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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by daringly

  1. I think this option is not working as you intended. During the start of the axis turn, I kill an allied fleet. I then save, reload, and kill an army. When I end the axis turn, the allied report will show an army lost. It will NOT show the fleet lost (or any allied losses occuring before the axis player saves and reloads to continue his turn.)
  2. Play with FOW on. With bombers, you can spot your opponent's fighters, but he cannot see you. This makes the defense of your island easier, and provides "gang-bang" opportunities, once Germany lookes East.
  3. Hubert, you had an observation that I think is worth repeating... If Industrial were not the top research choice, the others would be more balanced. What if... No tech could reach level 2, until at least 3 others reached level 1? Before Germany gets level 2 industry, it would have to research level 1 jets, tanks and anti-tank. A restriction like that would not only slow down the German juggernaut, but increase the employable game strategies as well. If, in addition, tech points could not be re-assigned, there would be a lot more strategy (and less luck) in the assignment of tech. Outside of the tech issues, the air is the main remaining "problem" (which I consider bigger than the tech issue). Historically, German air was superior to the minors, France and Russia, but not crushingly so, and at a disadvantage against the Brits (due to the focus of Brits on air superiority, versus the German fighter/bomber). Sadly, in this game, Britain does not really have an option to contest the skies, either in france or over London (unless you employ Iolo's strategy of massive disbanding of fleets and sac bombers to build HQ and fighters). The problem is: the air war in SC favors the aggressor. Attackers get more experience per engagement, and they choose the conditions of the battle (full versus weakened, and with Germany, always with an HQ). German air fleets attacking france have 2-3 turns of experience before, and xp of 2-3 points when raiding Britain. The virgin spitfires get chewed up, and cost more to repair than Britain can lose to german fighters. Consequently, Britain's (and france's) best strategy is usually to retreat fighters, don't contest the air for the entire war, and keep them in reserve. Similarly, Russia can't use its air until it has had "batting practice" against the Finns, and then only in a limited theatre where it believes it has numbers over the Germans. As the game is now, the realistic defensive options limit the game, and reduce the pleasure of playing. Britain simply can't defend its own airspace against experienced air fleets. If I were designing the game, I would consider very minor changes to the game. I like your ideas on tech (with giving the allies a point or two more starting). I think the American MMP amount is fine (as all they are). But if defensive air fleets are "fixed", so that they on average, inflict equal losses on the attacker, the game will be much more playable. In an "even exchange" scenario, Germany will lose more air to France, Britain and Russia. With increased losses, Germany won't be able to afford 10+ airfleets. As a "scenario" I would volunteer to test with 10 pbem players, I would want to try these rule mods: 1. Russia starts with 3 tech points 2. America starts with 3 tech points 3. Intercepting air has its "kill strength" increased 50% versus air targeting ground units (Air units attacked on the ground should be punished, for getting caught on the airfields) Tech is a minor problem, but not NEARLY as big a problem as the "airfleet snowball experience" issue. If the game is balances, so it is worthwhile to commit airfleets to defense, the game will be much more interesting, and strategic options wide open.
  4. To me, the two most important things for a game are: 1. Measure of skill between opponents, and 2. Replayability. Some sense of historical accuracy is a bonus, but not as important. Immer Etwas said "Think about this. If there were NO research advances at all, the game would be less chancey, and based more on relative skill. If you slow down tech advances somehow, then luck still plays a part, but is not so intrusive." The trick for research is to balance 1 and 2. While the game is "balance enough" so that most games are won by the more skilled player, there is a mad variance, where the game is decided by deviant research results 1/6 of the time. Germany with lvl 5 Jets and Industry in 41 butchers the game. The research doesn't need to be "slowed down" tremendously. But avoiding the extremes of research (both positive and negative)would make for better gameplay.
  5. In many games I have played, most of the technologies are never researched (nor do we even consider researching them). The problem is that "Industrial technology" is by far the best thing to research. There is a race for this (usually led by Germany), followed by Jets (again led by Germany). England can't even consider most items. Two ideas... 1. When you get a technology advance, you automatically lose one research point. That will slow the race down slightly. 2. Rebalance techs. Either change the costs of researching different things, or have a chance to develop something you are not actively researching (areas of focus, instead of "Jets, Jets Jets! Throw out this pesky uranium thing you found, it doesn't build jets!) As it is now, there are a lot of interesting techs out there that never see play, because to research them in 39-41 is to surrender early.
  6. I haven't seen a problem with Germany having too many air fleets, until the game is already decided. There is a problem however, that defensive air is useless. The fact that both Britain and Russia flee from German fighters is indicative of a play balance problem. Regardless of the cause, it limits the allied options (and later the axis options) which not good. A3R determines the loser's casualties, and then the winner takes half. Could something like that be implemented? Or in the alternative, air which is intercepted automatically attacks its ground target at half strength?
  7. In "hotseat", the "Report" with Fog of War on, will only show casualties since the last load. If you kill a unit, save the game, and reload, it will not show any units killed. Also, shouldn't units which start a scenario in a fortification (e.g. Maginot) begin entrenched, instead of designated as "German Practice Target"?
  8. Yes, I am a gaming nerd. My first wargame was Squad Leader at age 10. I sucked at it. Then I learned 3d Reich, and from there, any wargame I could get my hands on. Way back in the days when BBSes were popular, I wrote an online strategy game called "Starclash" which was played, one player at a time, on the WWIV BBS system. I am a big A3R fan. I was a playtester for the research rules, as well as Rising Sun and the Global War. And now, I'm hooked on SC. Can't wait for the next version(s).
  9. Both the french and british navies are much more valuable intact, than scrapped and respent on technology or forces. A full strength battleship will give you 60 mmp. The entire french navy is worth 220? I *promise* you I'll do a lot more than 220 mmp damage with the french fleets, as well as possibly hinder Germany's attack on France. And disband the Royal navy? That sounds like a formula for disaster. Even if things go badly in France, and England loses most of its air and ground forces, her navy makes it difficult to quickly take England. If your invasion is slowed from 3 turns, to 6 (to take London), England wins. I do like having the flexibility of doing weird things, but curiously enough, the "historical" paths work fairly well in this game. BTW, does anyone else notice Italy declaring war much earlier, if french forces are pulled out of the Med?
  10. Before anything, I would like to thank you Hubert. As a hardcore A3R addict, this game is the equivalent of digital crack-cocaine. For those of you making play suggestions, be SURE you play with "Fog of war" on against a human opponent. It is nearly impossible to invade England in the time allowed, with a competent defense (unless Englang overextends in France). The one difficulty I have with the game, is that defensive air is nearly useless. If you have 2 air fleets, each at same readiness and experience, the attacker inflicts about twice as many hits as the interceptor. Additionally, an intercepted air fleet does not have its raid significantly reduced by interception. My two suggestions are: 1. Equalize defensive air fleets with offensive (and versus strategic, give it an advantage) 2. If offensive air is intercepted by anything, either cancel its offensive mission, or reduce the "effectiveness" of the air mission by the strength of the intercepting air fleet. 4+ German air fleets on any front are bad, not because they kill ground units, but because they decimate intercepting air. If there is an equality between defensive and offensive air, Germany loses a LOT more air both early and late, giving the axis player a greater challenge (as well as the allies in the late game, with their overwhelming air).
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