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Comrade Trapp

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Posts posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. November 14th 1914

    In the west, attacks made by the British Expeditionary Force and a French Army are repeled by the German 1st Army, 1st army takes 50% losses in the process. Western front is reinforced by 2 corps.

    In the east, German 4th corps is surrounded and destroyed west of Kiev, the first Russian victory of the war. Unfortunately for the Russians, this victory is short lived, a Russian army south of Warsaw was attack by 2 German armies and destroyed. The attacking German armies suffered minimal losses.

    In the Baltic, The German High Seas Fleets finishes off what was left of the Russian Northern Fleet when the Russian cruiser force was sunk in Kronstadt Harbor by the German Battleships Hannover and Pommern. The German High Seas Fleets sustained minimal losses in the Battle for the Baltic making it one of the biggiest German victorys in history. Admiral Franz von Hipper, commander of the German High Seas Fleet is decorated by the Kasier himself for bravery in battle.

    [ April 25, 2003, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

  2. October 17th 1914

    Minor engagements on the western front that amount to nothing.

    On the eastern front, Warsaw is attacked by 3 German armies. 2 German corps make a attempt to encircle the the 4 Russian armies, 2 corps, and a HQ east of Warsaw. This partcial encirclement will hopefully put a strain on the supplies of thoses units. The 1st and 3rd Austro-Hungarian armies encounters 1 Russian army and a corps along the Russian-Hungarian border.

    In the Baltic, the German High Seas Fleet launches a attack on a Russian battleship in Helsinki Harbor and sends it to the bottom.

  3. September 19th 1914

    The Western front has slowed to a stand still with only minor engagements.

    On the Eastern Front east of Warsaw, German forces have met significant Russian resistance for the first time in the war. The 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th armies along with the Austro-Hungarian 2nd Army have encountered 4 Russian armies supported by an HQ, both sides take significant losses but no units were destroyed.

    In the Balkans, the Austro-Hungarian Army has supressed Slav uprisings and are now free to be commitied elsewhere.

  4. August 29th 1914

    In the west, minor attacks were made on the French lines that achieved nothing.

    In the east, the German 8th & 9th Armies along with the Austro-Hungarian 2nd Army encircled the Russian 2nd Warsaw Army just east of Warsaw and reduced it to 20%.

    The first unwelcome reports of the war made it to newspapers accross Germany today, the German U-boat that was made famous by sinking a British battleship and crippleing a cruiser, was sunk today off the coast of Ireland by the Royal Navy. :eek:

    [ April 24, 2003, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

  5. August 1st, 1914

    My opening moves consisted of the occupation of Belgium and the creation of a German battleline going along the Belgium-French boarder and along where the Magiont Line would be. German forces quickly secured the undefended French mine and attacked the French 4th Army guarding the Ardennes from 4 directions reducing it to 10% of its original strength.

    In the south there were only minor engagements along the German-Itailian boarder.

    In the east 2 Germany armies attacked the Russian corps gurading Warsaw knocking it down to 20% strength.

    In the North Atlantic, a German submarine sunk the British Battleship Cressy, this early victory is surely a sign of things to come....

    [ April 24, 2003, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

  6. JerseyJohn

    Research is allowed in all areas (needless to say that it would be pointless to do research in things like Jet Aircraft and Heavy Tanks). Although I have a feeling tech won't be a big factor in this WWI campaign.

    As for the AAR, we'll use CVM & Brad's as an outline (I have never done one neither).

    Looks like we're in the same timezone so that will make this easier.

    Comrade Trapp

  7. Alright here are the House Rules, they have been changed a little bit (Allies benefit from the changes for the most part).

    * Communists overthrow the Czar and sue for peace if the Central Powers capture Warsaw + 2 Russian Cities.

    * No Country is to build: Tank Groups, Airfleets, or Strategic Bombers. The Triple Alliance and the Central Powers my have 1 Rocket Unit each (consider it a Rail Gun).

    * Either side can start or withdraw from Peace Talks at any point in the game.

    * France surrenders once Paris falls, England can choose to continue war or sue for peace.

    Fog of War: ON

    Siberian War: OFF

    All Partisans: OFF

    Free French: OFF

    Scortched Earth: OFF

    JerseyJohn, do these rules sound ok to you? Also do you want to do an multiplayer AAR, I wouldn't mind doing one.

    Comrade Trapp

  8. CVM or Brad

    Are these the correct house rules:

    * Russians cannot attack on the first 2 turns, however they can reinforce (mobilization)

    * The Serbian and Bulagrian Units may not leave their Designated Countries

    * No Country is to build: Tank Groups, Airfleets, strategic Bombers. Only Germans may build U Boats. (Considering not allowing purchasing of Rocket Groups, for now, lets say each country in allowed 1, for use as a 'rail gun' *Paris Gun, etc.*)

    * FOW ON





    Comrade Trapp

  9. Maximillian


    I have given the facts and I have offered to send you the e-mails as proof. Everyone else here seems to agree that enough proof has been shown.

    Considering you have yet to finish a single ladder game you don't have a hole lot of creditability (you have at least 2 unfinished ladder games that I know of).

    You can tell I post all my ladder games by looking at my losses.

    It took you 3 days to get back to me on this thread. It shows how serious you REALLY are about finishing this game.

    The only e-mail I recevied from you was on April 9th.... It is now April 23rd (I have checked both my old and new email accounts). You said I haven't kept track of the thread we were using? That thread hasn't been touched since the 17th and is currently on page 5 of the archived threads on the Opponent Finder. The last 2 posts were made by me followed by CVM.

    A complaint about you was posted on the Ladder Thread on the 16th, I showed all the proof I needed to show. When you grow up and are serious about finishing games, then come get me.

    Now please, quit wasting my time.

    Comrade Trapp

  10. It kills me to think how many chances Hitler had to win the war if only he had listened to his generals or had been somewhat reasonable.

    The war could have been won if the German Army would have been allowed to crush the allied forces at Dunkirk.

    It could have been won if he hadn't halted all tech research when France fell thinking the war was already won. (It wasn't restarted until after the Battle of Britian).

    It could have prob been won of he had let his generals do what they wanted to do in Russia instead of personally commanding some units. Just think about how that Chain of Command must have been like.

    I bet that if Hitler had taken a direct hand in the invasion of France he prob would have screwed that up too. :rolleyes:

    Oh well....lucky for us Hitler was in overall command of the military and not Rommel.

    Comrade Trapp

  11. I'm sorry CVM but the ending was unrealistic, if Germany had won WWI the ending prob would have been diffrent from what you stated.

    First off, if Paris had been captured (something the French had prepared for) the goverment would have been moved elsewhere and the war would go on. (I know there is nothing you can do about the French surreneder since it structured around WWII)

    Secondly, if Germany did win WWI they would not have demanded all of France and its colonies. You have to remember, we are not talking about Hitler, the Kaiser was not out to conquer all of Europe. A German victory in WWI would prob be more like the German victory over France during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. The new

    German - French - Belgium boarder would prob started around the city of Liege (Belgium), went down into France to the city of Reims (French), and turned South-East toward Verdun (French). All three of those cities would prob become German cities but not all of France would be under German control, the goverment of WWI France would never agree to it. Not to memtion the US would enter the war before the Allies would sign a "Peace Treaty" like that.

    I'm not trying to start a arguement with you, its more of a debate. ;)

    Oh ya.... congrads on you victory.

    Comrade Trapp

  12. Maximillian

    Maybe you should have looked a little bit harder for the thread, its titled Maximillian, its on page 4 of the archived threads. I know its there because CVM used it to challenge me to a game.

    Secondly, the only email I recived from you was sent to my old address(JTrapp18@military.com).

    I sent you 3 e-mails from my new address(JTrapp86@attbi.com), I never recieved any replies (I checked both email accounts).

    If you have any doubt about the 3 emails I sent, I have no problem sending you copies of them, each has the original date of which they were sent. The emails were sent to the address you used to e-mail me with. Since you do not have your email address on you profile its kinda hard to check to make sure I have the right address.

    Comrade Trapp

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