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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. whenever i need new drivers or tweak programs i go to http://www.guru3d.com/ if this is an nvidia chip set based card i'd be real surprised if you didn't have a setting to explicitly turn off antialiasing since this is something i experienced trouble with only yesterday with a new nvidia chip set based card, and turning off antialiasing fixed it, i'd definitely find a way to turn it off rather than just leaving the app to make the determination - because in this case it's entirely possible CM is not handling it correctly
  2. i don't see the existence of cmbo and cmbb forcing me to make a choice between them
  3. interesting so you've got antialiasing working with the 30.82's? hmm, i hate to let go of the latest betas (in this case the 41.09's) because they've definitely increased beformance (at least as i care to measure them, which is in terms of frames per second in the other games i play, which are mostly FPS) interestinlgy, anistropic filtering doesn't cause problems at all when i turn it on i'll probably stick with the latest betas and just not run antialiasing since frankly it doesn't seem to make much difference to the CM graphics, which by other game standards are pretty antiquated anyway
  4. i just picked up a new vid card at newegg - good prices and good selection - delivered in 3 days with free fed-ex shipping http://www.newegg.com/index.asp?DEPA=0
  5. i just installed a Ti200 and when i first started up the game i had antialiasing on causes all the menus to come up blank or with just white boxes where text should of been turning it off cured the problem [ December 05, 2002, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  6. hehe, that figures so ATI is even dumber than i thought - they enable it on one platform and not another for what it's worth, i picked up a gold standard gainward Ti200 (comes overclocked to the performance of a Ti500 from the mfg) for cheap that i installed today so i'm pretty much all good now in honor of this momentous occasion i'm going to actually stop momentarily with my slow methodical march down the list of battles and skip straight to Fear in the Fog tonight and play it in all it's foggy glory One side note, anyone else notice that turning on antialiasing causes the menus in the game to disappear? Rather amusing, I fire up the game for the first time with it on only to find I can't get the battle list to come up. My initial reaction, oh lovely, one problem solved and another one introduced. Anyway, I turned it off and all is fine. I'm sure if I did a search I'd discover this has been docuemented elsewhere here. [ December 05, 2002, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  7. no problem - it was certainly worth a try - i'd headed down the same path of hope myself ATI is a silly bunch of boys and girls when it comes to drivers - they've known about this for years and done nothing about it that alone is sufficient reason to stay far far away from them in the future...
  8. perhaps down the road once we've both found our footing in cmbo we'll hook up in a little PBEM..
  9. same here - doesn't work either does manually modifying the registry ATI drivers = caca
  10. sad to say, i tried every variation possible using this software tool with no effect whatsoever i then went into the registry and manually added variations of w, z and table fog in different combinations same results - no fog conclusion (and yes, i've said it before, but i'll say it again) ATI makes lousy drivers because we all know full well the hardware is capable of rendering fog - and we all know that ATI has been told about this issue about a million times Hell will indeed freeze over 7 or 8 times before I ever buy another ATI product
  11. Well, just pulled the trigger on an x-mas gift for my brother - the combo pack He's a WW2 nut and when I described the game to him over thanksgiving he sounded geniunely intrigued, grabbed the demo and wanted more.. Naturally this also fufills another need of mine - someone as clueless as i am that i can hook up with and jointly learn how to play PBEM
  12. my 2 cents, for what it's worth include one forum section for newbies
  13. kan, i'll keep that in mind when i'm sure similiar situations will no doubt arise - thx for the suggestion it does make me wonder also what would of happened if i had given it the targeting command you suggest with MG and then gave it next target orders - would those next target orders apply to the MG or the main gun?
  14. kev, hehe i guess turn around is fair play hey! [ December 03, 2002, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  15. yep, pretty slow on my end as well and honestly, i'm not really terribly frustrated by what happened i'll just keep in mind next time i'm getting into close qtrs with a tank that has multiple available targets (both infantry and armor) i'm having a blast - basically a walk in paris was my first battle - played it from both sides - had a great time now on to the next one (whichever it happens to be that comes up next in the list )
  16. Green Hornet, Agree on last paragraph. That's why TacAI is interesting to watch - sometimes it really does act human. At the same time, I don't consider it gamey in the least to attempt to make my tank commanders do what I know is in the best interest of the overall effort (that is after all what commanders in the field do). And when I tell a vet panther team that they should be targeting the three visible shermans over the infantry they see - that's not only in their best interest, but also their sides best interest - and in real life, i find it hard to believe that would not be a real command given. But back to my original question, which was what strats do folks employ to make a tank hunt forward in CMBO w/o getting distracted by infantry targets. Sounds like the best soln is to stand off and pick your targets or arrange by location to make it so they can't see the infantry. It just so happens on the map I was on, the main flag is at the middle of the map, and if I didn't more closely engage the shermans, they were simply going to control the flag w/o my contesting it, so I had to move one of my panthers in closer. thx for the replies btw!
  17. seems like i read somewhere here that an engine update resulting in improved graphics is slated for the next version of CM is that right?
  18. negrin, for the most part i agree with all the above comments - the confusion of war and all that - and the fact that we have a birds eye view the problem i had with my particular experience was that in real life i don't think a vet panther tank commander would goof off firing at infantry with his main gun while he had not one, not two, but three shermans targetable that's what a machine gun on a tank is for - fire that at infrantry till the cows come home whatever you do, don't sit there firing across the street with your main gun at infantry that can't hurt you while ignoring a sherman i've told you to hunt towards that is flanking you at 75m cause the liklihood of you getting killed by such behavior, even in real life, is high
  19. so, w/o using much imagination i'm basically learning the basics of cmbo by playing the screnarios that came with it in the order they come up in the list so, i've played a walk in paris as the allies and managed a minor victory - which for me was actually rather satisfying because it was rather difficult for me to implement tank tactics against the panthers that didn't lead to a lot of dead shermans - it was immensely satisfying, in fact probably the most fun i've had playing this game so far, flanking a panther with two shermans working for a flank shot that actually worked - much fun just for fun, and to enjoy armor superiority from the german side i played it again and of course found it much easier to win so, what's my question you ask? well, i had a panther sitting on one of the streets basically acting like a rook in chess covering everything that came down the street - killing shermans left and right - the problem i encountered was keeping the panther from targeting infantry and staying focused on shermans - whenever i gave orders to hunt forward in a path that would reveal a sherman behind some trees i often found the panther wasting good shot opportunities because on the way to where i wanted it to go it ran across ground troops it decided to pound with it's big gun rather than shooting at shermans in fact, what prompts this question is the irritating loss of a panther (well, it's main gun was taken out anyway) due to this very failure - a sherman flanked it and got a good shot on it mainly because instead of following my instructions to hunt forward it took it upon itself to turn turret across the street and shoot at some infantry - meanwhile the sherman flanked it and got the shot mainly because it didn't follow my orders i'll be the first to admit that a lot of times the AI makes great decisions and accomplishes kills that i would of missed - the downside though at times is this indepedent initiative is wasted on misadventures against ground troops that led to missed opportunites to take out and in this case avoid being taken out by the shermans
  20. by drop i assume you mean you've played cmbb and decided you like cmbo better and you're playing it instead?
  21. personally i've wondered why there isn't at least a newbie forum with a veteran moderator to answer questions on basic tactics and strategy this place can appear rather daunting to noobs who quite potentially are scared off before they even get past the demo lost rev for BFC
  22. if this were just about in game hesitation i'd say you still need to look into what's going on in the background to make sure you don't have any spyware dropped on your system i'd suggest grabbing a free copy of zonealarm and installing it - it will show you all the programs attempting to communicate in and out of your system - what you would be looking for in particular would be any prog you don't recognize attempting to broadast out that being said, your latest symptoms of freezing up solid starts to suggest possible hardware conflicts - have you loaded anything new hardware wise on the system that might create IRQ conflicts? oh, and this one may sound rather mundane, but have you defragged your drive lately?
  23. i just picked up the combo pack about a week ago i'm starting by playing CMBO - so i guess i qualify as someone still playing BO since i just started once i've given BO a good run and played everything on it i want to play - at least initially (since one could quite clearly play the game for quite some time and not exhaust all of the battles out there) - then i'll turn to BB, which at this point i have, but have not installed i guess basically it came down to wanting to play them in order so as to not be disappointed by BO by playing BB immediately
  24. thx for the short list of mods, funny i was just asking in another thread for just such a list - duh where can i find these? is combat mission hq the place to look?
  25. one follow up is there a listing somewhere i missed of some of the best mods that cmmos does work with? i mean, i haven't given up on it yet, i just haven't gotten it to work after one night of trying i'd love a short list of mods that work with cmmos that improve the appearence of terrain, weather, vehicles, etc - it'd be nice after all to play in a winter setting with the vehicles and troops looking appropriately wintery there's just so many of them that it's rather daunting to figure out this doesn't need to be an exaustive list, just some of the best you feel make a huge impact to CMBO visually and/or sound wise would be great - the one's you feel you couldn't be w/o sort of thing..
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