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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Boy was Jack Nicholson right. The reason you get lied to SO is because you and the rest of us idealists: "CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" and that is the truth.
  2. "The answer for me: Be taken away by a Utopian society of Aliens and leave humanity behind" Sorry ole Blashmon, there's a suggestive character fault demonstrated in your subliminal intolerant nature. In short...you have "Bla****ude"....which precludes you from being a part of our civilization. But...perhaps you'll evolve? :cool:
  3. OK...okay ...Terif....that's enough....we don't want to give the farm away!
  4. See why I say the bombers are the most important unit in the game. :cool: So Terif...those 3 bombers are too expensive...eh? Not only can they isolate the battlefield, they can reduce supply levels to nothing, but even these features are secondary to their recon ability. If Jolly would have had a Red Bomber, perhaps he would have seen the juggernaut coming.
  5. Its over! Sorry Tim, you violated the "prime directive". You lost "The Island".
  6. Good stuff SO and you are so right. Perhaps seazones could be better, but I kind of like the manuevering of my naval assets in the tactical role and after all the sea is nothing but a desert of water. Eventually we'd like to entertain the thought of having the Pacific theater, so if seazones are a better fit, then I'm all for it. I just don't have any experience with seazone mechanics. How do they work? I used to play a board game called "The Hunt for Red October", coupled with "Red Storm Rising" had some nice strategic features of both land and sea. I would really like a naval system to capture the essence of "The Search", since it seems that was the most influential dynamic of the sea battles.
  7. As I understand it the bombing of roads doesn't really do anything, units would still move along them at 1 AP per tile. Here's where I'm going. Road interdiction was a very widespread event for preventing the movement of reinforcements into the combat area. Remember the Panzer Lehr's trek to the Normandy battlefield in the face of Allied fighterbombers. Now I don't believe foot infantry would suffer the effects, so they would remain at 1AP along a road damaged or not, negating the weather and terrain. Here's the kicker, if motorized units only paid 1/2 AP per undamaged road tile you would introduce a new strategy for both defender and attacker. The defender could station motorized reinforcements further from potential combat zones in a sort of reserve pool to service many areas and not use operating MPPs. We'll call this an operational reserve. Obviously the attacker could try and damage the road net with air units, damaged roads would recover automatically each turn. Now SC has two types of reserve deployments, operational(road/closer to the front) and strategic(rail/further from the front).
  8. Hey Waltero...got an extra seat? I'll bring the popcorn! Oh yeah...all this talk of Gods....I've got a question. Since the scientific proof, simply the night is black, supports the universe had a beginning, could someone explain that to me? "The Beginning".
  9. So Gentlemen can you sidestep the ND and let us know if there is a different AP (movement cost) for nonmotorized units vs motorized using road movement? And elaborating on that for different weather conditions?
  10. Arrogant with a touch of brilliance....I'll buy that. Good summation SO.
  11. Well I guess I'll explain this for the umpteenth millionth time. All field combat organizations from all nations of WW2,(and even today) ...well at least the majors, had assets that were not attached permanently to them. Those assets were available in routine and special combat circumstances. Among other things, anti-tank, anti-air, and artillery combat formations were juggled from organization/theater to another depending on the operational needs. A couple of other attachment type units were ....yes you guessed it ....engineers and paratroopers....imagine that. They were special type units that corps and army formations could request for certain strategic needs. Now....do I need to explain further. Do you need some historical examples....or perhaps your intelligence is sufficient to "GOOGLE". So they are a viable historical represented abstraction in SC of Hubert's design decision. I'm OK with that. Perhaps you can sway HC's design parameters with a rational presentation of an alternative, but regardless the units are in for WaW. Don't like it....go play something else!
  12. Here I am dreaming of the new unit strategies for WaW and what do I get.........negative vibes.......... Just can't help it can you SO? Always pessimism and sending out those negative vibes. Now I'm completely bummed out! One of the few enjoyments I'm allowed on this planet, playing SC and interacting on this forum........but NO!!!!! We have to go and ruin that too! Always whining and crying, you humans really take the cake. If y'alls ancestors would have acted this way, they wouldn't have discovered crap. They'd have been to worried about facing the unknown, what with no HealthCare, and poor ole blind Sam on the corner selling pencils doesn't have an Ipod to listen to, and the world is too warm, and ....and... AAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!! Someone come shoot me....please.
  13. Easy Blashmon, you know what short memories your kind possess. What's that game??? The one where someone starts a story and passes it on to the next person in the line and by the time it gets to the end its all misconstrued. Or these humans always delegate the important things to someone else.......they probably all thought it was anothers responsibility.
  14. Yeah I remember Targ, but now we have some additional ideas working, so I'm kind of looking for an update. Presently, I'm thinking more like October. Just trying to get a fix so that I can either start some new SC2 games or wait. And by the way, hows your take on CEaW with the new patch, other than the Med region?
  15. So guys, it seems we have units that can conduct 2 attacks per turn. Artillery, Tanks, and ???? was that TAC also? I'm wondering is that in lieu of additional movement or in conjunction or not at all? Upholding the ND, could possibly you elaborate on the dynamics of attack and movement for various unit types? I would be particularly interested in the features revolving around "Special Forces".
  16. "Okay, we hope you get saved." Well...thanks Rambo, a nice gesture. Actually I do practice "self-preservation". I guess you could consider that some form of conservationism. And after all that could be concluded to be on the path of being saved. So...yes... it seems I'm on the journey! Thanks for the affirmation.
  17. So Hubert, I'm not getting my panties all in a wad here, but frankly the forum is all about a bunch of nonsensical philosophy, discounting the AARs. Now I'm needing to get started with some WaW scenarios, since I'm awaiting these humans to get to their next quantum leap(presently in a quagmire of debate), it sure would be nice to get rolling into unravelling the secret strategies. Sooooo.... when might we get our hands on this puppy? Nothing specific mind you, a generality will do...subject to change of course.
  18. "@SeaMonkey --- So you saved or what?" Saved? From What?....no.. no ..I'm "or what" I'm "used"
  19. Ha! What a bunch of crap! You humans sometimes forget that you are a bunch animals, subject to the laws of nature. Sorry, some of you are very admirable creatures, but in the end, well you know the scenario. Open up your fricken eyes...you all created this. Yes I helped, but I had to...to stay below the radar. Look in the mirror, guess what,,,yep!.... the creator, that's him looking back. I know you recognize him, billions of them out there, some are spreading manure, some are existing...that's the way...the law, you're not above it. Your a subject of the universe and the physics that govern it, but you do have choice. And for the most part, your specie has thrived,.... so have many more, better than yours. There is tragedy and elation, the successful species don't dwell on it, they continue on. And they don't get there by serving up "Lip service", which undoubtly humans excel at.......me too Your trying to convince each other of your persceptive.....well seeing is believing and that's what I'm doing, observing.(primarily, with a little nudge here or there) But eventually the debate must end if you want to accomplish some real progress....... then you all start to work together...simple physics. Until then: "Time....Time...time....is on myyy... side.....yes it is."
  20. Atta Boy JJR, giv'em both barrels. You too Rocko I'm just finishing a 16 hour day.....maybe in a couple of hours, hell that makes 18, haven't slept or ate. I'll be back at daylight, already got about 60 hours in this week, and it ain't over till monday. I feel so sorry for the bums.
  21. Crap all over y'all. I knew these new units would work, that's why I kept pushing for artillery, simple deduction the rest would follow. Got to think outside the box!
  22. So much for my "round'em up" strategy. Guess I'll have to build a bigger corral. :cool:
  23. Don't you just love the SC2 script feature, so applicable and yet so flexible. This game is better than TOAW.
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