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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. Yes, sadly the way the trees are deployed is a bit limited, but as M. Falaise says creative use on maps helps out quite a bit. I don’t think there’s anything that can be done with the actual models since the large structural base model branches are the same for each type and a change will effect each type in its entirety. In the other games there’s a little more variety which helps, and, if I recall correctly, I think that CMBN has a vacant tree slot - possibly something to do with the newer game engine it’s now using, but to exploit it would need some coding I guess. What would be good for CMx3 is trees that can be deployed with some random height variation built-in, something like a variation of 20% larger or small would work wonders for this.
  2. Great pics again jamxo! I always like the look of the Marder III as well, it’s got something of the chopper or e-type Jag about it. Great for keyholing and ambush.
  3. LOL Sadly can’t mod those for you M. Falaise. But I think we should get them on the wish list for CMx3. A walk down a country lane isn’t complete with out small birds zipping from hedgerow to hedgerow, at least until the bullets start flying! This is so true. For all the greatness and grittiness of films like SPR they never really captured the dazzle of a countryside in it’s full green glory. A mod for lockdown ...
  4. LOL I can’t tell you how many hours I spent doing exactly this! Something quite distracting and utterly absorbing about a deep landscape. Thanks for the great screen snaps.
  5. Been having a bit of a rest from trees and stuff, but seeing it in action is always a pleasure. Them Doughboys get bored of chasing Jerry they can always pick some flowers! Have fun!
  6. You’re welcome. Do let us know how you get on with JSGME when you have time. Enjoy!
  7. Hi RMM, yes. I had to go and take a look to refresh my memory. I suggest you get the read me file here and if you just want to get started with the easy chuck-it-all-in-and-forget version it’s as you say the _1 file here. So, the ReShade presets are for the game and video post processing software called ReShade. What it does is to take the video out feed from your game and applies effects to it on the fly in real-time. If you have a decent graphics card and CPU you can run it on the CM games to add extra effects to the game like depth of field and colour tone mapping or grading. It’s what makes some of my screenshots look umm different. Head over to the ReShade site and take a look, then if you are interested you can give it a go, it’s pretty easy to install and the presets are there to give you a start. One word of warning though, it’s a complete time drain, if you get into using it you can spend hours just tweaking the settings instead of playing the game! I have literally spent hours just wandering around maps in CM with ReShade enabled just admiring the view ...
  8. I think you’ve probably gotten your answers here, but to reiterate some of what’s been said. With my Hedgerow Hell mod I provided a simple chuck-it-all-in-and-forget version, at various resolutions, and a more complex pick’n’mix version where you can drill down into the various types of object, be it trees or bocage, to customise your game. The chuck-it-all-in-and-forget version can just be put straight into your Z folder, folders and all, to override the game default and anything that is alpha-numerically BEFORE it in your Z folder. Just choose which resolution suits you and off you go. With the pick’n’mix version you can mix and match resolutions and model types to get a more custom approach. The best way to use the pick’n’mix version is to first install one of the chuck-it-all-in-and-forget versions at you preferred resolution, then to overwrite the various parts you don’t want. If you mess up you can always just drag the whole lot out of your Z folder and start over, no harm done. No, it’s good to be clear about this. My personal approach is to have subfolders within the Z folder that contains each type of mod eg Buildings, Roads, Trees etc you get the idea. This can be as complex or simple as you like, so long as they are in the Z folder call them what makes sense to you. Within these category subfolders I put individual mods in named folders appended with the mod makers name so I know which ones I’m using. I have one special folder in the Z folder called zztesting, or something like that, which I use just to test new mods, this will always override the category folders so makes testing new mods easy. Treat the animation the same way as any mod, and yes if a folder called animations makes sense to you then do that. And if you’re a real glutton for punishment you can just stick all the .bmp .wav etc files loose into your Z folder, they’ll work but maybe with some odd results once you collect a mod or two or a thousand ...
  9. Sadly seems like there are still issues with your pics - try imgur.com for hosting them, it seems to be one of the most reliable. Thanks for the mods, great to see some alt death poses
  10. Thank you kind sir, always a pleasure to hear from an old lag. You and Ez were certainly responsible for setting this particular ball rolling, along with M. Falaise of course. I don’t know what happened to Ez, I was in touch with him a couple of years back when he helped me with some uniforms, but that’s the last I heard of him, I think he was occupied on some other projects. Anyway, thanks for the history, good to see you around.
  11. @Erwin what a royal pain ... do you have access to another graphics card you can try in your new rig. Doesn’t need to be anything special just another card. Or you could try taking the existing card out and running the rig on integrated graphics if your CPU supports that. The game will generally launch on integrated graphics, might just be a bit clunky. Basically try to isolate the new GPU as the issue. Can you beg or borrow a card from someone? Another idea might be to go onto Amazon and buy yourself a cheap nVidia card - 1650 or 1660 - see if that’ll run without problems. You might get the reactivation stuff come up because of the hardware change, but support should be able to help you sort that if needed. Again the aim is to isolate you current card as a hardware issue - once you’ve done testing just return the cheap card to Amazon as non-compatible, might cost you postage is all.
  12. Yes, I have to apologise to @Panzer Lehr for high jacking your thread, should have just answered and left it at that. Sincere apologies to you and the community.
  13. Hey @Ales Dvorak There are some command line tools for the Mac for doing what rezplode does. If you are happy using terminal they are quite easy and do what is needed. If you are in need I can send them to you. I keep meaning to see if I can integrate them into an AppleScript to give them a bit of a GUI, just haven’t got around to it ...
  14. Bo*locks, bo*locks, bo*locks, blah, blah, blah More bo*locks, bo*locks, bo*locks, blah, blah, blah Yeah, alright, you’re the big cheese, you can have all the toys in the sandpit, you win, whatever. Aren’t you wonderful ... first to the ball Laughing at you always ...
  15. The GTX 1660 should be fine on 1080, and give you head room if you do go up to 2K in the future. Couple with your choice of CPU you should be good to go.
  16. Yep, everyday, not a throttle in sight. Oh, and guess what, I use it in the real world to make money, gosh if only they knew what I was using to get some money off them. Honestly, you talk like you really know what you’re on about, I should take your stellar advice and ditch the tool that enables me to work. No, you didn’t intend to give the OP anything useful in your response cos you failed to understand that he/she wants to buy an iMac. Oh and you don’t actually have any real experience of using one neither. The nerve you struck was my BS nerve, can’t stand it when that one’s twanged by someone spewing it. And if you don’t really care to write nonsense essays then don’t - read the question, ask the questioner what it is they want if it’s not clear, and offer advice based on something you actually know about.
  17. If you are certain that the rig is only going to be used for CM then your setup should do well enough. Couple of things to think about, what size screen will you be hooking up to the GPU now AND maybe in the future? The 1660 is no power house, I have the same in my solely for CM gaming PC and it’s served me well running at 2K resolution, and, although it’s capable of 4K, I rarely use it at that res, would probably look elsewhere if that was my preferred resolution. Having said that the in-game GUI is not optimised for 4K so there are other issues if you go down the 4K route. It might be worth your while looking at a second hand, older, but higher end GPU. Remember CM is based on an oldish engine so in terms of GPU - newest ain’t always necessarily best. 16GB of RAM is more than enough. SSD does help with loading times, and it’s generally helpful in the OS so, yes to that, but make sure you have a backup drive of some sort, and also somewhere to store all those lovely mods ... If you’re happy to stick with Intel then the CPU will be fine. I don’t know about AMD CPU’s someone else will likely come along to advise about those as a possibility. Really don’t need to go overboard speccing a rig just for CM, and as you rightly point out the CPU is really what determines how fast the game computes stuff. Good luck
  18. Oh dear, where do I start ... Hahahahahahahah - that’s me laughing my head off in case it wasn’t clear. I shouldn’t really dignify this with a response as it feels like you’re probably trolling me, but I couldn’t resist, the whole point of trolling I guess. I thought you might just be joking however couldn’t detect any humour in what you said so here’s a very serious response for you Boy. You might be up for some kind of wang measuring contest, my experience is bigger than yours etc etc, I don’t know (of course if you haven’t got one - a wang that is - then apologies, we don’t have anything to measure), But I can see from your own statement that you don’t use Macs, or am I making an assumption, you did say I don’t buy Apple. Do you use them but don’t buy them, perhaps in a professional setting? No? Thought not. I have used Macs for too long to even count, 30 years perhaps. I have used PCs for nearly as long. I choose to use Macs cos I like the OS and my work apps are Mac-based; I play CM on a PC because I prefer the way an nVidia card renders CM; I also play on a Mac because I prefer the way I can develop mods on a Mac, and it means I can test on both platforms; I use Macs professionally; I use PCs professionally; I don’t advocate one over the other, unless there is a REAL fact-based and/or experience-based reason to do so; I have built PCs and Hackintosh Macs; I know a bit about some of this stuff. How big is yours? I don’t need to look at the cooling of an iMac, I can actually experience using one since I have the nearly exact same model as the OP was asking about, do you? I also have a PC right next to it and I can compare the two when running the same game and scenario in CM. Guess what - there’s not a spit between them and the iMac doesn’t crap-out ‘cos it gets hot, it just sits there quietly doing it’s thing, as does the PC. Now if I were to run some other fat-ass game which wants to eat my GPU then granted I would probably not play it on a Mac, but we are talking about a game engine that is a decade old and has, by modern standards, pretty low requirements. So you do yourself a favour, gets some real world experience of your subject before making claims you can’t support other than by regurgitating some irrelevant dross you read online. Oh and remeber, you are the one who asked me why I said you don’t know what you are talking about, I can’t help it if the truth sting a bit.
  19. ‘cos we never really got rid of the bug*ers, did we Andrew? Still, third time lucky, hey Charles?
  20. +1 Yes to this. And when you’re done get in touch with @Bootie to host it on the CM mod warehouse or the few good men, he will advise you best about it, you can PM him.
  21. This will probably be the case, but at the current rate of release, you (PanzerLehr) probably only really need to worry about this if you’re planning to keep the iMac for more than three years. As an aside I would hope that BF are looking seriously at optimising the next game engine to leverage the power of the new M series of chips that Apple are developing. If all that we’ve seen so far is to be believed these chips are capable of some quite amazing stats, and could really upset the chip market.
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