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Max BrauHaus

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Posts posted by Max BrauHaus

  1. Re: Placing historical outcome in the Scenario briefings

    I am all for this with the current structure. However, when CM2 comes out, I'd like to see scenarios designers have the option of adding a AAR briefing, if you will, that would display along with the AAR results screen. This would be the perfect place to include the historical outcome, and you could compare your results to the historical.

  2. If the above information is to be believed (that the CMBB/CMAK bundle will go on sale November 15), and since Moon said in another thread that the CMBB/CMAK bundle will go on sale simultaneously with the sale of CMAK, I would venture a guess that CMAK will go on sale on or abouts the 15th of November.

  3. It seems to me that the "movie" file that is sent between players is always the same size, so I assume it has enough information in it to display both player's movies depending on which player it is. For us slow-poke modem users, I'd like to see (if it is truly possible) one user just have to send back a password to the other user to allow them to view the movie, withouth sending the whole file.

    Work like this:

    player 1: plot #1

    player 2: plot #1, movie file created, sends to player #1

    player 1: Enter personal password, view movie #1, receive one-time turn password, sends one-time turn password to player 2.

    player 2: Enter personal password and one-time turn password, views movie #2, plots #2

    player 1: plot #2, movie file created, send to player #2


    This may only be a small improvement to the current slow process, but could possibly be used in combination with another suggestion?

  4. One thing I'd like to see more developers of historical "unbalanced" scenarios do is use the optional points setting to try to balance the point outcome. I forget what it is called, but there is a setting in the scenario design that can be used to automatically give the underdog side additional victory points automatically.

    I'd also like to see an addition to the scenario format to have a "historical outcome" description displayed after the game has been played. That would allow you to compare your outcome to the historical outcome. I think it would result in fewer complaints about unbalanced scenarios.

  5. I would like to see BFC chime in on this one.

    Treeburst, I have see what you are talking about in the CD scenario Royal Opponent (I posted in another thread about Hull Down).

    Spolier Alert:













    Basically, the Axis has a number of King Tigers and the Allies have many T-34. Basically, T-34s that won't fire Tungsten cannot penetrate a KTs turret from any range - front side or back. About the only place they can penetrate is the side hull armor at a nearly perfect 90 degree shot. Royal Opponent has many wheatfields on a very flat (pool table) map. To ambush the KTs you have to use the obstructed view of the wheatfields. However, if a KT is in a wheatfield, the TacAI sees them as Hull Down to the attacking T-34 and the T-34 only ever shoots at the turret! And then retreats or usually gets pasted.

    However, as you say, there is a difference between Hull Down Cover and Hull Down Concealment. The TacAI should be smart enough to know the difference and also know they need to fire below the visible line of the wheatfield to strike the tank's hull.

    I think this is a limitation of the Hull Down designation that needs to be reviewed.

  6. My question is one of LOS vs. LOF. Wheatfield should not block me from firing at the lower hull of a tank, but being able to see it. But a smart TC (Regular +?) should know enough to be able to target the turret, lower the barrel, and fire.

    But the TacAI seems to assume that if the tank is Hull Down (LOS) that it must be behind an impenetrable object, and therefore fires (with futility) at the turrent, or wholesale gives up and retreats.

  7. You don't have to be behind a little lump or in a little dip in the ground to achieve hull down. Hull down is relative to the other point or spot. You can be hull down to point A and exposed to point B, C, and D.

    I understand an agree with the second part of your comment, but there has to be some sort of obstruction between point A and point B for the Hull Down condition to occur, right? The example I am stating is a completely flat (pool table!) wheatfield. Two tanks in this wheatfield are considered hull down to one another (or so I experienced in Royal Opponent). Check out the map to see what I am talking about.
  8. I'd like to add to this question:

    Why is a tank considered hull down (when firing at it) when it is in a summer wheat field? I can understand that you've lost some visibility to the hull, but an attacking tank can still hit the hull with AP through the wheat (and should be able to aim at the hull - aim at turret and drop gun 5 degrees or whatever).

    My problem with wheat listing a tank as hull down in summer wheat is that the TacAI then seems to believe that it cannot engage the tank's hull.















    Playing Royal Opponent (excellent fun in a PBEM game as long as you like applying hit and run tank tactics by the Russians) there is a lot of flat terrain, and much of it is covered by wheatfields. Axis has many (10+) King Tigers and the Soviets have probably equal amount of IS-2 and 3 times as many T-34 43s.

    At least twice I got the drop on a lone KT from the 90 degree side with 4-6 T-34s. However the KT was in wheat and therefore the AI believe the KT to be hull down. The result? The T-34s attempt to fire at the KTs side turret armor which cannot be penetrated by the 76mm (as well as the turret slowly turning toward the firing tanks). However if they were smartly firing at the upper or lower hull through the wheat, then penetrations could be very possible.

    Therefore, does there need to be a Hull Down for visibility separate from a Hull Down for cover?

  9. My suggestion was to revert to most of those items that give a squad experience in the 1.3 rules - namely infantry casualties, mortars, etc. BUT, I like the simplification Biltong built in by making individual kills less important. I wouldn't suggest +1 for every casualty caused, but +1 if any casualties are caused, regardless of number. This makes squad experience growth more predictable; easier to manage.

  10. Eden,

    I am leaning to agree with you on this point as you've described it. Although I still think the 1.3 experience could be tweaked, it should definitely include for infantry kills. Maybe if any infantry casualties are caused or recieved it should be +1. That would separate out the troops that sit through a battle without making contact with the enemy from those who were on the front lines. The Favor calc. you suggest is very simple. With that -50 to +50 spread per battle, we would just need to make sure the "cost" of using that Favor is balanced.

    On another note, I think if players believe the Force Multiplier calcs make the BCR too easy, either the Handicap modifiers should be looked at (again), or some people should start playing at a higher Player Experience rating. As an apparently crappy player, the rules need to be usable for a range of capabilities, and I haven't seen that the current rules in this area make it too difficult. I am still playing in July, so I should be able to get some wins under my belt - I'll wait for the winter to get my arse handed to me.

  11. I had a "BCR Experience" today that you wouldn't normally have in a standard 30+ QB.

    I rolled a 40+ ME that the Soviets just wouldn't give up on. They streamed down Manstien's dry riverbed in the Fork and I beat them back with arty and MGs. I moved up and took the VL, but by turn 35 was basically out of ammo. By turn 40 the Soviets were encroaching again, and the battle eventually extended out to 49 turns.

    From turns 25 to 42 I had firm control of the major VL, and would have ended with a Major Victory. 43 to 47 or so it would have been contested, but still could have been a Major Victory (I caused many casualties). At turn 49 the Soviets had beaten back my ammo-less men and they took the VL, leaving me with only a Tactical Victory.

    Lets see a standard 30+ QB out of the box result in that kind of swing.


  12. I don't think you are doing anything wrong (quite the contrary if you are capturing so many prisoners, you must be doing something very right!)

    And the Favor system may not reward too many points, but maybe it is too cheap to use the Favor to improve future battles.

    What I am saying is that we need to look at the balance of how many Favor points we receive, and the "cost" of using that Favor. If after one battle (in which I had only minimal success) I can use Favor with my CO to have him delay the next battle, I think that is a little unbalanced. I should have to show by repetition that my decision should be trusted - basically, I should have to fight a few winning battles to have enough Favor to adjust certain things.

    Now to determine which things, how much, and how long. All of the easy stuff. ;)

  13. Quasimofo,

    That may be a conversion problem. In Excel, the formula being used is HLOOKUP, which allows me to lookup from an array of dates using the month (L24) and week (L23).

    I don't know if there is an equivalent in Quattro - never used it. If the cell value is a number and not a formula, then Quattro may have just set the value to what the Excel formula evaluated to when you converted it.

    Hopefully some other auto parameter programs on the horizon will be less tied to a program or platform.

    Everyone - make sure you are changing L22, L23, and L24 to the date of the next battle. The other dates are for the previous battle only and do not affect any parameters except the next possible date.

  14. Apache,

    From those results it would seem something is wrong, but I just tested with the 1.4 version and got an Allied Assault on the third role.

    The only modifier applied to the Battle Type is the date, and in all of November there is only a -1 modifier, making this the basic probabilities:

    Axis Assaults - 20%

    Axis Attack, Probe - 10% each

    ME - 30%

    Allied Probe, Attack, Assault - 10% each

    In late December it gets much more skewed to the Allied Assault/Attack because the modifier is +4 by then.

    The reality (of the rolls) is that Aug onward there is a pretty good chance of being on the defense (up to 40% until December at which point it is more like 80%).

  15. I guess it depends on how Favor would have been used in a real war situation. Would you start complaining to your CO about the date of your next action without first knowing his plans? That'd be a sure way to loose favor! (As far as that goes, should you be able to affect the date of a Defensive action?)

    And likewise with the size of your force, why start deploring for more when you don't know what you are going to have for the next attack.

    Replacements are different, and may be a good place to make the player decide beforehand. I imagine every commander was wanting the best replacements possible, and probably told their CO on many occasions.

  16. The replacements' experience is calculated using (56) Normal Replacements (unless it is an Immediate or Counter Attack). So the value may not be zero, could be higher based on the roll.

    Biltong has revised this portion of the rules significantly and will release them this week (Friday), but based on your questions, I think he does have at least one clarification to make.

  17. Regarding ways to limit the experience gain, my thought was that applying a diminishing returns modifier, like square root, to the experience would help out. So a squad that manages to inflict 4 casualties gets 2 pts, and one that manages 25 will get 5. Even truly massive amounts of damage inflicted would only result in 10-12 experience points gained. This gives a slight experience bonus to units having a really good round, while most units will slowly work their way up 2 or 3 points at a time.

    I'd like to voice my support for this idea, at least when it comes to infantry casualties. Square roots may at first sound difficult to deal with, but just consider that a table could be provided for everything up to 50 kills or so, just like Biltong has provided a table of random numbers. And automating it is a breeze. ;)
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