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Everything posted by StoneAge

  1. I totally agree with LLF 20 groups is more in the ball park. Just think of when you are attacking would you move a full platoon and attached weapons teams across a field all in one go (more groups just gives better control). The other things I want are: 1) Setting a delay for when a pre arranged barrage comes down. 2) Some triggers so I can have a platoon in reserve and when enemy crosses x squares start their plan. i.e. paint two areas on map name them, create two plans for the reserve platoon, when enemy activate one run this plan and delete the other.
  2. How many other players started out by "I moved out rapidly across the south towards the Cafe" (wreck), "move and move fast. I want to capture the buildings at the T intersection" (Me). and did this effect the end result of the battle.
  3. The Farm AAR StoneAge (Axis) vs. ~Viajero Allies (Allies) Pre Planning: No movement of troops in set up zone. (Not much room to move anyway) The troops I have to use 3 Sqd's, 1 AT , light MG and HQ (The inclusion of the AT makes me think he may have at least 1 light vehicle, HT or MG jeep) Victory zones, look's like there are three touch zones (North Orchard, East field and South Orchard). One main occupy zone at the T intersection (Intersection / Cafe) and a few occupy zones in the farm complex (SW Barns, SE Barns, NW Barns and Farmhouse and NE Barn). Buildings in the farm complex have very few windows facing my direction. The building do have low walls added most likely making for extra cover for the men inside. From reading the brief I get the feeling that I should destroy any isolated units that I find but a direct assault on the farm may be a bad idea. The Plan: Part 1). The start of the plan is to move and move fast. I want to capture the buildings at the T intersection in the first few minutes and get a quick 30 points as I suspect that the allies will have this as one of their VZ's. Everybody will move quickly to take up their start off positions for part two of the attack. Group 1. is made up of the LMG, 1 Sqd and HQ. Their first move will be across the open field and take up positions in and around the Intersection / Cafe. Positioning the Sqd to cover the T intersection from the left of the building behind the low bocage. HQ and LMG will then take up positions in the (Intersection / Cafe) objective. Their job is to try and prevent Allied units from moving left to right across the road. Group 2. The AT team will move quickly to the centre of the map behind the low bocage. From here they can reposition left or right depending on enemy troop/vehicle’s spotted. Group 3. 2 Sqd’s, 1st Sqd moves directly forward and then sneaks up to the high bocage to put the farm in overwatch as 2nd Sqd move to the left and sneaks into position in the small lane also putting the farm under overwatch. Part 2). Group 3 1st Sqd is to keep the allies pinned down in the farm area. While Group 3 2nd Sqd moves right and touches the VZ in the Trees. Then moves over further right to the intersection. To help defend and set up a base of fire to either side of the road. Group 1's Sqd will travel around the back of the buildings at the T intersection and try and take the VZ's on the far right. Depending on resistance they may cross the field to try and hook in behind the allies in the farm. The most dangerous time for me should be in the first 5 minutes. If there are any allied troops already at or near the T intersection, this could be a very short recon. The Action: Troops moved out smartly and are taking up positions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A single shot rings out from the far side of the T intersection as the LMG runs for the Cafe. Looks like only a single man covering this area, the race is on. As the LMG runs into the café to set up their LMG they are blasted by an American standing just out the front. The HQ hunting into the building right next door do no better, as they get to the front of the building the soldier holding the MP is shot dead. 2nd Sqd turns and starts firing at the two Americans lying in road in front of the café hitting 1. 3rd Sqd who can’t see the men on the road start moving to the back of the Café to hook around behind the guys in the road. As they get to the gate a single shot kills a soldier 4 to 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Sqd losses 2 men (1 with the MG). I am losing the fire fight against 2 Americans in the roadway. Needless to say the plan has gone to hell. 3rd Sqd has split up ½ join the HQ in the first building the second group move around behind the small building at the back and start hunting towards the Café. Where they all die as 2 Sqds of Americans open up on them. 1st Sqd have 3 Americans in view near the SW Barn and decide to take them out. New plan retreat and move the attack back to the left and go straight at the farm. I have spotted 2 Sqd’s near the Café and only 1 near the farm. I expect to find a HQ and LMG somewhere. 9 to 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Sqd open fire killing all 3 Americans in the opening volley. 2nd Sqd is down to 4 men and start to rout out into the field near the South Orchard, right into the guns of the Americans in the front building of the SW Barns and the rear building of the SE Barns (looks like I found the HQ). Lucky for 2nd Sqd, 1st Sqd lay down some covering fire and save them. 9 to 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Sqd moves 1 square to touch the South Orchard VZ (woohoo 10 more points in the bag). At the same time ½ of 1st Sqd run for the SW Barn where the Americans died just a few minutes ago. Still 9 to 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the small amount of fire coming from the front build 2nd Sqd decide to wait 30 seconds then rush the front of the building as the 1st Sqd MG gives them covering fire from the bocage. The other part of 1st Sqd hunt into the back of the building to kill the cowering American’s. Just as they get to the back of the building a LMG from the Farmhouse/ NE Barn starts to shot at them. One of 1st Sqd returns fire taking out both Americans firing at them. 9 to 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Sqd does not make their attack as they rout again. The 4 men out the back of the building instead of charging in and killing the American’s, they hit the dirt when a stay bullet comes their way from the building the LMG was in. At this same moment 2 Americans stick their heads out of the back of the building and proceed to kill all 4. 13 to 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Sqd is totally gone now as 1 is killed and the other 3 surrender. A few minute later they put their hands down and the Americans kill 2 more before they can put them back up. 16 to 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In deep $#&% now. The AT team move over near the gate to put their rounds into the bocage at the T intersection. The remainder of 1st Sqd run to where the Americans lay. From here they go around the back of the NW Barn and collect another 10 points. Then move to the back of the Farmhouse for another 10 points. Only to be blown away by a group of hidden Americans. The sole surviving German starts retreating to the back left corner of the map. 19 to 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 man from HQ and 4 men from 3rd Sqd are in position behind the right building at the (Intersection / Cafe) they are hoping that some Americans try to move into the building. (2 MP + 3 rifles should give them plenty of close range fire power) AT team (out of ammo) has run back to the bocage where 2nd Sqd’s dead are trying to pick up at least 1MG. The lone 2nd Sqd soldier (broken) is trying to move back to the SW Barn to try and cover the South Orchard. Still 19 to 6 – 8 men left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 American moved right into my trap and was killed by the 5 men hiding out the back of the building. 19 to 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 minutes left Collected rifle for AT team and moved 2nd Sqd soldier to Pick up LMG now with a little extra fire power I may be able to try for the east field. Still 19 to 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Sqd soldier moves to gate to lay down fire on the bocage near the Cafe, While the 2 AT guys run down the bocage and onto the road to get into a flanking position. Meanwhile 3rd Sqd and the HQ hunt into the Cafe to take the Americans from the front. Still 19 to 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The men hunting into the Cafe may as well been standing in the road all 4 go down and the HQ breaks to the rear. The man from 2nd Sqd is pinned and 1 of the AT guys goes down without even see an enemy marker. 24 to 7 – 3 men left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time to go all gamey run down the road into the field grab some more points. AT guy runs out into the field gets to the magic green land and drops dead. 2nd Sqd is finally totally wiped out as our fearless leader hides behind the bodies of his dead fiends. 26 to 7 – only me left now -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 minutes to go may as well get this over and done with HQ hunts up to the second story of the building next to the Cafe and is given his final wish. All gone now Wash up: U.S. Army Minor Victory 150 to 85 Somewhere I must have miss counted my dead as in the end it was 32 to 8. U.S. Army did not secure South Field(10) or Friendly Casualties(50) German Army failed to secure SE Barns(15), North Orchard(10), Friendly Casualties(50) and Friendly Condition(50). Bad plan + a little bad luck, getting half your force killed in the first 5 minute, never a good idea. Went for a fast land grab and ran straight into an American kill zone. I should have been happy with the touch and retreated back to the left. Then used all the remaining troops to over power the farm and made him come to me. Things I noticed: * Spelling mistake “farmnhouse” objective name * I had 1st Sqd rout out into the South Orchard and then the last man from 2nd Sqd rout to the back left corner. There may be something wrong with the edge ownership. * I think if I had of been more gamey at the start I could have maybe won this one. Lots of spots where I could have run out and then back into cover with just the AT team and lots of cover fire.
  4. Japanzer, What format is the CSV file in. I have been playing around with some javascript in a browser that allows a user to place an image as a background and then lay the tiles over the image. Then you export it as a CSV. I was going to use a screen clicker to enter it into CBMN but if I can get my CSV to match yours. Could I get you to upload a CSV here as I dont have CM1 installed right now.
  5. this is what it looks like currently 480m x 680m
  6. Started with a smaller battle. I have built the part in green and will be expanding it out to the full yellow area or more.
  7. boche thought you might like this link http://liberty-group.forumactif.net/t2702p15-l-objectif-xyz description of the XYZ fight with map. (In french had to use google translate)
  8. I'm doing a scenario where I want to drop an Arty barrage of 81mm mortars on a tree line about 25 minutes into the battle. Reading the bit from the manual above, it looks like I can do an opening barrage with C2 delay. Is there a way to make this arrive 25 minutes later.
  9. I have this .pdf that is where I got the Tara number from was hoping somebody had the high res of this image or others covering landing zone A on D-Day
  10. Does anybody have TARA_ACIU_140_0334_4125 image or any others of the area around Saint-Martin-De-Varreville I already have the 1947 French survey images and modern Google earth.
  11. If you do an internet search you will find this is a Windows 7 issue and is happening with many games out there using Open GL. I fixed my win 7 box by loading Fraps.
  12. This is where we need a copy and paste ability in the editor. Even if it is used to quickly place a X road, Farm Houses complex or orchard. If we had this blow56 would be able to just copy his map into a new map and be able to keep mapping until he hits germany. Also would make it easier to combine 5 maps that cover the same area into one larger map without having to rebuild 4 of them.
  13. I am currently building a map of the crossroad next to Objective W and the road heading to the WYZ buildings for a retreat battle I am trying to develop, about 1/2 done. if you want to see it when it is finished I can send it to you. I also plan on doing the XYZ buildings for the clearing battle of D-Day
  14. I think you mean Saint-Martin-De-Varreville Battery
  15. I use Target Light never had a problem with them using their personal weapons as I normally don't let them get that close.
  16. Fighting for the Northern Beach Exits The task of securing the two northern beach exits was assigned to the 502d Parachute Infantry, with the 377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion. The 502d was to drop immediately to the west of Exits 3 and 4 in Drop Zone A. The 2d Battalion was to capture and destroy the coastal battery at St. Martin-de-Varreville as quickly as possible. The 3d Battalion was to support this operation, if necessary, and then secure Exits 3 and 4 so that the 4th Division could come up the causeways at H Hour. Is there anybody currently mapping any of this area. I am thinking of doing a multiplayer campaign of the 502 airbourne landing with a few twists added in. ie GM style (extra troops, failed utah landing, agressive germans etc)
  17. bardosy you are saving the .btt into the "scenarios" folder and then you should be able to start it as normal battle. Other than this I have no idea.
  18. Thanks Guys great to hear you like it. I will make Cpt. Clark a Vet the other thing I am not sure I can do with the editor. I wanted to give the 60mm mortars some smoke but could not work out how to do it. I was trying to give the allies as many options as possiable. Using the mortars is a valid option. When we get the british module I will look at the forces again. replace them with poles or british Paras, so the weapons they use are british as at the moment the Germans can have a little too much fire power. (needless to say then I would need to do a mod of british/poles with german jackets with allied helments and pants.)
  19. Do you guys have links to your maps up somewhere so we can have a look at how they are coming along.
  20. I like this idea! you could have players play 1 company each in a group battle then passing orders to each other by email each turn Would this not soon get out of date with cas and all How long do you think each battle should last
  21. Broadsword56 I read right at the start you where thinking of using your map for a player run campaign. I was thinking the same thing. Just mulling it around in my head at the moment and just had a few questions. on a 2 x 2 map how many companies would you put across the 2 km if they where 2 platoons up 1 back. I like the idea of the larger map with just the basics on it as a template.
  22. Hi All 10 minute + 5 Variable scenario for a very quick game. Half American Company vs Elite German Units. Human vs 5 German AI plans ONLY. "The Eagle Has Landed" what I need is a few players to give it a go and give their opinion. - easy - hard - time limit - map This is not going to be an even fight. do it well and you should kill em all get it wrong and suffer badly. Download it from here: http://www.myclubtradingcards.com.au/CMBN/The Eagle Has Landed.zip Wish I had some screen grabs of the map to show you but I cant get screen grabs to work on win 7 prof. Thanks in advance
  23. OH YEAH! I like all of this a must get, will make a big diffrence to the look.
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