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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Killing no, but decapitating is somewhat overdone, wouldn't you say?
  2. Hmm, that would have brought any Fallschirmjäger or Landser before the court martial during the war and on the gallows after the war, but okay.
  3. Yes, the Brits and Australians in Burma 1944! That would be epic. Much overlooked, but extremely brutal fighting. A Pacific game would be a nice break from Europe/Russia.
  4. Of that I am convinced. CM is US orientated, which is perfectly understandable since it's a US company, but I think there's some difference in what most Americans would like to see released and what most Europeans/Asians would like to see. CMBN for example started with the US forces, although the Brits bore the brunt of the fighting in Normandy (no disrespect to the bravery and sacrificies of the US forces intended). But it probably would have been a commercial disaster in the US, when the base game only had contained Brits/Canadians. The same goes for Cold War. Most Europeans, including myself, are very happy with it, but only because it means sooner or later it will bring other NATO forces. If it would only be US and USSR and nothing else, I would be less enthusiastic. But hey, it's fine that a US company first serves it's own public, as long as other countries also can join the que. Hopefully the day will come that all theaters of war have their own game. It's perhaps also worth considering to adopt the strategy of Panzer Campaigns and produce modules about certain battles or periods (Kiev 1943 this year btw and two other eastern front titles), although I realize for CM that would mean much more work than for a relatively simple concept as Panzer Campaigns.
  5. I really hope Slitherine has another point of view and will have some say in it. If done properly Blitzkrieg 1939-1940, North Africa/Tunesia and Barbarossa-Stalingrad would be bestsellers, of that I'm sure.
  6. I think you're making an excellent point here. One of the reasons CMRT didn't sell as well as CMBN is that the forces and timeframe are very limited.
  7. First time I watched the CMBB demo I was appalled by how ugly it was. A couple of weeks later after buying the game it was the love of my gaming life. That will never change.
  8. Although it must be 40 years ago when I read this book, I can still remember Klaus saying: 'protection through speed? What kind of quatsch is that!' He was talking about his Leopard I tank, if I remember correctly.
  9. Of course I'm joking, old boy. Nothing wrong with your English. Write that book! I just don't share your enthusiasm about the holy hand and his communication. But I very much would like to avoid continuing that discussion.
  10. As always I have a good feeling about your words, without understanding a word you're saying, my friend.
  11. As always I have a good feeling about your words, without understanding a word you're saying, my friend.
  12. A Finn mod for CMRT would be doable. They used of course lots of different vehicles, but that could be restricted to Russian and German tanks, plus German assault guns. Even a module covering the Continuation war from 1943 on would be superb.
  13. Now that sounds like a bone. As an Ostfronter I would welcome Kursk and beyond (even) more than Barbarossa, especially if it would enable us to simulate the battles of the winter of 1942/43, including Stalingrad and Charkow. What really surprised me about Italy was that despite a base game and two modules the Ghurka's and French Arab units were not included. Fortunately MJ joined the fray with his splendid Goums mod, but that's not how it should be.
  14. Now you're talking. I think a Finns module would be quite popular.
  15. Yeah, well, he didn't rule out anything, but it ain't ready yet.
  16. That's not what Steve said today, Probus. Probably another 4 weeks.
  17. I'm convinced you were in no way also to blame for that disaster, MJ...
  18. If that's a polite way of saying I'm beyond saving, I fully agree.
  19. I would like the option to add fallen soldiers. In the past people were often offended by that suggestion, but this is a wargame.
  20. According to my therapist there's progress, MJ, not much and very slow, but he's convinced I can leave it behind me some day. My left eye stopped twitching, so that's a good sign.
  21. I must admit not even the sudden release of Fire and Rubble could have taken me more by surprise than your post, but thank you.
  22. He slowed me down, so I had to execute him.
  23. To be fair, Steve and Elvis always have been very patient with me. Even though they have been bombarded with requests to remove me permanently from this forum. So no complaints there. I'm one of the few critical forum members, but my arguments are always based on facts. Also in this case. I've become a Don Quichote charging towards the huge BFC windmill. What I hope to achieve by all this? That BFC frankly admits that the handling of FR has been a shambles from beginning to end and a sincere apology, instead of denying what happened and ridicule those who are upset about that.
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