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Jim Boggs

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Posts posted by Jim Boggs

  1. My dear Wino

    The final score of your game with Dave H is:


    As a result of your tangled bit of skullduggery, the sig line in question was placed by someone other than your current self.

    As the kindly MrGoodale has pointed out, your other identity has not responded to Dave H's challenge and the time limit on the sig line has expired.

    Now if you two want to really resolve this friendly dispute, then:


    [edit-Only this time, agree on the victory conditions before starting.]

    [ May 08, 2003, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

  2. My dear Boo

    The only thing I hate worse than reading one of your.....pieces is having to play with the #$%& scroll bar to move the screen back and forth, thanks to our good friend Lenakonrad.

    I blame you and Aussie Jeff. Ever since he got those Spats from you he has vanished from the Board. I ask you, what has happened here?

    1. Radley's product was defective and somehow has killed Aussie Jeff.

    2. The Spats have given Aussie Jeff a sense of pride that was unbeknownst to him in his prior pitiful existence.

    Hard to say what really happened. He was the only one who could communicate with Lenakonrad

  3. Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

    the score will always be LtH - MG 1-0

    In other words you (Lt Hortlund) are undefeated against MGD.

    The reciprocal would be that you (MrGoodale) are winless against Hortlund

    Therefore, MGD (whom we shall call loser in this little analysis) wishes to both seek redress against Hortlund (whom we shall call winner) and seek to establish the groundrules for the re-match.

    This would seem to deny tradition and provoke an unwarrented attempt to regain lost pride and reputation through pure chicanery rather than skill on the battlefield.

    I realize that the renowned Dave H has proven that this tactic can sometimes work.

    However, the rules of the duel clearly establish that the winner dictate the set-up of the re-match to the loser unless the winner waives the right.

    So it has been throughout the ages.

  4. Originally posted by DUNDROY:

    So this is the infamous MBT!

    I can only assume

    I can only assume

    Well my good dungboy, you have placed the staggering total of 5 posts so far in your impressive rise. When you get to 10 posts mayhaps you would be willing to give BFC some pointers on how to sell computer games?

    From your own statement I see that any form of logical thinking is beyond your pathetic abilities. Therefore:

    I can only assume that you are a lackwitted, festering, puss-filled, phlegm choked, piece of carrion that has somehow found it's unfortunate way to this Thread of Your Worst Nightmare.

    Did I say welcome?


  5. Originally posted by Soddball:

    That should be "ensure", not "insure". Mongoloid.

    Edited to add;

    Yes, I know Teddy pointed it out first. Since he is enjoying a family size can of "Soddball's Whooparse" at the moment he can't be expected to handle everything on his own.

    Well, as of now, it is spelled correctly!

    *whips out brand new Lloyd's of London insurance certificate granting full domestic and international spelling coverage*

    However, I do appreciate the fact that you actually read my posts.

  6. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    EXACTLY Bog Boy!! - because there would be so much furious TNT-Induced explosions it would suck all the air into itself!! :mad:

    You're a smart guy!! :mad:

    Boggs drills a hot smash down the third base line, a sure double, but wait, can it be....whoa! what a diving save by MGD.

    Boggs shakes his head in disbelief.

    [edited to assure Soddball of the correct spelling of whoa]

    [ May 07, 2003, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

  7. Originally posted by Dave H:

    I do know that Devil's Den was a very jumbled, overgrown, rocky area with no long sight lines.

    You should see the map Axe and I got. Somebody at BFC must be a Civil War freak. It looks like the bottomland at Shiloh. I will be forced to attack Prentiss at the Hornet's Nest to have a chance in that one.

    By the way, you don't have any commanders named Chamberlain do ya?

  8. SitRep on battle with Axe2121

    Jim: "Okay set-up complete, over to you".(Grins happily at sight of full battalion of infantry as it forms up for assault, 12 platoons, hehheh)

    Axe2121: "I'm testing this new PBEM file manager, would you mind? Here comes the file."

    Jim: File won't load, although clearly something is processing. "Sorry, file a no-load" Checks his set-up. Hmmm..Coulda swore I had 12 platoons before..I guess it was 9.

    Axe2121: "Please be so kind as to try one more time, here's a new file".

    Jim: File still won't load, but once again the ominous sound of processing. "Sorry, still won't load" Checks back to original set-up....

    surprise German force now consisists of three horse-drawn carts and two platoons designated "The Ulcer Brigade".

    Axes2121 "Okay, let's get going"

  9. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Hmmm, well I can see that you've never actually MET Lars or you wouldn't be saying such silly things.


    Hmmm..*shakes head*....*scratches head*....*reads Joe's post again*......

    No other way to take it. Joe Shaw, the mighty Justicar, the Knight Champion of the MBT has:

    given someone a compliment!

    Suddenly the room begins to spin, surely the Earth's axis has been altered, the Fires of Hades have been quenched, Lenakonrad has stopped posting Penguins.

    No this is bigger than that and frankly, I'm at a loss for a comparison.

  10. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Leeo, you are wrong. The MBT is dead; long live the MBT.

    Let this one die, it is no longer worth the effort.


    [Rant Mode On]


    Hey Boo you dead?

    Hey Lars you dead?

    Hey Nidan you dead?

    Hey Hortlund you dead?

    Hey dalem you dead?

    Hey Leeo you dead?

    Hey R_Leete you dead?

    Hey Noba you dead?

    Hey Mace you dead?

    Hey Joe Shaw you dead?

    Hey Vadr you dead?

    Hey Malakovski you dead?

    Hey PondScum you dead?

    Hey OGSF you dead?

    Hey Yaknodathon you dead?

    Hey lenakonrad you.....never mind

    As people age their reflexes and mental edge begin to deteriorate, they slow down and lose their perspective.

    For ALL those that feel this thread is dead, I would invite you to join the General Forum Peng Thread where the 5 posts per day pace is more in tune to your current abilities.


    The MBT will not die!

    Apologies to all deserving posters who were omitted in the above rant.

    [/Rant Mode Off]

    [ May 06, 2003, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

  11. Start up a game as if playing the AI. At the screen that allows play mode (single player, hotseat, e-mail, tcp/ip) choose e-mail.

    Set up your game as if against the AI. When you finish you will automatically go back to the main screen with a pop-up box allowing you to name your e-mail file (the set-up you just went thru).

    Save this file. Name it something that will help you remember (ie: Youvme001) Your opponent will just have to change the number to 002 when it is his turn to save.

    Now you must e-mail this file to your opponent as an attachment. He must then download it into the CMBB direcetory directly into the PBEM file folder, from where the game can access it.

    Your opponent loads his game and chooses join multi-player and then selects load e-mail. He clicks on the file, he keys in his password, and the file loads.

    Pretty much all there is to it.

  12. Originally posted by Axe2121:


    You're a braver man than I Gunga Axe.

    Excuse me Mr Goodale sir, with all due respect, I was curious that your Harem of bitches seems quite empty.

    Is this because:

    1. You have never actually won a game of CMBB?

    2. It's a leftover dancecard from your high school prom?

    3. It's a list of the pets that the Humane Society felt you were capable of taking care of?

    As far as your ant problem, I would advise taking a good hard look at your personal hygiene issues. For example: rat droppings in your bran flakes does not make it raisin bran. Okay?

    [edited before the spelling police arrive]

    [ May 05, 2003, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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