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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Well everyone has implied it, so I'm going to say it. I think ultimately it would have been Japan's attack on PH that rings in the USA and German conflict. As was historical, I believe Hitler would have honored the stipulations of the Tripartite Treaty and DoWed the USA. And yes Canada would have been an ally, as well as China, Australia, NZ, India, SA, and any surviving FF, UK/CW elements, not to mention the USSR. Now the hypothesis is, would the USA have been swayed to emphasize the European theatre over the Pacific? That is the 64 thousand dollar question.
  2. An interesting "what if" for SC's campaign editor? I'm talking the current SC.
  3. stahlwolf, haven't checked my email in a few days. Yeh I know about the no bring back feature, so you have to start again.....JJ had the same problem with a UK HQ in Brest-Litvosk Aftermath, another compelling custom. With your permission, I would like to address a new "MidEurope" custom for H to H play built on your original premise.
  4. stahlwolf, haven't checked my email in a few days. Yeh I know about the no bring back feature, so you have to start again.....JJ had the same problem with a UK HQ in Brest-Litvosk Aftermath, another compelling custom. With your permission, I would like to address a new "MidEurope" custom for H to H play built on your original premise.
  5. Good point Edwin with the fuel dump representation. Well there is the old suggestion of units not be eliminated except by ground units' direct attack.
  6. You are right Terif, differently skilled opponents need allowances for balance (the Bid), especially in Fall Weiss type campaigns. Perhaps a different perspective of playing various campaigns skewed in some degree to one side or the other is another key to balanced games between differently skilled opponents? Another consideration for "winning" is the historical date of surrender, May 1945. If the Axis lose both their capitals, Berlin and Rome, on or before that date, it is considered an Allied victory, otherwise the Axis win. There are other triggers that could be used for identifying a winning or losing side other than the traditional SC ones if balance is the priority.
  7. roman uk, if you define surrounded as all adjacent tiles occupied by enemy units, then I agree there should be complete elimination of the unit. If we are defining surrounded as enemy controlled tiles, then maybe not. If there are sea or non-clear tiles adjacent to a "surrounded" unit not occupied by enemy units, then perhaps there should be a provision for some surviving forces.
  8. Anyway we are in agreement, that IRL units the size of corps and armies are never really completely eliminated...even by land unit attacks. They simply become ineffectual for combat, the survivors absorbed by other formations or used as cadres for forming new or rejuvenated units.
  9. Now KZ back off and read what you just posted.......Think about it......ie. shore bombardment....shells falling from the sky...right! Could that be similar to bombs....falling from the sky?
  10. So JJ, are you going to help me with "our" "Mediterranean Theatre of Operations" custom campaign for SC2 (codename: "Sphinx")? MTO anyone?
  11. Oh yeah, I noticed that myself. If you'll just leave an original Finnish unit in the capital, Helsinki, that won't happen. The engine thinks all the Finnish units have been destroyed, since you didn't deploy any, which triggers the surrender.
  12. Oh yeah, I noticed that myself. If you'll just leave an original Finnish unit in the capital, Helsinki, that won't happen. The engine thinks all the Finnish units have been destroyed, since you didn't deploy any, which triggers the surrender.
  13. Stahlwolf, When you get a chance...send it to bradtap@aol.com...I'll start some testing.
  14. Stahlwolf, When you get a chance...send it to bradtap@aol.com...I'll start some testing.
  15. "How long should I test a version, and were could I send it, or should I upload it as "beta" ?" Not sure on the upload, used to send them to Otto's site, but not sure if that's still active. Check the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum for SC(ww2n.com)HQ. Simply test until your satisfied with the balance. Start a bunch of hotseats against yourself and in that manner you will be confused as to which one is which, and try different strategy/moves in each one, making one side or the other priority and the opposing as a reaction. You'll get an idea when its right, then move on to H to H tests.
  16. "How long should I test a version, and were could I send it, or should I upload it as "beta" ?" Not sure on the upload, used to send them to Otto's site, but not sure if that's still active. Check the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum for SC(ww2n.com)HQ. Simply test until your satisfied with the balance. Start a bunch of hotseats against yourself and in that manner you will be confused as to which one is which, and try different strategy/moves in each one, making one side or the other priority and the opposing as a reaction. You'll get an idea when its right, then move on to H to H tests.
  17. I won't differ with Terif's logic, but add to it. Remember armies, corps, and tanks are cheaper to reinforce then airfleets, so I like to use air where I think they will take the least losses, ie. when the enemy's unit strength is lowest, in open terrain, etc. For entrenchment reduction, if possible use corps, or very high experienced other units as they are less susceptible to losses. If time is not critical using corps over a couple to three turns to reduce entrenchment levels is usually the least expensive, while your elite units push the flanks back around the enemy units entrenched location.
  18. Stahlwolf, don't let those things stop you. Set it up, test it against yourself, play it hotseat, start it again, over and over. Send me your mods and I'll test it with some of my hotseat buddies, we've got plenty of time until SC2 arrives. My PBEM games take so long cause of my schedule or I would help you tweak it with some back and forth input. There are others around in this forum and abroad. One way to get locals to interact with you is buy a couple of SC editions, distribute them, then challenge them to money games. Talk "smack" and tell them you'll give them 20 bucks if they can beat you or whatever it takes to manipulate them into playing. My best opponents are my son and nephew, right here...on sight. They're not as good as myself, but they give me valuable input for scenario improvements. You've got the options to level the playing surface. Now get after it, you've got a good custom base to start with.
  19. Stahlwolf, don't let those things stop you. Set it up, test it against yourself, play it hotseat, start it again, over and over. Send me your mods and I'll test it with some of my hotseat buddies, we've got plenty of time until SC2 arrives. My PBEM games take so long cause of my schedule or I would help you tweak it with some back and forth input. There are others around in this forum and abroad. One way to get locals to interact with you is buy a couple of SC editions, distribute them, then challenge them to money games. Talk "smack" and tell them you'll give them 20 bucks if they can beat you or whatever it takes to manipulate them into playing. My best opponents are my son and nephew, right here...on sight. They're not as good as myself, but they give me valuable input for scenario improvements. You've got the options to level the playing surface. Now get after it, you've got a good custom base to start with.
  20. Stahlwolf, maybe you should tweek this campaign for an H to H game....it definitely has merit.
  21. Stahlwolf, maybe you should tweek this campaign for an H to H game....it definitely has merit.
  22. Bombing campaigns, naval sorties, building up "Your infrastructure, anti-air resources Applied as needed, then the high bombers Arrive in thick dark waves, Diplomatic actions to entice reluctant neutrals, Pz II tanks kept active (... even when Panthers are available for deployment) To serve as vital but expendable recon assets, The list is almost endless, So... get ready! For a thrill-filled ride of yer life!" This sounds like a gross embellishment of our already high anxiety of not having SC2 to play. Is this a disguised attempt at undermininig my well known "Patience is a Virtue" philosophy? DD I can't believe you would resolve yourself to such unscrupulous behavior.... it was almost successful! Would you like to try a repetition, hopefully divulging a vitual plethora of additional SC2 features?
  23. You know Edwin, that brings up an interesting premise; your statement about N.Atlantic weather. We all know how unpredictable the weather patterns are. Would it be to preposterous to suggest a random inclement weather system that would allow naval/convoys a hidden status for the duration of a SC2 turn? Should the area(number of tiles) affected also be subject to a randomizer? Perhaps a persistence factor for the weather to continue as it drifts from west to east or whatever the prevailing conditions exist for that season, representing some degree of predictiveness? I mean don't we remember convoys/naval flotillas using inclement weather to cloak themselves from enemy forces?
  24. Looking through the screenshots, I was noticing that in the map size ipg that there are two different icons for Oil and Mine resource tiles. For Oil, a two and a three derrick icon and for Mines, a grey and a brown pit icon. Is there some significance attached to the difference in these icons or is it just for a matter of designer choice?
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