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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Yeah, too bad indeed. Tried using http://www.humanitas-international.org/newstran/index.html but you end up with things like this: "Russians were specially wonderments , when statement them , that most as well stodgiest tank producing in series is not 23-tonowy PzKpfw IV" Urrr, yeah, very enlightening.
  2. Of course it depends if the sloops are armed or not and whose side they are on. I don't expect the sides of the sloop, being typically composed of heavy oak timbers would put up much of a defense against the AP from either 76mm or 88mm, but either way they could provide cover for the T34s to move closer. If armed, its canons could be represented by panzerfausts I suppose, since they are the closest thing to artillery that you could fit in a building, so it looks like armed sloops would have to be German. You could probably best represent sloops in CMBB by using a two storied light building (I checked CMMODS and I could not find any sloop mods, so light buildings + imagination will have to do). It should not matter that the light buildings are immobile (except when reduced in a downward motion) since I don't think sloops move particularly rapidly on land either. Looks like an exciting scenario could be made from this: T34s vs tigers with the sloops adding a chaotic element. Especially if they are pirates. Maybe need a gamemaster to command them and make pirate noises. Let me know if you need a beta tester.
  3. Don't know if this has been posted before, but I stumbled upon it while searching for hetzer pictures. This part of it shows a whole heap of dead panzer tanks some of which I haven't seen before. Its worth digging around http://www.panzer.punkt.pl/ some more.
  4. Looks like it got shot through the mantlet. Interesting angle on the second picture - the armor skirt is almost invisible. Were they really as obliquely set as that? Quick google reveals: http://www.pzfahrer.net/improve.html http://wilk.wpk.p.lodz.pl/~whatfor/hetzer.htm hmmmm... doesn't seem so. Edited to add: unless they were knocked like that by the force of the explosion???? Holy C**p!!! [ October 23, 2006, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  5. Ah! I ran into the same problem. E-mail on the way.
  6. Interesting! Is this the same for all sherman variants, or was it ever fixed?
  7. As regards weight, is it modelled in terms of acceleration? As noted before, in videos seen so far, tanks seem to burst forward without regard to momentum. Of course, I have no idea how one of these tanks really looked when accelerating, so maybe they really did move like this.
  8. But is this a fair comparison? Movement in CM was at the mercy of its 1 minute incremented turns. Since ToW is in RT it shouldn't have this problem. It'll be interesting to see what happens if a tank at full speed stops instantly or skids if during a pause you order it to halt. (Er you can give orders while the game is in pause, right?)
  9. yeah, agree with the McClaren like acceleration that the tanks show, but if the models were based on real world stats then I'd be happy for my impression to be proven wrong. But, be jeezus, the clods being chucked up by the tracks, as they race along through the long grass... droool
  10. I'm just guessing, but the fact that it wasn't there at the start of the game means the 'puter's brain has to remember its new position relative to everything that was there at the start of the game, which would take up memory space.
  11. ... and you've got a lot of catching up to do!
  12. Sorry to disappoint, but no, this is nothing to do with the next-gen CM engine. You've got to head over to the CMSF forum if you want to see first stage of the new CM line.
  13. A while back somebody proposed starting a wikipedia entry, which would be ideal for this. Anybody hear what happened? I just did a search for drop team and it didn't call anything up.
  14. Doh! I stand corrected. I'm not familiar with the shape of the M36. Guess it comes from finding the CM scries after CMBB came out - the improvements were so much better that I didn't play BO as much.
  15. My problem with the panther-turreted M10 poster is the disparity between the game art and the screenshots. The screenshots are of pastorial beauty with some equipment wandering through, while the American Panther is bursting out of an urban hell. Isn't this rather misleading? And perhaps the discerning customer will wonder whether there will be any other inconsistancies between what is claimed and what the game is really about. Hope I'm wrong, I want this game to be good and popular. edited to add: agree with Sequoia about the other one looking too much like an air sim. [ October 05, 2006, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  16. There was a discussion about gun droop on the CM forums. Apparently due to the gun being breech heavy or barrel heavy, but I'll let you read this entertaining thread for the details. As you can imagine, plenty of wisecracks related to manhoods and potency thereof. [edited for clarity]
  17. Anyway, to get back to the topic, here is a quote from the unit descriptions in CoH: "M3 Halftrack - transport vehicle used to transport and supply infantry units in the thick of battle" Oh man, I been using them all wrong.
  18. I like the idea of the UBK (Urban Beach Kit). Does it include baggy shorts and a snorkel?
  19. Good for multiplayer reaction freaks. I always get killed too quickly to be an asset on any team. Is there a role for tea maker? Will there be scenarios for single play? Campaigns even?
  20. ... and the next question: when is the cold war mod coming out? Want to see T55s vs centurians!
  21. Thanks Steve, that makes it clearer. Okay, so ToW is the fun one of the group with multiplayer capability for up to 4 people to shoot things out, DT WW2 is the FPS with co-op play for dozens of players at a time, while in CMX2 there will be multiple players controlling platoons/companies. You guys are really covering the bases.
  22. Well, the wallpaper includes a US Army (not lendlease) Lee. Why would they release that if they are not included at some point during the game? The Americans used them mostly in the Mediterranean and to a very limited extent in the Pacific theatre. It seems unlikely that there will be a Pacific Theatre game in the first release, so by logic there should be a North African campaign on the cards, relatively soon.
  23. The demo, now that is something I'm really looking forward too. "When when when?" cry the masses! "When its ready" reply the gods at BFC.
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