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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Hex (sc1) = 50 miles. For your full map, SC2, at the equator, one tile = 93.75 miles. Obviously, there will be areas that you can condense, omit.
  2. Blashy, what you might be looking for is "Combined Arms" WW2. Unfortunately, like SC2 it is in development, but perhaps a bit closer to release. This is a true WEGO system, defined in the manner Shaka posted. It has a lovely combat system and the art is reminiscent of TOAW, only better. Looks to be an operational gem, not strategic, albeit with a great editor included so you as a designer will be able to create your own scenarios, although a large number will be included in the game. Check it out over at Matrix.
  3. Wow!! Caesar and Ben Hur. Didn't realize their significant contribution to that ceiling. Come on Blashy...not a waste....although, I agree not SC either. Give WaW a chance, especially PBEM, the 2 X 2 human aspects seem to be most rewarding.
  4. Ha !!! You are so right right JJ. You are so attuned to the idiosyncracies of such simple games, the subtle hints that allow you to conquer your opponents. Then, you never give yourself any credit for being a SC master....and you know you are. Its not always about whether you win or lose....but......?
  5. Oh Yeah JJ, I knew you'd remember that ole game........."SORRY"....for the rest of you.
  6. Any endeavor worthwhile is not defined by the limitations of time. So Michelangelo.....How long before the Sistine Chapel ceiling is finished?
  7. Don't you guys get it, it was Major Plum with the candlestick in the study. I'm surprised y'all don't have a Clue! I know my memory is not that specific, but it was something to that effect, seems I'm not the only one suffering from dementia.
  8. Well the way I see this is a template of 200 by 200 hexes. If we're talking 20 km/hex then about 4000 km square, then that's about 2485 miles per side. If we expand the scale to 35 km per hex then 35/20 X 2485 = 4350 miles or about one sixth of the planet at the equator. Well is that big enough? We need east coast of USA to eastern Caspian Sea. You guys do the math, I'll find the maps. One thing for sure, if you want to do an entire global map of the Northern Hemisphere(WW2 territory), each hex will have to represent 120 miles, based on 24000 miles Earth circumference at the equator. Now I'm going on what I remember for the Earth at the equator, correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. Come on Sombra, did your Mom and Dad not explain to you the character enhancement of striving through adversity. Ok then...I will .....Get Over it, its a stupid game for godsake...endeavor to persevere.
  10. No doubt there are some issues of accuracy, take a look at the Norman peninsula. Just think what a crafty crowd like us could do with this. At 20 km per hex, notice I said hex, there is much room for maneuver and the size of this map could deliver the Battle of the Atlantic. My first impression was the scale needed a bit of tweaking for SC, maybe up to 30-35 km per hex. We would then be into a corps type battle size.
  11. You got to look at this. Robjess of Run5 has built the most beautiful European map for SC2 or 3 or whatever. Imagine this map used for SC. It was made for SSG's Battle in Italy and will be available as a free scenario, no AI. It will be released to the public in a beta. check it out...oh a 20 meg dl. http://test.robjess.com/Europe.jpg
  12. Don't fret Fubarno, As in the past, so shall it be in the future, and this too will pass, just like man's memory, which destines him to repeat errors, sad thing to be in the grasp of "Default Mode".
  13. I don't think the map dimensions on the largest scale will be able to deal with a global conflict without some abstraction. Areas of WW2 that were not directly involved in the fighting will be relegated to a minimum tile size, enough to represent an origination zone(Western Hemisphere). The "Around the Cape" transfer feature of SC1 will present some flexibility when tranfering units from Atlantic to the Western Pacific(west of Hawaii)and other regions, hopefully we will be able to employ more than one and possibly use it on land also. That new tile I asked for that has scale flexibilty would also help deal with some of the vast ocean and possibly land areas, saving the original tiles for the fighting areas. Most assuredly it will be interesting to see the many innovative ways the SC2 editor is used to create custom campaigns. As I've stated, the Med will see my attention, from the Azores to the Middle East, from the Sahara to the Pyrenees, Alps, and Southern Black Sea encompassing the largest area the map editor is capable of. Perhaps division scale, maybe regimental, we will have to see.
  14. Ah yes, what will the Dragon resemble. Either way, right or left, the extremists will deliver the serpent, if we let it be. A small profusion of common sense would be gratifying, even inspiring, but from my perspective the devoid broadens.
  15. Hey Lars, I've always been an advocate for chance encounters on the high seas, as it was IRL. Now later on, if you tech your intelligence and detecting capabilities then a greater percentage for engagement should occur. But for WW2 scenarios where VSR (the originating tech of the time) conditions could be very minimal, especially N. Atlantic, for the spotting of each other's forces. Hence the ole saying; "Two ships passing in the night".
  16. Well I'm kind of mixed on this issue, but can't refute the historical facts, mines saw widespread use and were indeed effective. I'm going to venture third though Lars, behind that bomb you mentioned, but what about artillery shells. I'll also mention artillery is not represented as its own parameter in SC. Isn't this about an interdiction weapon, an area denial apparatus used in a passive role? At most I would expect a movement penalty, perhaps a decreasing readiness for the effects on naval assets. Ok even a strength hit, time to time, but very minimal and randomized. Let us not forget this scale, 2500(50X50) square mile tiles, one week minimum time periods, and the numerous naval vessels represented by a single unit. I can picture the abstract effects, don't get me wrong, but 2500 square miles? Perhaps isolated to the aqueous choke points only. There definitely should be a maintenance cost and a deteriation effect. An interesting concept, never the less.
  17. And JJR, why should this forum have a lock on this concept. Seems to me, its a pretty common occurrence throughout the sheople inhabiting this planet.
  18. Well since we're discussing modifications, I would like to see Hubert add a new sea hex to our mix. This one would have a darker tint, or a double line border, etc. and would cost twice as much for movement and have half the disclosure factor signifying a larger ocean area.
  19. You guys...get a life!! I play exclusively PBEM and let me tell you, there are many times the same thing happens. No tech advances in some category for numerous years, no matter what the investment, is a common occurrence. On the otherhand, sometimes minimal chits, gets you big gains in a hurry..its very random...get over it. [ June 14, 2005, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  20. Total agreement here kozmeister. It seems ludicrous to represent a weapons system that didn't have any bearing on the military aspects of the conflict, nor the strategic I might add. Unique type weapons, ...yes, with an ambience of science fiction,... but practical deployment as a combat weapon....didn't happen. Well this is a game of "what ifs".
  21. "So you live on the West Coast?" Not in the least, the east coast...and Florida's OK to visit. Hint.....(Like our Spurs did to them Pistons.) Our home is "The Republic of Texas", Corpus Christi area. Far as I'm concerned we should've staid as our own Nation, I'm supporting secession. In fact that will be my first SC2 custom scenario. "Rescue the Alamo".... [ June 14, 2005, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  22. Right you are Blashy. I like the idea of additional investment to develop the byproducts. Good suggestion.
  23. Rambo, I've done the best I can to help you out, but you don't seem to get it. I know WaW won't fulfill your IP need till its been activated, but I've told you about HttR. Look up my buddy, Yakstock. He'll give you a good head crackin, drum you like a stepchild. Like our Spurs did to them Pistons. Face it, there ain't nuthin out there like SC. Maybe you'd like some real life action, with real life and death melodrama. Run down here to the Gulfcoast and ride this Arlene swell with me, we'll be doin an early mornin paddle out. Real life threatening mountains of H2O. It'll give you some perspective, some real adrenalin pumping, you'll feel really alive, that is if you survive. All other games will seem....how should i put it...insignificant. A true life adventure, the struggle of life and death, to capture nature's awesome power and manipulate it for your own deviant pleasure.
  24. Damn Dariuz, I was mistaken...thought you had more depth of character. Sorry for giving you the benefit of the doubt.
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