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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. roqf77......don't try and get clever with me, reading your posts, I get the feeling your contributing to the political nature of this thread.
  2. SeaMonkey


    Simmer JJR...Simmer!! Let the facts speak for themselves. Where is the most robust economy? Where do human beings get the most reward for their endeavors, sacrifices. What is the most generous country on the planet? Where is the influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal, the greatest? Simple facts, just like SC, simply eloquent, not perfect, but the best there is.
  3. I believe that "British Officer" was Richard Burton, ehhh? "Give the General a shot of Cognac, Herr Doctor".
  4. "The real moral question, regarding the United States is this, if Germany had fought off the Allied invasions and held the Soviets somewhere in their own territory, would the United States have dropped atomic bombs on Germany?" It seems I remember reading(qualifying both my memory and the reference as ?)that the original target for the use of the A-bomb was Berlin. Since the Germans surrendered before its deployment the debate arose for its usage against the Japanese. Regarding the moral question of prosecuting war strategies/tactics....my answer is that war is immoral in the first place. I want it where it belongs, deplorable, despicable, a loathesome activity. Cleaning it up, somehow makes it more of an acceptable alternative, when the thought of it should be banished. There is no justification, reasoning involved, its dirty, messy, ugly and completely unproductive. Therefore my thoughts, if it comes to it, fight it with all means at your disposable, no holding back....end it as soon as possible, damn the consequences of victory, for the consequences of defeat are far worse. Let me clarify my definition of, by saying, presently there are no "real" wars going on.
  5. SeaMonkey


    Recognition is the first step...my Son! Don't let it be obscurred by your conditioning. Use your common sense.
  6. SeaMonkey


    This is not Politics 77, this is "Life". pure and simple,....or at least it should be......simple.
  7. SeaMonkey


    Go ahead Son.....and don't forget, "I love you" and by the way....."make some good decisions."
  8. SeaMonkey


    "Maybe you dont know, but in Belgium theres a law tha only allows people to work when they are sixteen or older... " Man there is something wrong with a society that inhibits its young folk from developing entrepreneurial skills! Oh yeah...that's to protect them....right Man there's is something wrong with a culture that keeps their women folk down...subserviant! What are they afraid of? Man there is something wrong with a the belief that you are entitled to something other than "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" People...get off your duffs and do something....your ancestors weren't entitled to nothing! They came out of the caves....who helped them? Aliens???? yeah right!!! They discovered, they innovated, they used their God given right to make GOOD choices.....they didn't cry to the government that they were owed this or they are being held down by that. Man... there is something wrong all right. What's wrong is humans can't handle freedom....well most of them can't anyway. They need someone to cuddle them, provide for them, they're to handicapped to do it for themselves. Yeah I'm handicapped alright, its called organized, ie.Government interference...Laws that supposedly make everyone equal, yeah CRAP!!! That's what I say......We were all born equal...that's a fact. but after we left the womb, well now its a whole new ballgame. You start with everything everyone else starts with...you got a brain...well do ya? Sometimes I wonder? Anything any other human can do...I can do! So what's stopping you? Get out there and make some good decisions...you are free to choose...no one, nothing, can take that away from any of us. You got the will? Well there is a way, but it takes sacrifice...willingly. Now .....do any of you want to know, "how I really feel"
  9. SeaMonkey


    Are you kidding Rambo? In no time at all we'd have that place turned around, prosperous, productive......a variable tropical paradise. And the place has waves :cool: I won't mention the great food, friendly people. Hell I was born in McAllen...6 miles from the border......Call me a Texican!! Surf's Up....anyone coming with me?
  10. SeaMonkey


    So Blashy, you have a better idea? Perhaps the other 95% are somewhat less motivated than that other 5%. Yeah, I know all about it......its a vast conspiracy and your not responsible for your condition. An excuse to perpetuate stagnation.........well I'm not buying. Violins....please!!!
  11. Okay, one other question. Is it possible, in light of the operational scale scenarios in SC2, to import a core force from a preceding scenario to the next scenario in a linked campaign? I'm talking only about the force pool, not any other features. I realize I could create the identical ending force in the new scenario, but I would like to have some randomness, dependent on the players' efficiency of handling his core force in the preceding scenario, ala Panzer General. Failing in that, how about a factor generated by the strength of the ending core force to use as a multiplier for MPP initial generation in the subsequent scenario?
  12. So Bill, I know you, perhaps, don't have authorization to comment, but are all the mechanics of the game in place so that you can conduct movement and combat on land, air and sea? If you can elaborate.......? What tech features are currently being tested during play with the current movement and combat? If not.....understandable.
  13. If you guys would do SC PBEM, I'm sure you'd find many a challenging opponent. Try some custom made campaigns that you've never played/seen, its like being a newbie all over again. Now I know its not the fast pace action of TCP, but can be very enjoyable and extend your interest in SC....its still the best.
  14. No problem DH, I've got a couple going, and I still need to play the USSR side once as I haven't played them yet. Also am tweaking a new SC custom for Human play as Axis against AI.
  15. If you guys want to do a four way PBEM, WA, USSR(china), Japan, and Germany. I'll take a side. Good for a move a day. IMO, WA turn is the longest.....about 30 to 45 mins.
  16. Retributar, Check the last thread in developments "Matrix World in Flames"
  17. TB, you are right, visually. They are abstracted through the operational movement feature. Remember you can move units between cities with open lines of communication simulating the transportation infrastructure. How far can they go? Maybe it should depend on the length of time you designate to your customized scenario's turn. Perhaps HC should investigate an OP move factor for each type unit based upon the turn length representing game time. For example: Infantry corps AP = 3, for a one week turn, OP factor = 10, AP X OP = 30 tiles (best conditions), - 5 for inclement conditions. Now for mechanized heavy equipment...ie. slower on and off loading, AP = 5 X OP = 10(week) /2 = 25 tiles. Maybe a subsequent cost of MPPs for the movement, if either a rail or road movement(foot infantry low, mech unit high) is selected. You get the idea?
  18. I'm with 1%. You will probably take losses when retreating and the subsequent reinforcing will diminish the experience level. That, in itself, is sufficient, do not forget the length of time a turn of SC represents(ie recovery factor). I do like Liam's idea of a subsequent unit combat strength loss for a forced retreat under inclement conditions, ie. across a river, enemy air superiority, bad weather, etc.
  19. Come on 95, you can't spring for the scratch that SC costs? Have you ever heard of the "fun for money factor", well SC is the epitome. Don't be a cheapskate...live a little, money is only a mechanism to the "quality of life", just like your imagination. Here's hoping you('ll) have both, and the wisdom to use them.
  20. Sorry RG, you are doomed to the limitations of the editor, just like the rest of us. But there is hope....its spelled SC2.
  21. Sorry RG, you are doomed to the limitations of the editor, just like the rest of us. But there is hope....its spelled SC2.
  22. I believe we have been informed that units will retreat in SC2. The circumstances around that retreat have not been specified. One thing you must remember is that since there is no stacking in SC2, retreating units may be subjected to unrealistic losses due to the availability of unoccupied tiles. ie. Since they won't be able to retreat they will suffer losses instead, as in SC1. Perhaps they will be able to retreat to the nearest unoccupied tile, no matter what the distance, defined by a list of retreat priorities. Our Devs have not provided details as of late. My preference would be something on the lines of the TOAW example. A right click on the unit displays the menu we are familiar with and an added category "Loss Tolerance", "Casualties" etc., with three choices, min., moderate, max. That selection would dictate the amount of strength loss(%)the unit would take before applying the retreat priorities. Of course we could make this feature even more difficult for HC to code by providing for the readiness, supply and command link in an algorithm to further effect the degree of the loss based upon the selection before a retreat ensues. Probably have to wait another month for the inclusion of this feature. So!! You guys want to wait?
  23. Blashy, you got time to post...you got time to count. Load up the game and count the hexes. Simple?
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