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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Excellent, JJ. This is exactly the mechanism(well not exactly) that exists in GGWaW. The factory production for the major powers expands multiplicative depending on the war and chronological conditions. One FP(factory point) coupled with one RP(resource point) equals one PP(production point) which is the same as MPPs in SC. I also agree with the plunder allocation for Allies....none, or almost none, but I would add that in the case where the Allies are liberating a country, that the rise in production(MPP)/Supply from their assets should approach 100% some time in the future and not be restricted to 80%. In fact this scenario (the appearance of combat units and plunder/asset allocation) should be tied somewhat to the diplomatic prowess of the governing belligerent or use of diplomatic chits to simulate a governing philosophy. The Axis would be more restricted in their MPP/%asset acquistion due to their characteristic of being the conqueror, but would receive the plunder factor as its incentive.
  2. Lars...yes, the readiness % will give the Axis player an indication, but not necessarily accurate(tech intel level). The Axis player will have to use the evidence of a trend and his diplomatic actions to help him interpret his intelligence. Edwin, no repercussions for DoW on Germany, other than the obvious(majors, %DoW escalation, like USA). Shouldn't the consequences of DoW be similar for all the major belligerents to varying degree? Adding to my above post. I was thinking that the unveiled USSR border armies should randomly change their deployment conditions as the game progresses. Some would leave at times, other times new combat units would take up positions. Sort of an ebb and flow to keep the Axis off balance as far as USSR intentions, ie FoW, subject to a randomizer of course.
  3. WoW!! Edwin, what a great idea. To allow a Soviet DoW. Think of it, if neither player knew exactly when the window for USSR DoW on Axis would occur, it would effectively dismantle the cookie cutter invasion and destruction of most of the Red Army on the first Axis move. After a certain set of criteria(triggers) is satisfied a notification, unbeknownst to the Axis player, is relayed to the Soviet player. Maybe a popup "Stalin has released the Red Army for immediate attack on Axis forces". Any subsequent turn the Red Army is unfrozen for normal play and depending upon the intelligence level of the belligerents the Axis may or may not be aware of the condition. In lieu of an attack, the USSR player could develop his combat abilities/deployments further, feeling that the Axis may not be privy to the "unfrozen" condition. Of course the Soviet player would have to keep his border combat deployments stable, which were visible from the game beginning, to pull off the ruse for a few turns. Optionally, the Soviet player could disallow the "unfreezing" hoping that a randomizer would add additional units to his OOB and not risk the early conflict.
  4. JJR, I've been trying to tell you...get GGWaW to tide you over. What's the matter, the market a little tough lately , you can't spring for the bucks Maybe you should jostle the portfolios, I'm doin fine....choppy makes me happy , except when its about a swell. [ May 15, 2005, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  5. Hey,... this thread is absolete. Didn't you guys hear about the editor? And Ditto this for that other thread....what was it? Soviet commanders....obsolete. Get this...you will be able to designate your commanders and the ratings associated with them. Besides, who says all the scenario designers are going to be using the "Grand Strategy" scale? I'll be making customs with division, corps, and army commanders, not just army group HQs. Some of my combat units may be on the regimental....even perhaps.. the battalion scale, so the "complete list" is going to get rather large.
  6. Hey Bill, any stipulations other than what you first posted,like....are only vacant tiles elligible for drops? And any chance of intercepts? Any movement after the drop, special rules about drop turn combat, supply, etc?
  7. Hear! Here! I raise my glass in a toast to the valiant people of the former USSR(CCCP)in their enormous sacrifice to defeat tyranny. We, the ancestors of the survivors of the titanic struggle that was World War II send our deep felt appreciation for the many fallen souls of your brethren, may they rest in peace,.... for we will never forget.
  8. Alright, I like the random modifier per Lars, but I think it should be in ratio with the amount of diplomatic chits employed. If a player wished to reduce the random opportunity of the event, he should have the ability to bring it to a low percentage with a profusion of diplomatic chit investment, still a small % that it will not come to pass. His opponent should be able to effect the random modifier also with his unknown "FoW" chit allocation. Shouldn't be to difficult to code.
  9. Lucky You, Kuni, you should count your blessings. There will be very few of us who will have the opportunity you just experienced....happy for you, and it seems you may realize the significance. Hmmmm, could it be our Kuni is maturing?........Nah!!!
  10. Better yet, is have the computer summarize who has the most air strength within the spotting range of the units, by revealing the units to the opposing player at the beginning of his turn. In other words, each tile has a spotting strength calculated by the computer based upon the elligible units exerting their spotting characteristics. If your side has more spotting strength, then the tile containment is revealed. The more spotting strength ratio you possess compared to your opponents' the more details you can observe.
  11. JJ, can you hear the applause, well said. Anything that is outside the realm of what actually occurred is "ahistorical". That means all the moves and the battles and the losses and everything to do with the modeled conflict have to follow the the historical script...ho humm...how absolutely boring...I'd rather just read the books.
  12. This can be a really complicated situation. First of all, different nations had different size combat units in both personnel and equipment (TO&E). 2nd, would be that the number of fielded combat units is subject to the ideal population pool of a country. What I mean by "ideal" is that induction age category, say 18 to 24, of which the potential for the best soldiers reside. 3rd is that category is somewhat self replinishing as time moves on and more potential ideal inductees become of age. 4th, you have units being destroyed, yet all the personnel are not vanquished and they (a certain %) become elligible for new unit formations or to rejuvenate the old. 5th, you have a draft policy that will change dependent upon the war consequences that country is being subjected to. The scope of elligible draftees could broaden(age group escalation, lessening of requirements))and perhaps new inductees from conquered lands could extend the pool. All these things happened in WW2. A system that takes into account these possibilities, and there are more, represents a decent simulation of the limits each belligerent will face in the course of the war. By the way, I think this is one of the strong points of GGWaW, as it models these possibilities very well.
  13. Hey Liam, I'm not a fast PBEM player, i run 3 businesses, but you can count on me to send my turns in and I never quit, surrender...yes, but no quitting. Perhaps we should get Sombra and another for a 2 on 2 Axis vs Allies?
  14. The TCP / IP/ LAN connection is in the works.
  15. Retributar, Try those to referenced books is my post above, especially "Hitler's War" to give you insight into the workings of his mind and of course the english translation of "Mein Kampf".
  16. I can't comment about the comparison with A&A, as I've never played. "Fun removed". I digress. I will give you, it surely is not SC and I expect a notch or two below SC2, but a diversion until the real thing arrives, SC2, and a stimulus for ideas.
  17. "GGWaW is aimed at hardcore strategists, and Gary Grigsby is a well-known brand among them." Exel, are you sure you were keeping up with the pre-release marketing and demo threads over at matrix? The whole idea of the "brick and mortar" release was to appeal to gamers that were not knowledgeable of his previous endeavors as well as the non-wargaming crowd.
  18. "I'm not saying that without a demo SC2 would flop miserably, but having a demo would certainly help out in getting buyers." No argument here, many times I have suggested to unknowing gamers the SC demo at battlefront and many times rewarded with the follow up purchase. I was hoping that SC had gained some notoriety by now and also thoughtful of the many fans that are impatiently awaiting release, the demo could follow later while we balance the scenarios and game mechanics. But what the heck....I've been wrong before...and sure to be in the future also.
  19. Though he doesn't need support, JJ is right. Hitler courted the Western Allies as co-world rulers as his focus was always the East, which JJ has explained along with Hitler's racial philosophy. I will only sight historical documents to support his conclusion, "The Forgotten Soldier" (Guy Sajer, a Frenchman in the Grossdeutchland) and the 2 volume set of "Hitler's War". Perhaps a bit controversial, the idea set forth by Edwin and further developed by JJ is a viable "What If" for WW2 scenarios, IMO, not as fantastical as it may appear.
  20. I don't know Exel, let's wait and see how GGWaW marketing scheme plays out.....no demo and synchronized commercial release (DD and brick & mortar).
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