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Everything posted by Cambronne

  1. I think I saw somewere a screen with French partisans(FFI,FFL ,whatever it doesn't matter) I cannot remember where, perhaps it was a joke made by someone(but a well polished joke) perhaps it was a dream,but I expect to see the partisans in the first release. After all, if there are irregulars in CMSF why wouldn't be in CM Normandy?
  2. I am playing now the "Hearts of Iron" grand campaign where the land battles are fought with CMBB.The results are imported into the HOI by simply editing the savegame file.
  3. the case was of german air supremacy wasn't it?somebody posted here that even witn NO RAF in the air the landing would have been a sure failure. As about no AA ammo,Yamato just got full at her leaving for Okinawa and there is no clue as far as I know thar her smaller companions were short of AA ammo.At Midway there are records about strong defensive AA so I doubt they were short of ammo too.I don't know about the ammo suply of the Force Z,but from my knowing Repulse was upgraded to an AA cruiser so it should have more AA ammo than a regular ship. The nearby ports to shelter the ships,I assume you are talking about the asylum and repair ports to run to after the ship is severely damaged.In that case there would be no difference,since the attacker's goal would be either to sink the ship,the ideal variant(for them of course) or to take it out of action for the rest of the campaign.So a crippled ship somewere in a port under repair for months is as good as a sunk one from the attacker point of view.
  4. C'mon do you really think that the British battleships could have faced the endless air raids of the Luftwaffe???! And survive enough of them and in a state good enough to deal with Bismark,Cavour and Cesare. Admiral Tom Phillips may have had the same thought when he left Singapore in December'41.A ww2 battleship is easy mark for an air attack for God's sake! If 10 Battleships are getting crowded into the Channel this is the heaven for dive bomber pilots.They would be at the bottom of the sea in the first day. No matter how passionate you may be of the Royal Navy,if the Axis had air supremacy,their chances to get the invasion fleet to the British coast were good enough to worth a try. I have to repeat myself,with no air cover Akagy, Kaga and Soryu were out of action in 5 minutes,PoW and Repulse in 1 hour,the monsters Musashi and Yamato in a few hours.Why would I believe that the other big ships of the British Fleet would have more luck?
  5. Perhaps it is more accurate to talk about the Axis rather than Germans.The Germans were not alone,the British were.The Italian Regia Marina would became available for the invasion,counting that the British Fleet is withdrawn for the defence of the Channel. Italians had 2 Battleships in summer 1940 and about 10-15 cruisers. Their Regia Aeronautica and land army proved feeble but the Navy could help the defence of the invasion fleet from what English ships would have escaped from the Luftwaffe.So I definitely won't bet the island would have been safe in case the Axis put the whole weight on it.
  6. Attack by day would-obviously-take advantage of the air supremacy.Even if they attacked by night it is not a sure thing that the British would have intercepted their communications. Until mid 1941 the British had only partial breakthrough of the Enigma. Bismark was already commissioned in august so it could have supported the invasion fleet in the second half of the month.As about Tirpitz you're right it was not available in 1940,but was in 1941. There is no need of the whole Luftwaffe to wreak havoc on the main ships of a surface fleet.At Midway three of the four carriers were put out of action by the Enterprise dive bombers alone in just 5 minutes.And they would have been sunk way earlier if the zeroes wouldn't have provided a powerful aircover.The story of prince of Wales and Repulse is well known,they were at the bottom of the ocean in one our.Even the mighty Musashi and Yamato didn't survive more than a few hours to air attacks and were down at a price of about 30 aircraft combined.The big ships of the British rescue fleet could be decimated before the encounter with the close escort. Again,you took my post as if I said the succesful landing was a SURE THING provided the air supremacy.Far from this I am just trying to show it would not have been a SURE FAILURE as others stated.
  7. well,if you think like a 17 yr boy...you may be just as smart as one
  8. haha...Jon,you are just like my little cousin that tries to contradict me by saying:"You,stupid!" And he is 17 yrs old.
  9. firstly,the RN would have attacked the channel by night while the Germans would have crossed it by day.Secondly,the germans would have close guarded their invasion fleet with cruisers and Bismark and Tirpitz battleships. So while the Luftwaffe was dealing with the big ships of the Royal Navy,the small boats and destroyers which escaped the aerial attacks were easy mark for the German navy. I am not saying that this would have happened that way but it could have happened. So the afirmation that there was no chance for the Germans to land on the island seems a little exaggerated.
  10. humm...it seems the propaganda nowadays is much more powerful than the nazi one.No kidding...many people in our times think about the ww2 germans as about evil murderers determined to kill everibody.Strangely,from the tales of my grandparents and of all other older people that I been talking to,it seems the germans had an impeccable behavior in all respects.Well now..who should I trust...?my grandpa or the official propaganda??
  11. oh,please don't give me false hopes...!!! As about Normandy hurting the British...I guess that everyone who wants them all will sooner or later buy them all.But I doubted the ww2 fans bought all modules for CMSF.I,for exemple,bought only the base title just to see how the new engine worked and I do not intend to buy any module at all ever.On the other hand I will buy every little piece of the ww2 modules. Isn't it funny...I'd rather play ww2 games even if we lost that war,but I am not very attracted by the modern war where "our side" won. I suspect some kind of masochistic behavior here.LOL
  12. Smaragdadler,in your post I saw the T-55-1970.I simply cannot find it,the only nonstatic T55 I can find is the "1974"one. Where can T-55-1970 be found??? Thanks!
  13. I won't pay for a "cherry picking" feature in CMSF at all,but I expect it to be included into the price of Normandy title.Oh,boy..!!! The CMx1 QB system was almost perfect! We could even import maps and OOBs from scenarios and edit them into the QB ...remember...???!!!
  14. I bought no module.I got only the base game just to see how the new engine works and now eagerly waiting for the WWII game.
  15. hm,I t think that the cost is related to weapon effectiveness not to the availability in the field.I also thought that conscripts are conscripts for every side(ie the German conscripts have the same reaction time as the Soviets conscripts). With all these I still cannot imagine how the same tank can have different values for each side.And more,how a tank in the same army can be bore expensive than the same tank 1 yr ago..?
  16. ha!The German conscripts are better than the Russian conscripts?? By this,CMBB seems to confirm the racist nazy theory. :confused: ...just joking.
  17. Why is the captured Russian Pz.V A(early) significantly cheaper than the German one??? They seem to have identical capabilities,even the Russian one may have some extra tungsten rounds.So where is the "price" gap coming from? Would a battle with the same number of this vehicle on every side be unbalanced??? On the same note,generally a tank bought for the German side is more expensive than the same tank bought for the Russian side(of course I'm talking about the captured vehicles which are present in both armies). Even more,the same tank in the same army has different cost points all the way from 1941 to 1945.For example,the conscript Matilda 2 in august'42 is 54 pts. but in august '43 the cost is 69 pts.Any clues?? Maybe I don't see anything...
  18. Ok So,after all,can we get some info about which tank in this game has night vision and which has not?A list or something...?? It would be useful for scenario editor.Or do you think I should test a night battle with T55MVs or T62Ms to find out what kind of optics they have and how good the optics are...?
  19. it can be seen how the optics and track status are missing.They are probably beyond the bottom of the damage report screen but we need to be able to scroll it down in order to see them.The problem is that only 9 equipments can be seen at a glance,if the vehicle has more than 9 systems we have to scroll down to see them.
  20. OK,so I just have to look into the "damage" panel to find out if the vehicle has night vision.But in some cases the weapons controls,optics and tracks,being at the bottom of the damage report screen,cannot be seen .We'd have to scroll down the panel(which is not possible) to see all systems.And this being the case of most Syrian tanks in the game it is still difficult enough to make a selection for the battle editor. If you know a way to see all the equipments on the vehicle please tell!
  21. It is written in the manual that some of the Syrian armor have night vision googles.But I haven't seen the tanks panel having the NVG symbol.Even if the vehicle is said to have IR Optics,the NVG symbol is not present.Some of them don't have any clue about what optics they have since in the "damage" panel it is not specified,or cannot be seen(like T62M and T55MV).The manual sais that all T62s have night vision but where can I see in the game that they have indeed? The 72 and 75 versions of T62 seem to have normal optics instead of IR optics so I don't know what to believe... As for the M1 tanks they all have the night vision symbol on the panel and it is also specified in the "damage" panel that they have IR optics so it is crystal clear about them.The problem is with the Syrian tanks.I would like to have some trace,something to know if the vehicle has or has not night vision capability.Thanks!
  22. when starting the game I get a dialog saying that CMSF is attempting to load ffdshow.Should I use it or not? I have XP Version 2002 SP3. Thanks!
  23. But it's becoming more and more obvious that what Hamas wants is a greater number of civilian casualities.And from the moment the public opinion realizes that hamas not only it doesn't protect the population but is happier with every civilian casuality(preferable children) the PR victory is doubtful.Now everyone knows that when hamas,fatah or whatever are about to be military defeated they start to promise everything in the world in exchange for peace. And after a break used to rearm and regroup,they start again with self-destroyer bombers and missiles shooting.And do it endlessly.The real challenge for Israel would be when Hamas,on the brink of the abyss,will cease rocketting Israel.Because,even then,the IDF would have to keep up the offensive to deliver the final deadly blow to Hamas.And in that case Hamas would say"look we've stopped rocketing Israel,now why are they keeping attacking us?" This will be e very delicate moment for Israeli army and diplomacy because militarly they would have to keep the pressure,but diplomatically they'll start to feel the pressure from the international community and media.Personally I'm eager to see Israeli strategy and diplomacy when the missiles stop coming from Gaza into Israel.Will they stop,or will they finnaly charge home?
  24. Yeah,BF knows about the convoy request for a couple of years.Still no sign they are going to fix it.Maybe too difficult for them!
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