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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. pzgndr, Can you give us an idea of how a modder might manipulate the AI scripts to provide for different actions? What I mean is what fields would we have to fill in and what are the choices available for those fields. Of course I would not want you to violate the NDA, so if it is similar to the previous thread that you addressed the scripted events in, then forget my request, we have our answer.
  2. Matrix version of World in Flames. Bill, you have mentioned a lot of great games, but have left out one that I believe is cutting edge for the future of wargames. That is the Panther Games' Airborne Assault series, specifically the present release HttR and the soon to be released CotA. These games will give you a whole new perspective about what can be accomplished in appealing(eye) and versatile game mechanics. And guess what, there are no hexes.
  3. Well Bill as one American to another, at the risk of a profound understatement, thanks for your service. Although I have never served "officially", I have the greatest admiration for our armed forces and the citizens of our country that fill their ranks. It is my opinion that there is no greater deed that any human can do for his fellow man than be willing to sacrifice his/her life for the freedom of another, a complete stranger in most instances. Although historically the US armed services may have had some indiscretions, they are rare events in the proper perspective of man's misdeeds. Usually we observe very admiral actions from most of our countrymen and I salute them for their sacrifices, for without them, the world would surely be an uglier place, IMO.
  4. Well DD, I for one will miss your philosophical poetic displays, but I understand, especially when walking in the shoes of others that may lack the command of the English language that your posts display. I hope we can count on a semblance of your posting style from time to time in the future, perhaps after SC2 release, as a totally complete exile is surely without merit. Thanks for the memories.......
  5. Look, you guys want to experiment with hexes? Take a look at the MWiF map....simply awesome. Now you want some of the old Nato type counters we are all used to? Well, they are there too. Just one problem..........????? We want the simplicity approach of SC and not all the complication of MWiF. So who's going to port the SC gameplan to the MWiF playing field?
  6. Some insightful comments here. Definitely a candidate for SC2 scenario designers. As far as 20 years down the road, examine the progress of the military infrastructure. Always a key element if you want to project strength and perpetuate a war like condition. It is very difficult to maintain a large deployment of humans over a great distance especially when they are consuming at an extraordinary rate. My take is pay attention to the establishment of the robotic military element. It removes the human element for a more efficient projection of destructive capability and detracts from the other sides' ability to maintain the conflict. Definitely a costly undertaking, but then again, the nations with the best infrastructure have the tools for implementation.
  7. Yes John, please extend us that "Saner Germany" scenario. No one in their right mind would have faulted Germany for trying to recover its dignity after Versailles and the botched handling of the postwar world that the League of Nations tried to administer. And I do use that term loosely, "administer". Sounds like another multi-national organization we have presently?
  8. You know JJ, the day is coming. They may have been farfetched ideas in WW2, but today rail guns are real. A lot of the info is classified, but rumors abound about them being standard weapon systems on the new DDX type naval vessels. Imagine a purported 500 mile range, traveling at mach 10 there is no need of an explosive. The kinetic energy upon impact is very devastating and guided by GPS, say goodbye to hardened underground bunkers and similar type fortifications. And remember those conceptual ice-aircraft carrier behemoths? Well welcome to the MOB...Mobile Offshore Base, comprised of semisubmersible, interlocking modules encompassing an estimated 3 million square feet. A flight deck of 2 kilometers and a deployable Marine brigade of 3000 troops not to mention all the support facilities and 10 millions gallons of fuel. You know you are in for a world of hurt when one of these babies is parked off your coast.
  9. Thanks DD, but your explanation was completely clear from the outset as many others have been. I knew exactly what you were saying, but at the risk of redundancy, I thought perhaps a slight difference of perspective(wording) might help. Always believe in the ever present axiom of life. "two heads are better than one"
  10. I guess I'll weigh in on this again. After being in this forum, for what, maybe 4 years at this point, I get the feeling my posts have a great degree of redundancy. I'm sure my fellow SC veteran posters feel the same....eh JJ? Gentlemen, we have the mechanism of artillery in SC, 1 and 2. I know what you are asking for is the effect, not necessarily a unit and the effect is there. Now what you have to do is use your imagination and follow an abstracted principle that the artillery is indeed deployed with the frontline combat units, although physically in the game they will be a tile or two in the rear. This represents the normal deployment echelon that artillery units traditionally occupy. They will be susceptible to air strikes and of course any opponents' breakthrough, just like IRL. IE. they need protection. They will also be less effective when firing at longer ranges, simulating the different calibers that artillery units usually display in their TO&Es. What I'm saying is don't think of your deployments as one tile behind the next as being 60 miles plus 60 miles plus on and on. Think of them(your units) as being forwardly deployed in the area of the front line and don't associate them with the distances that the SC tiles/hexes actually represent in game terms. Remember, use your imagination. Now the unit is.........drum roll please................ ROCKETS!!!! We have all discussed their actual effectiveness IRL compared to SC game usage...completely disassociated tasks. So let's use them as they were IRL as the artillery role. Did I happen to reitterate that in SC2, rockets/ARTILLERY are transportable.
  11. As I remember it SR2010 was suppose to have the option for turn base. I guess it got scrapped in the development process, or what about a future patch? Kyros, what's the word from the Battlegoat guys?
  12. Kyros, it should be :cool: . I believe the editor will allow an open ended game. Want it to last 10 months, that's easy. I have games that go on for years. Start enough of them and play slow.
  13. It might be a little tough to model tactical nukes, and of course the smart weapons. How good is your imagination?
  14. Couldn't agree more Mike, especially the graphics requirement. I believe you'll find that SC2 will extend the already appealing list of features to a greater degree. The editor will be very flexible and I have no doubt that a global scale will be possible, what trade-offs will be required, I can only guess. Anyway, glad your enjoying SC, welcome to the forum and we'll be expecting your input on the SC2 developments.
  15. At the risk of being a seadonkey, Kuni, I don't agree. We have a playable game nearing its distribution date. Let's give HC a rest for awhile. We'll send him his justly deserved compensation, familiarize ourselves with its new features and prepare our recommendations for future patches. Or...this could go on forever. While I agree with the incorporation of the retreat feature, we may find through our playtesting that it may be insignificant,...who knows? Let's get this baby out and then we can attend to its evolution, but we need to evaluate it first. Logical?????
  16. Hey Bill, or DD, what is the status of our airborne unit. Will it be able to be carried by the bomber unit to max range and perhaps dropped on or near an enemy resource tile(unoccupied) attacking it and rendering an MPP loss to our opponent?
  17. I'm wondering how long is the build delay for the amphibious capable unit? Is this unit a corps, infantry only type unit, what are its attributes? How much additional cost in MPPs is this unit over its base type? If the amphibs cost more and the build delay is longer this could be considered the "preparatory" phase Retributar referred to. I vote to keep the 100% readiness of the landing unit as is. Like SC1 the units suffer casualties upon landings, same for the airborne also. Think about it, you're going to try an Amphib landing against a hostile shore with your forces not at their peak combat abilities? Sounds like bad generalship to me. Obviously I agree with JJ on the landing seasonal restrictions, they are realistic. Unfortunately I believe SC2 will not have tiles with elligible amphib landing areas(beaches), perhaps a streak of yellow along the tile side. Since the tiles are 50 mile squares, only the coastal areas that could support a corps size landing force would get the beach denotation and be subject to landings. The downside of this, is you could no longer have the simulation of raiding. Wait a minute, perhaps a corps size unit(amphib) of a specific max combat level, say 4, would be elligible for amphib operations anywhere and only full strength units restricted to the landing beaches? We could use a highly experienced, teched 4 combat strength unit for our commando unit.
  18. So Mike, how are you liking SC compared to WaW? About your initial question. Just observe the MPP level of the Germans before you make the attack and compare it to the value after.
  19. Interesting Slapaho, a perspective with merit, no doubt. But about Monty, I don't agree. Just because a brilliant plan does not work doesn't mean the commander should be sacked. Think about it, although ultimately responsible, there is no way one human being could be in control of all the intangibles and the decision making process of all his subordinates. Remember, everyone has a boss. So who was responsible for allowing the plan to unfold? Other commanders/advisers were involved in that decision also.
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