after the russians raised it (i have found at least 10 different while googling through the web, one of them is the "sank en-route" story).
  20. According to the Webpage of the (actual) german navy ("Marine") the Z-plan from 1939 should end in 1948 with: 10 Capital ships (including Gneisenau/Scharnhorst) 12 Pocket battleships (20.000 ts) 3 Pocket battleships (10.000 ts) 4 CV (20.000 ts) 5 CA (10.000 ts) 16 CL (8 000 ts) 22 Scout cruisers (5 000 ts) 68 DD 90 TB 27 "Oceanic" SS 62 SS Typ IX 100 SS Typ VII 60 SS Typ II (Coastal Sub) and 300 additional vessels (Minelayer, Minesweeper, Speedboats, Escorts, Sub-hunter etc.).
  21. Lol! That was really funny!
  22. Hi Lucky Zebra. You should post questions like this better in the official "Opponent Finder Forum: English Speaking Players".
  23. Hueristic This zip-idea is really good. SC should be able to zip and un-zip the PBEM-files. All without bothering the user.
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