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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. OK DD, we know there lies some great SC players in the Americas.....it is like the policies....clandestine. The everyday rhetoric is for the diversion of the true aspirations.....Look closely and ye shall be enlightened, but your eyesight must be enhanced. Sooo....!! where are our savage wars for peace....an AAR or two ......please.
  2. Lose.....No! Diminish....yes. It will still support the maximum of 5 units......this is not determined by HQ strength. The readiness will be effected. I don't have the algorithms at my fingertips.....that is Terif's job. Terif?
  3. Come on guys, where's your memory. Blashy, many times, not every, you can take Warsaw on the first turn, and sometimes Poland will capitulate, first turn. Sometimes you have to hunt down the escapees in the far corners to get surrender, but with all out effort the third turn at the latest. Of course the LC attack is now delayed till turn 3.
  4. SeaMonkey


    Yeah! right 77, ..see back in those days.....we were mostly of European descent.
  5. SeaMonkey


    And JJ, if those guys start with the USA, well that will be their downfall. After eating a few Americans those Aliens will all become obese and lazy, and then our African friends will take them down. Our secret weapon...Imodium AD (African Descent)
  6. SeaMonkey


    Wait a minute 77, do I detect a direct contradiction here. If it wasn't for y'all, Europeans I'm guessing, the discovery of the NA continent wouldn't have occurred...right? So y'all discovered it? I agree. So who took it from the Natives? :confused: Oh...I see you must be talking about the American West....not the original 13 colonies which became the USA later, which was made up of European immigrants who discovered and settled it.....There wasn't any Natives there when you guys landed? Oh right....they gave it to you .
  7. SeaMonkey


    Alright 77, now your in the spirit, let's keep this political thread going.....was showing signs of wilt. Okay, here's my comeback, Yeah, but you weren't suppose to give us the cultural flaws along with the good stuff. Now we have to sort all your crap out again, thanks for not letting us linger. Do you think we might count on you guys in the next 270 years and make it a bit better for all of us? :cool:
  8. SeaMonkey


    You mean you guys have got some problems too? Imagine that!! After a half a millenium of cultural evolution you still haven't gotten it right? Now that makes me optomistic, we only have another 270 years before we catch up to where you guys are now.
  9. HC, or DD...yeah in fact HC you need to get back to work, you've definetly over posted in this thread . But thanks for the reply...now back to the dungeon with you. Dave, In light of these smaller scenarios, are we going to see some basing limitations(hedgerows, mountains,etc.) for AFs and Bombers or at least an optional restriction?
  10. Wow!!! HC is them hedgerows I see?? Want to enlighten us on the combat effects? And what other terrain tiles have you dreamed up that are new for SC2?? Could it be we will see a sea tile that has a double movement requirement?
  11. Well this place could be picked up a bit if Zapp would disclose some info about his new grand strategy game cut in the mold of SC. Well Zapp what about it? What I saw looked interesting.
  12. Well then, The comparison of a Sunday drive on the Bayfront to a jolting acceleration down the quarter mile track, hitting the traps well above 100 mph. I imagine SC2 is sleek and tweaked!
  13. Out at the lab again, awaiting analytical data, so let's shoot from hip(gives the doves a better chance)and see where this goes. We know static(nonmoving)units get a bonus(25% readiness) for prep. b/4 combat...I like that. Air units don't contribute significantly to strength losses as before but are more potent as a morale, readiness detriment...I like that. So Dave, you've had experience with the SC2 battle sequence. Is it the same as SC1, essentially, or is there some different twists and turns? One thing I'm curious about, is what happens to SC combat units in subsequent attacks after they have retreated? Since they may suffer morale and readiness disruption to certain degrees, would air attacks be more lethal in strength losses as the retreating unit(s) are more exposed. And how about the effectiveness of rampaging mechanized units on routing units, do the combat algorithms provide for more substantial damage? Is it unit type specific,ie. foot infantry suffering more than armored units? Well that ought to get the discussion going, well DD, what's the verdict?
  14. Liam, two words of advice, liquidate assets, your boody won't acquire enough booty...AAARRGHH!!
  15. Let him be a Beta tester for ZC (Zap Command)
  16. "You are suggesting, hmmm, In over 1600 posts... I... have a'times SHOVELED some fouly inelegant mass at Our horror-ized Crowd?" Now there you go DD, putting words in my mouth, banish the thought Matey!!! ARRRRGGHH!! Seriously, we are all beholden for the tidbits we do get, just like that weak windblown summer swell from time to time....at least it ain't flat. I do apologize for making those generalities, specifically, C,D,& E = "Cindy", "Dennis", and "Emily", I do take some things for granted when living in Cone potential areas. AAArrGGhh, there I go again!! :confused: Cone = predicted Hurricane path, usually out to five days. I'll make surfers out of you guys yet. And that Waltero epidemia you alluded to, that's probably got something to do with our "Margarittaville" mentality down in South Texas, especially this time of year.... Uhhhh!!!.... make mine a frozen meltdown :cool: ....ie. meltdown = a shot of primo grade Tequila on top. Can't take anything for granted with this crowd.
  17. So Bill, are you saying I get the map, magnetics, and a bound colorized deluxe game manual, along with the game, all for free(except the game), and all I have to do is wait till next August. Hmmmm......don't under estimate my patience :cool: . And when does "that week" start? And DD, about "that scoop", we want all good enriched dirt....no manure. Happy VaCa Bill, ride some waves for me, its been flat here ever since C,D,& E. [ August 19, 2005, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  18. Thanks Edwin for clearing that up. Come on Retro, don't be so defensive, I wasn't implying anything in your direction......thought you knew me better than that :confused: .
  19. Spot on Retributar. I might add a printing option with say "Kinkos" or some other nationally known entity for a manual from the pdf file (deluxe version). And while I'm at it, why not a nice size wall map so that we can keep up, plan, and orient ourselves as far as the changing game conditions. And why not make it magnetic including the unit counters, with a profuse sprinkling of alternative terrain tiles so that we may change the map configurations. And just like Bank of America, I shouldn't have to pay for any of these features,... that's free of course? Anyone else want to suggest some more "Free" features? And I'm willing to wait another year for these added "free" features before the game release. Sorry retro, couldn't help it....got carried away , lab's kind of slow tonight.
  20. @77, No problem, other than that animated outburst in the "hum" thread. I would like to believe that someday our specie will take responsibility for their actions, be honest, and good for their word. If you had taken the time to examine the realm of our SC forum, you would have observed that we discuss many things here, but most abundantly the mechanics of playing SC. The moderators have given us a certain amount of Freedom, but along with that gift comes responsibilties to not abuse it. Now we all tread a fine line here from time to time, I am surely not without guilt, but I do endeavor to be polite to my fellow posters. Sometimes with a grain of sarcasm, but never the less I respect each and everyone of their perspectives and opinions, no, in fact I embrace and hopefully instigate the baring of their viewpoints. Whether I agree or disagree is immaterial, the essence of communication is the exchange of ideas, in hopes of the betterment of each of our souls throughout our eternal journey. We have exchanged thoughts, I for one have improved through that dialogue, I would hope that you received some progression also. If we all follow the "Golden Rule" here, then there is no need for moderators as they detract from our Freedom to exchange information. Since you are somewhat new to our forum, I had hoped that realization would have somehow struct you by now, maybe it has, or maybe it will, it is not for me to judge, only to assist a fellow human as I have been assisted over the years of participation. There is no animosity in my heart, I hope I did not leave you with that impression, I am sorry if I did. Anyway....Welcome to the Forum. Longwinded SeaMonkey OUT!!!!
  21. Thanks Dave, sorry I had forgotten that previous disclosure. By the way, funny you should mention a 56 Mercury as it was the first car I remember, I was 5. It was my Mom's later and my primary transportation, a yellow body with a brown hardtop. For along time I thought all cars were twotones, it was rare to see a single color. Was my Dad's until he got the boss' 58 Bel Air, for a company car. Another twotone, black with a white top. I won a bet from my best friend's brother(teenager) when he didn't believe that it had three deuces. I didn't even know what that meant back then, but that dollar sure came in handy. Now back to SC. Again assuming you have the freedom of discussion, I'm very eager to hear about the "combat then movement" feature Bill alluded to in his earlier post. Any experience in its incorporation? Any changes in ZOC features, ability of mech units to ignore, etc.?
  22. Could it be that those other posters weren't so adamant about keeping the political comments excluded from this or other SC threads? Self-analysis is a good beginning for character evolution.......and yes, I do take my own advice.
  23. Thanks guys, by the sophistication of these posts it seems our AARs are close at hand and not far behind the release of SC2. Uhhhh that is if the community doesn't come up with a very good feature to incorporate, in which case we will of course be willing to wait.....right guys???? Now about those scripted convoy routes, if you are able to comment, is there any in game flexibility for route variance? If so, how long(game turns) does it take to make a course adjustment?
  24. Alright, I'm with you guys on this feature, but let us consider some simulations of the feature with the present mechanics. If you want to protect a certain tile from air attack just station enough AFs in the vicinity to assure it. You don't have enough AFs, then you don't deserve the liberties of air superiority (your AFs got bounced). Yes, the soak off attack is a viable maneuver. Ever heard of a diversion or an intercept(the counter-intercept) before the AF gets to its destination? And as far as deploying an air unit in "harm's way"(forward), I usually back it up with at least one other AF for the intercept(the counter), usually a strong one with lots of experience. Good reconnaissance will identify "forward deployments". In short, just because you designate an AF for CAP, doesn't mean it will be a successful mission.
  25. Thanks Bill, that tidbit was quite revealing, especially the land combat actions and of course the naval scenario. I'm wondering what DD's perspective was? Dave?
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