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Posts posted by JaegerMeister

  1. oh, another thing, when starting an operation or even assault scenario, when selecting your turn 1 prep bombardment, should'nt there be an 'estimated front line' position marker to give you a rough idea where to drop your shells.

    It seems absurd that an FO/recon team wouldn't have spied out the approx enemy positions prior to the assault.

    I just started the 'Blitzkrieg' op as Germans and i get a vast empty landscape to try and predict where to drop my so-called prep bombardment.

    Some kind of clue as to enemy dispositions would be more realistic, without pointing out individual positions.

  2. Not sure if this already implemented in game, but troops should be able to shelter behind vehicles/AFV's from small arms fire, ie the classic infantry grape behind advancing armour, used by both sides..maybe you could alter the 'follow' command, so that if you select one of your own AFV's the squad will walk in behind it, but if you select enemy one, the command works as before.

    This would be very realistic and aid in assaulting infantry positions.

  3. Right here goes guys, hopefully this helps, its a direct qoute from a book titled "Fighting Techniques of a Panzer Grenadier".

    "The SDKfz251 drivers were prepared to simply ignore or drive through small arms fire, but the

    presence of enemy artillery or AT guns usually forced the halftracks to seek cover.The squads machine gunners might well engage targets on the move,as could the rest of the squad if necessary from the sides of the vehicle. Often when advancing, the SDkfz251 could utilise a motorised version of fire and movement, advancing, stopping and firing to cover the other halftracks. A halted halftrack provided a decent fire platform but was extremely vulnerable. As a result, it was not recommended to stop for more than 15-20 seconds in hostile terrain. The normal dismounting procedure was through the rear of the vehicle. However in emergencies, the squad might well jump over the sides. This was often performed on the move at slow speeds"

    The book does go on to say though, that after the initial few months of Barbarossa "due to the heavy losses suffered amongst the halftracks when accompanying tanks into the heart of battle, the Germans quickly resorted to de-bussing at least 400m or so in front of enemy positions"

    Hope this helps people out !


  4. Hmmm, a mixture of opinions ! I stick by my guns in thinking that it should be a tactical option, risky if AT around but worth it if it had the intended 'shock' assault to capture the objective,

    especially early in war.

    I have a book at home in the loft called 'Panzergrenadiers'..i'll dig it out and let you all know what it says on tactical doctrine (if it does).

    And, i think its a bad feux-pas if you cant shelter infantry teams behind AFVs from small arms fire in CMBB.

  5. Erm, some of you are missing my point, i'm not talking about driving a HT with full speed with the troops firing off wildly on a bucking bronco.

    I'm talking about the 'shock tactic' fast assault/de-bussing ontop-of enemy position...you wouldn't de-buss 100 yards outside cover and then leg it across open ground in full view of enemy..you would use the HT to get you to that cover, all the time providing suppressive fire from its 1 or 2 MGs !

    Does CM simulate cover from a vehicle ie troops sheltering behind AFV? I'm not sure it did in CMBO. This would help assaulting infantry positions greatly.

  6. Perhaps i'm wrong then, but i thought it was common practise to use the HTs as mobile firebases taking infantry right upto the edges of villages or woods to de-buss them into the nearest cover/buildings ie the common pictures of grenadiers leaping over the sides, firing from the open top and getting out of the back once the open space had been covered. It puts them right ontop of the enemy rather than having to close across open terrain. Seems logical that they would do that, they are not travelling that fast, other than the risk of grenades being lobbed in.

    I tried a panzergrenadier attack mounted in 4 HT's on an infantry position holding a small wood, i had to attack across open fields to get there and i used Pz4's for suppressive fire, but the whole company & the halftracks got wiped out easily at close range. Surely there should have been some kind of 'shock' bonus for the position being hit that hard?/overrun (this was in CMBO)

  7. Does anyone know if mounted infantry are now able to fire their weapons whilst embarked now? In CMBO, i thought it was a bad innacuracy that this was not possible. Halftracks should get a fire or suppression bonus when a full squad of heavily armed grenadiers are mounted in them, and you should be able to emulate the attacking 'Blitzkrieg' tactics of a platoon of laden HTs assaulting a village or objective, with an 'all guns blazing' drive right upto it, dis-embarking the troops 'right ontop' of the enemy.

    Am i incorrect here or should it be simulated? Anyone else with experience positive or negative about this?


  8. Why cant the guns be re-crewed? I've read plenty of wartijme accounts where single crewman stayed at their gun firing, even when the rest of the crew were incapacitated.

    Surely it would be more historically accurate for any crew remainder (unless panicked) would return to an undamaged gun and continue the fight if feasable to do so ?

    Could this be done in a patch if others agree?

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