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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Yeah, that's a nice diversion JG(N.Ger. landing). With Axis control of the seas it will be a tough expansion, unless Allied bombers appear in earnest numbers. Air trumps fleets.
  2. Is it possible that these new units could be abstracted attachable assets for the G-strategic scale? Imagine in the build queue that you are able to attach these elements to a chosen unit type to enhance the target data described above by ev. Maybe you could add these to a controlling HQ unit so that in-range units acquire the attributes. Perhaps during gameplay these parameters can be attached or detached to qualifying units, resources, cities, fortifications, etc. Obviously with the flexibility of the SC engine these units could be separate entities on the operational scale. Now with roads and railways available, could we see a possible expansion of the editor into the tactical arena? The way I see it, there are many possibilities, abtracted or specifically applied. Try to think outside the box, we know we can count on HC and the betas to.
  3. Are we going to get a forum for this expansion or leave it here? I've got some questions and some comments/suggestions. Let's get this started, since we have some time before release, maybe a little tweaking can be accomplished.
  4. Are we going to get a forum for this expansion or leave it here? I've got some questions and some comments/suggestions. Let's get this started, since we have some time before release, maybe a little tweaking can be accomplished.
  5. You got to be fricken kidding me!!! :eek: I'm buying, cause that's what I am, a consumer. How about hexes???? :cool: Hexes allow you to double my price.
  6. Thanks DD, I only wish I was worthy of the human status you have reached, truly you are a man of the people. Keep up your health, watch over our Vets, and we will continue the struggle to make sure they get their just do, ....but..alas... we will never be able to return their sacrifice. Memorial Day is everyday for the living and the fallen, remember it so my SC brethren.
  7. Hey guys, just wanted to reiterate what Rambo has posted about my withdrawal. Just not fair to the tourney for me to continue, so I must bow out for the present. I'll be back after hurricane season, hoping only for epic swells, no destruction. :cool: Good luck to all and thanks to ND for a first round struggle.
  8. CRAP!!! This was a great game, loads of fun and it was even, ND is more than a worthy adversary, maybe it is I that should concede? :confused: ND are you a chem E undergrad? Don't you just love differential equations, electromagnetics. Hang in there, it'll take you far.
  9. Excellent Edwin, absolutely realistic. No need for an extra tile or a loop arrow, although with present game mechanics that is a possibility. Uboats should be able to transit the Med through Gibraltar straits with the same "silent running" feature that would make the open water corral, through surprise contact, obsolete. DD ...amazingly thorough answer to Liam's question, interesting, 5 carriers to Uboats, that's on par with USN subs' Pacific performance. Correct me , if I'm wrong!
  10. Perhaps we should have an ASW upgrade ability to ports on the level that triple A can be assigned to resources presently.
  11. Ah Ha!!! I've seen this MO before, way to go Jolly, I believe you're in control.....for the moment ......anyway. Good Luck!
  12. Good point HR and I have to agree. Perhaps it will be fixed as Baron also presented a good case. One thing to ponder is the "10th Flotilla". Historically, a UK deployed force of 15 U-class submarines, based out of Malta. Could they have been supplied by subs running the straits of Gibraltar or clandestined operations through Turkey, ...elsewhere? Are there other possibilities? Common sense dictates that Malta should be neutralized at this point, but we always need to examine the alternatives, especially in the "what if" venue that SC provides.
  13. Try it at the intermediate level, + 1.5 experience to the Allies. I believe that is what Bill designed it for. A good test as the Axis.
  14. Maybe its a trade off Baron since Tunis never seems to get supply reduction from a resilient Malta. If you got it down to zero, the garrison cannot reinforce, take them out and capture the place, you've done the hard work. :confused:
  15. Thanks Terif, that "Summary:" applies to the stock market and life in general also. All you downtrodden, "Listen Up!"
  16. Well now, the real TJ reveals himself, a man of grievances. Don't fret, you've got plenty of company.
  17. Thanks Blashy, as I agree with your assessment there's not much to elaborate on. My perspective was one on more patroling and single unit engagements which obviously don't happen often in SC2. Speculating on what HC may have in the future, I can see where surface raiders would contribute to my perspective. We can only hope. What is truly astounding is that Hubert continues to dabble with the SC2 features, its amazing! What a value the SC series has turned out to be, a credit to the developer's committment, a most refreshing and rare commodity nowadays. Hubert, can I make a charitable contribution on your behalf?
  18. Hey Blashy, did you ever do anything about the cost of naval repairs? IMO, it is too expensive to keep the naval warfare going, perhaps if we could get Hubert to only allow a one strength reinforcement repair per turn per docked fleet at a cheap rate, it would be more realistic.
  19. I would ND, but we already have a game. If I make it into the second round(doubtful) I want to play this mod with my opponent, forget Fall Weiss, its getting a little long in the tooth. Way to go Blashy!
  20. Thank you Liam....just an opinion............and you do know what they're worth.
  21. Sorry Retri, didn't mean to present an airs,.....reading my statement(off the cuff), I can see where it might have been taken in an arrogant light.......my humble apologies. In short I agree with the vets' consensus. "Leave it alone", yes it could be improved, but for simplicity's sake, it gets the job done.
  22. I'll chime in on the other side, Terif vs Terif Allies 60%, Axis 40% win percentages. My thoughts are the winner is decided by the luck of tech and diplomacy if both opponents are exactly equal in abilities. That leads me to conclude the game is balanced. It is very easy to examine individual games and assess an apparent bias, but in actuality it was usually a crucial hit of diplomacy or tech, or a number of them in succession that has caused one side to gain the upperhand. Occassionally timing of tech/diplo can look like a game is completely skewed to one side or the other if an experienced player knows how to make full use of the opportunity. While the other player subjected to the extreme duress of being behind makes a crucial error. Hence we see many games end early.
  23. Rockets are transportable in SC2, but the force limitations inhibit the Allies, other than USSR, from their practical use. Now if they are considered as artillery then the force limitations, especially for USA, would have to be increased for the Allies. If you check the annals of artillery's use in WW2, you'll find the USA had a very effective contingent. It wasn't known as the "queen of the battlefield" for nothing.
  24. So true, Terif. I find that two equally knowledgable opponents usually end up grinding it out as the clock runs down trying to secure one of the victory cities. A lot of times its Paris, sometimes Moscow or Rome, to a lesser degree London or Warsaw. As the Axis you're essentially given 4 victory cities, keep them and get a draw, add London or Moscow and you get the victory. As Allies just keep your beginning capitals and add Paris, IMO the easiest to liberate, or maybe a surprise capture of Rome.
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