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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Hortlund

  1. Ahh yes, you vile slayer of heroic JpzIV crews, I will have my revenge yet. And know that as soon as I can be bothered, I will post the tragic tale of the heroic veteran Jagdpanzer and the vile communist faceless hoard...
  2. Can anyone tell me what he is...? SSN, serf or squire? (surely he cant be a knight)
  3. That reminds me Panzer Leader you owe me a setup...remember? But I suspect you will keep on fleeing before me, like a octopus slithering away in the ocean, spewing lies and distortions in your wake in a cowardly attempt to evade the truth. Yes, much like a girl (a girl mind you, not a Lady, for indeed, a Lady never needs to argue since she is always right) you jack-knife from argument to argument, jig direction randomly and erratically like a shoal of Argument Fish being followed by a Truth Shark. Yes, I AM the truth shark, and you ARE the argument fish. And it is fearsomely difficult to land a blow of logic on your pathetic skull because by the time I've let loose a hammerblow of truth and logic, you are not there anymore. We have all been through the same thing with our wifes or girlfriends. You know where an argument about who does the dishes most of the time gets shifted into the cost of that new processor you bought last year, and from there to who got up early most this week and then onto the drinking habit of men in general, via the noisome sexual keenness of some former girlfriend, over to the dreaded you-left-the-bathroom-door-open-four-times-yesterday-massacre and, "When was the last time you bought me flowers? You dont love me anymore, do you?" all in the space of about seven exchanges. 'Arrrrrrgggh! What are we arguing about? Can you just decide what it is and stick to it?' Yes Panzer Leader YOU ARGUE LIKE A GIRL. And I will not have it anymore. You know bloody well that you owe me a setup since well before Christmas last year. Now I'm calling you out, like the pansy assed girlie you are. Send me the setup you owe me or forever hold your peace.
  4. Well, I would post something, but then someone would probably just think I'm mean or somefink.
  5. Now, lets see if I manage to express this thought in English. *looks at the screen for a while* *looks out the window* *nods* *returns focus to the screen* Ok, here we go. Anyone who considers leaving the MBT just because someone tells them to, or wants them to, probably should.
  6. Hiram...may I call you Hiram? Or would you prefer some other epithet? Because trust me there is a wide variety of nicknames you could chose from. To list but a few...pillock, git, carrot boy, Susan, Optimus Prime, Rambo...yes there are indeed many nicknames avaliable. So please, if you are uncomfortable with me calling you Hiram, I suggest you select any other name, (preferably the one which you want to be called), then tatoo it into your forhead, snap a picture of the tatoo, and then mail that picture to someone who cares. I have read some idiotic ramblings in this Mutha Beautiful Thread, but yours are...well, pretty much as idiotic as the rest really. But STILL there must be something I can say to make you realize just how silly that post of yours is.... Lets try this. Imagine a small town in Turkey right now. In this town a man lives together with his wife. Every day the man goes to work, and every night he comes home. His wife spends the days tending to the garden, and doing other housewife-stuff. One day, the wife realizes she needs a new bucket. This because the old bucket is ...getting old...or somefink. So she calls her husband at work, and says Darling, can you pick up a new bucket on your way home, we need a new bucket. And the husband replies Yes, sure thing honey. Now imagine that right before the husband leaves work that day, he picks up the phone and decides to dial a random number in Sweden. By chance he dials my number, and he explains in great detail (in English preferably) that he is on his way home from work, and that he is about to buy a new bucket for his wife, he proceeds to tell me what store he will buy the bucket in, what kind of bucket he plans to purchase, then he starts explain in even greater detail the history of that store and how many buckets that store sells on an average day. Can you imagine how little I would care about that man and his bucket? Good. Now multiply that feeling by 10^27 and you will know exactly how much I care about you and your post. Now SOD OFF [ May 26, 2003, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]
  7. Can this really be true? Did an olde one just say that 10% of my posts have some kind of point? And since I have posted... *checks stats* 1015 posts so far, that means a staggering 101,5 posts of mine has had a point according to the Olde Ones. WOHOOOO HAAAA how about that you all you other tards!! No one of you have ever posted anything whatsoever other than pointless drivel.
  8. Lenakonrad. The only reason I'm not writing a post right now telling you pretty much exactly what I think of you and your mental problems is because one of the olde ones told us to give you a break and be easy on you. But you should know that you are not really *bites tounge* Never mind.
  9. "Is mom and dad the same person" Geez, you really ARE a lawyer arent you?
  10. Mom, dad, grandmom x2, grandpa x2, great grandmom x4, great grandpa x4, great great grandmom x8, great great grandpa x8. Is that enough or do you want more?
  11. Well, there is one mod I would like to see. Or maybe a series of mods. I have been toying with the idea of trying it myself, but quickly realized it is well beyond my abilities. I would like to see ambush camouflaged StuGIIIG's, JpzIV's and HT's. But not only painted that way, but with tree branches hanging on the sides. If you have seen pictures of StuGs from Normandy you know what I mean. I had been thinking of taking tree branches from some tree mod and add them as a layer on top of a ambush camouflaged AFV. Is that doable, or is it just too complicated or would it look ugly?
  12. 289 posts...someone do the honors. (unless you actually want me to spawn yet another creation)
  13. AAARRGGHHHHHH What are you SAYING man!!?? Have you no SHAME? No sense of privacy? *vomits violently* Oh ... oh...the pain the pain...Never before in the history of human communications has there been such a dreadful image conveyed, as this...this *vomit* ..this dreadful image of you and your "size twelve" and Boo The mental image is too much...must wash...eyes ...with iodine.
  14. Oh ... ah well, I guess that 500p quickbattle is out of the question. Never mind, 'tis just a game. M'lady I do thank you for bringing that smile to my lips though.
  15. Oh dear Lord. In between laughing so hard I think I might have broken a rib, and twitching in pain identifying with the feeling of having so much booze so close yet so far away for such a ridiculous reason...one thought kept coming back to me. What goes around comes around. Consider that locked fridge as the poetic justice for your gamey flank shots on my KT's Pillock.
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