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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Nice touch Hubert.....entice us with some more, I'm not quite convinced.
  2. So Dave, You completed the whole campaign? Interesting.....did you report any bugs? Seems we may be close......Hubert, any thoughts for the final tweaks?
  3. I too would like that configuration, ala TOAW. I might add that the counters should be a little smaller as to not obscure the tile terrain. Some of the isometric infantry units are difficult to see in the urban terrain tiles. I guess you could consider them camouflaged or maybe I need to get glasses. I know we have that military/NATO option, but the standup counters remind me of stratego playing pieces. I guess the modders will take care of this.
  4. Yeah Tag, as I remember it, that's when his nickname changed from Rambonerless to Rambonehead.
  5. Rambonehead, do us all a favor and turn up the heat. That Idahoan winter has slowed the flow of oxygen to your braincells....again! For those of you that may share Rbh's unique perspective, my humble apologies. I am not implying anything except perhaps a little literary self-analysis.....no sin intended.
  6. Following the many posts of anticipation of the release of SC2, I can't help but be amused at the ironic comparisons of the human approach throughout this life in their quest of that "1" thing. What a window into the dynamics of human character. The almost obsessive journey to obtain that thing that is so presently important, only to see it fade with anti-climatic disappointment. How interesting that the story plays out again and again and still the quest remains. Others, comfortably on the road to attainment, wondering of the viability of the path they have chosen to that "1" thing. So elusive, yet so simple and always with a degree of doubt...as it should be. SC2's release is like that "1" thing, there is the doubt of fulfillment. Will there be that "Second Coming", will the rapture proceed it. When will the ELLE occur? And just like SC2's release.....no man shall know.
  7. These are some great ideas for the use of the engineer units...accolades all around. With such a versatile unit disclosed to your opponent can you invision the "espionage effect". Knowing such a unit was in the proximity of an abundance of enemy units would give me the alarm of something big in the winds......or could it be just a diversion?
  8. I like that canal blockage suggestion JJ, perhaps we can script an "obstacle" tile condition for a certain period of time. That could simulate many types of conditions, Abomb strike, impassable terrain due to weather/topography, etc. Edwin, I hope you will send me your first scenario mod, I'm sure it will abound with great ideas. Be sure and start a thread with your initiated mod to keep us up to date of its progress.
  9. Ditto that Brother John. Hubert....simmer a bit...enjoy the Holidays. We'll wait. And thanks for the update.
  10. Just a few more months and the E-7 variant of the Me 109 would have appeared with its 66 gallon drop tank. Ohhh what might have happened with that extra fuel?
  11. I'm not opposed to this concept Edwin, but instead of a continuation, I could imagine a string of campaigns/scenarios based on the struggle of democracy vs fascism. We could take the real world political/economical struggles that communism and capitalism went through in places like Korea, SE Asia, and the ME for examples. The campaigns could be as a result of a very shaky armistice between the Axis and the USA and then reappear as a continuing escalation of hostilities, perhaps finally erupting into WW3. A couple of things like the A-Bomb and Japan would have to reckoned with, but a nonlinear linking of theater actions could be envisioned as a continuation of the conflict. Of course this would be a huge project for one designer, better to be approached as a group cooperation.
  12. Edwin I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the AI competency is directly proportional to the game complexity. The easier, less complicated the game parameters there are, the greater the AI challenge. Unfortunately, since we have asked, and will probably receive a more in depth SC2 engine, the AI will, more than likely, border on the line of complete ineptitude. Not to be interpreted as pessimism, as I'm sure we will be able to create some really challenging custom scenarios that the AI will excel at. Referring to the versatile editor. Now please forgive my thoughts to the creators of the default game scenarios as I'm sure they are very capable. Its just that the future scenario designers will have the advantage of hindsight and forum feedback on a scale the originals weren't the recipients of.
  13. Well.... just for this once,.... will remove the "BH" adjectives from Rambonehead. Mind you....just this once!
  14. You all know I have been a proponent for Hubert to take his time and release this game when he feels comfortable with its features. And that's the key...when it is fully functional! I am also a realist, and many of us know that fully fuctional features and play balance for the scenarios are two completely different things. How many games have we all purchased and explored through the vast gameplay antics of pitting ourselves against the AI and each other? How many have had that seemingly perfect balance from scenario to scenario that we all crave from the beginning? My answer is,... none! We have always had to tweak something here or there to optimize play balance, sometimes a feature and sometimes just some values, setups, etc. Even now with GG's WaW being out for months there is still much going on to achieve that delicate balance for all sides, the same as it was for the original SC. The same it will be for the future releases and that includes SC2. And so that practical element in me spurred the posting of this thread. Hubert, we know your legacy with SC, we trust you. So when you feel that the features of SC2 are functional to your satisfaction, do not dally with the idiosyncracies of the scenarios' balance. Let that be our job, include us in the evolution of this game. Make us a part of it. Just as you have committed your precious time to it, so will we. What better instrument to achieve that then this forum. In essence this forum drove you to SC2, and perhaps to what awaits in the future. So...allow the balance to be fine tuned by the loyal SC fans, as it was in the past....so it shall be in the future.
  15. Nice AAR Blashy, quite revealing, good for the game evolution. Russian weather effects were mentioned as far as hindering movement, mud = 1/2 AP. I'm wondering is the same true for winter conditions? Also is there any combat effects? In SC attacking across rivers = 1/2 strength for attacker, so in winter when rivers are frozen over is that combat penalty negated?
  16. Interesting discussion, and I agree that the historical context of the opening of the France invasion is circumvented by the game mechanics. So....everyone has good points, perhaps this can be covered with a script. I agree the Maginot Line should have an inherent defensive value, but I also believe it is necessary to man that fortified line to some extent to make it significant. Therefor, I'll recommend that at least one French corps should be place in the middle tile of the Maginot representing deployed forces to account for the inherent defensive value. Oh by the way...this corps is frozen in place until at least one Axis unit comes in contact with Paris. As the French, you now have your garrison, but not so strong that the Germans wouldn't consider an attack on the Maginot, and in keeping with the French doctrine and simulating their perspective at the time without the benefit of historical hindsight. Of course this may require some juggling of the OOBs for play balance. I for one think it is inconsequential what the French do, for they are doomed....... Do you hear me DOOMED!!!!
  17. Rambo is going to make a point? OK JJR, let me help you out. Sorry, had a little trouble contacting your uncle, but I did get a hold of John Ellis. Upon USA entry, 12-7-41: CVs=8, BBs=17, CAs=36, DDs=171, & SSs=112, of course some of these are inoperable after PH.
  18. Heh heh!! Rambo...ever seen what a well placed bullet does to a computer? Technology...over and out>>>>>> Oh ...and by the way I prefer my company, Northrup Grumman...ticker NOC.
  19. Listen you guys....I've said this before but I'll repeat it.....well....I guess you guys are worth it. For real fast on line action, not the strategical scale, but in the spirit of true wargaming, take command of a corps, specifically the British XXX. Give orders and watch them be prosecuted like it really happened, micromanage if you want, but if you are, you are losing. If you haven't tried AA, Panther's game engine, you are missing out. And with the new addition almost ready for release, Conquest of the Aegean, many more hours of command decisions are right around the corner.
  20. Jon...this is brewskie talk.....remember...to remember this is a beta......Hello....Earth to Rambo...you out there...get your head out of that tin can. A lot of good you'll be, won't be able to hit the side of a big red barn. Luckily....yes you'll get lucky cause I'm a marksman and I'll save your ass.
  21. "If Manny, Erwin, Wolfgang, Karly, Dieter, Marcus, & Fritz were so militarily smart, how come they blasted in the end?" Could it be they had a dope for a leader?
  22. Jon, all it does is influence your decision, its not the sole determining factor. It is important, the effects are debatable. Some say that if Barbarossa had kicked off a little earlier.....well? And what is this with all the negativity??? I don't want someone with bad vibes in the trenches with me when our time comes. Shape up Soldier...or ship out!
  23. JJR, think about it, weather screwing something up...imagine that. How long did NO dodge that bullet? Some say they still did.
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