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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. To an extent yes, it's only suitable for summer months, there are no tagged textures yet for autumn etc. Also other titles have some different textures - extra long grass yellow in RT for instance - which BN doesn't have. But on the whole it'll work, and if you are happy to duplicate and rename a few textures you can cover for what is missing eg BN has five tree types whereas RT has seven so duplicating a couple of textures and renaming them can fill the gaps. I do intend to make sets for each of the the WW2 titles to cover at least all existing textures and all seasons. These could then be used in most of the modern titles though SF2 does have some unique models and texture types which don't appear in other titles so far as I know. Someone would have to adapt and/or add a few extras to cover those.
  2. For sure. It's very intriguing, will have to try it out.
  3. I don't think it is a texture, and yes I absolutely agree with you re the slow down at setup and deployment, it can be grievous on bigger maps especially with lots of units, trees, buildings etc. I've got no suggestions I'm afraid, like you I try everything to get around it. Best I can suggest is to turn all the graphics settings off or way down quality wise until deployment is done, then crank them back up.
  4. I can neither confirm or deny such rumours ... You can grab the Hedgerow Hell mod which has some very lush foliage. Am in the (slow) process of making a newer set of trees and bushes; bit hampered by health issue at the moment so progress is slow unfortunately. You're absolutely right that the original ingame trees etc are all about simulation. They function but don't really give a sense how complex LOS is in real life, especially at ground level. Any trees I make are purely aesthetic though; but since their effect on LOS is hard coded into the calculations, as you all have pointed out to the OP, it doesn't really matter, it just hopefully adds a bit to immersion.
  5. There are ways and means to get quite a lot more objects, the biggest problem is making them and getting them to work. There's quite a lot of empty 'slots' in the Flavor Objects palettes in the Editor, not sure if there's a limit to the total number of different objects the game engine can handle. @RockinHarry (you out there sir?) did some experiments with the Flavor Object palette and figured out that by reducing the size of the selection button we could get even more objects; I've yet to try this out but it does present the possibility of even more objects. The modelling side is quite taxing, can be very hit and miss, but there are some great mods already made. I hope that when BN hits Steam we will get a new injection of modders and enthusiasm, especially wrt the 3D side. Anyway, I'll get this one wrapped up as soon as I can, as a version 1 for Mr Pye's Berlin mod pack, then we'll try to get something out that will work for all the games.
  6. Hehe, one thing at a time my friend! Yes this should all be translatable to BN and FB et al. I just did a quick ground texture which, though needing work, does a fair job. It's uses the ground dirt ploughed ns.bmp and scales quite well if used sparingly and with lots of other textures around. Still using the burnt crater and a new burnt flavor object of some branches ... BURN BABY, BURN!!!! Enough for today as it gives me a rotten headache, but nice to get something new started ...
  7. Well a bit more faffing around, trying to remember how to do stuff in Blender - it's been a year since it's last outing! I made a quick and dirty flavor object of a burnt patch using the same texture as the burnt crater. It doesn't scale too well and I've discovered that flavor objects can only have one-bit alpha masks - very annoying since it means edges won't nicely blend - more economies in favour of circa 2010 CPUs and GPUs I guess, sigh ... I suspect there's a way around it but it may involve very complex masking, otherwise it's back to plan A which would be making a ground texture - maybe something like ground rocky red.bmp could be used; then adding flavor objects in the form of burnt debris to create a bit of 3D-ism. Anyway that's for another instalment, for now here's the Halbe pocket aftermath - and yes I know they should be pine trees, I just haven't made any yet ... Thanks for the wrecks @JM Stuff Odd shadows - burnt tree still shows full foliage shadow despite being a flavor object with no foliage! - some weird coding going on here ... BURN IT ALL!!!!!
  8. Hehe! Thanks JM, I'll grab some of your wrecks and drop the trees into a Berlin setting for better atmosphere in the next screen grabs. Thanks. No ash on the trees ... yet. The texture for the trees and the hole in the ground were just some quick experiments I whipped up last year. They need a bit of finesse. And as you spotted the burnt patch did actually go under a wrecked vehicle, originally a quick mod made in a discussion about dirt roads ... Never really resolved how to make it more flexible, ie something we could place anywhere whether it be a road, a field or a city street ... the way to go is probably make it as a flavor object, but I've not yet been able to get back to it on account of waiting for a cataract operation (v.soon now). The trees are also likely to manifest as flavor objects as well. I made a quick attempt and it was actually quite successful. The texture will be reworked and one or two will probably feature ash, a burnt pine would also be good. Trouble is once I start to look at this I can see we then need a burnt bush or two, some burnt brush, grass, weeds ... endless. We'll see...
  9. Rummaged around in my previous experiments box and found the burnt tree - it's not really finished and would really need some other burnt textures to go with it for best effect. I made a quick and dirty crater mod that gives a nice burnt hole in the ground, works quite well with a large crater but ALL the other craters will be burnt as well. In the long run it may be better to have a flavour object that represents some burnt stuff. Anyway it does make me wonder about a new landscape mod ... Total Destruction®©™ - War is Hell®©™ - type of thing, lots of burnt terrain textures, destroyed vehicles and smashed buildings ... here's a few pics of what I've mashed together ... Small tree type - kinda works, texture a bit smeared. Would be nice with some of @JM Stuff's burnt wrecks... Tall tree - works well for this one, textures can be renamed for any of the tree models - just a case of experimenting ... Large tree type - mmm that's better, big craters as well ... It burns us ... More work needed but it's getting there. These are all set for Spring with the spring mod tag so they show up in Berlin 1945, again more tweaking could have them show up for any time of year other than snowy winter. That's as much as I can manage for now folks - not long till I'm fixed and back to it I hope ...
  10. Where the Iron Crosses grow ... Does it work on the demos? If it's not version specific that is; some, if not all the demos are not the most recent game engine. It may well be that the same patch will work for all the current games since the engine is supposed to be unified now. Some brave soul might feel inclined to try it ... Thanks for the explanation.
  11. Thanks for the vidjoe - nicely chaotic btw. I have no idea what I might use this for, but I can see that some folks might have fun with it. Does it work with pbem games if both players have the cheat engine thing and your patch installed? Question to @womble - how are time extensions handled wrt AI plans - does the scenario designer have to include extra AI plans if they make an allowance for a scenario having extra time?
  12. Can you also reverse time? This is for PC-only I presume. Can you show a video or something of this in action? Might give folks a little more confidence that it's not going to empty their bank accounts ... I would try it but am not at my PC and don't have a clue as to what 'Cheat engine' is as I'm an 'onest gamer guv.
  13. Great job Kuli, thanks for adding fresh food for us mod sluts.
  14. I'll see what I can dig out for you ...
  15. Oooh what a grim scene- in the best possible way of course. Reminds me I did do some experimental burnt trees, I can send them over to you if you'd like to try them out? They weren't finished but might just work anyway.
  16. Hehe, there was me thinking "I don't remember those pics in his book ..." Nice job!
  17. It was those same edited sets that we meddled with a while back. I still owe you the CMFI set btw. If you still want them let me know. Cheers Mr Parrot. On the shoulders of giants ... let's hope that our esteemed creators @Battlefront.com keep coming up with the goods, without them we would all be poorer
  18. Great new set of images N! I'm PMing a link to you in the next 30 mins or so. Trams ... we'll see
  19. Fo'sure. Maybe when I get my new eye I'll give it a go, would certainly add to the atmosphere. I already have some other ideas for creating a bit more 3 dimensional rubble for you. Hehe, it looks way worse than it is. I'll load up a fully expanded set of brz's for you to pick over, you can grab what you want then.
  20. The BRZ's or the Mac mod tools? Nice pics btw, Unter den Linden never looked so good! Do we have any of those wrecked trams the Germans used as barricades? Reckon it could be a nice flavour object addition.
  21. Hi N, you were in the same quandary back a couple of years re BRZ files, there is a set of Mac tools for opening them up, you can get them here. They're pretty basic kinda command line, but they get the job done.
  22. Apart from hefting it around ... Nor I, which scenario is that in? Sounds like a contradiction, must be painful ... You can adjust the overall graphics settings in the game options menu, that allows for adjusting 3D texture and model quality. When a game is loaded you can adjust 3D model quality with the { and } keys. In game click the Menus button in the GUI to display the hotkeys menu button (and others).
  23. Thanks for your kind words Sir Vacillator. I will one day apply myself fully to a set of mods for RT assuming Messers Putin and Xi don't bring about the end before I get the chance.
  24. I am all SSD, have never suffered issues that I would attribute to being so endowed. I'll take the scenario for a spin see what happens ...
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