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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Alright, good for you JJ. See if you can find some old trampolines, the kind people exercise on. Perhaps they would provide a somewhat unpredictable return. Maybe a tennis ball against the garage door?
  2. Sorry Martin, the cat is out of the bag! Bill already told us about the 12 floppies. I just love the way those things sail into the wind.
  3. I always felt the bottom line was "the opportunity of positioning", or the manipulation of your opponent's thought.
  4. JJ, I always likened Moon to your Godzilla character....feeding on those snippets of locked threads....just jumping into his mouth off the keyboard of Kuni's Lucky brands.
  5. "Well, we might have a neat surprise in our backpocket" If this means a rebate......cause I keep my wallet in my back pocket...then you can keep mine. HC has definitely earned the $45 putting up with this forum of hooligans.
  6. "(Ha - my first post in this forum)" Is it just me or does it seem that the imminent release of SC2 has created a greater interest than the original? HC....you seemed to have accumulated a reputation. Being a legend (not the Rambo type) can be hard to live up to.....sometimes.
  7. Okay Moon ole buddy, not to put you on the spot or anything, just an approximation will do. What's your best guess for a shipping date based on previous history? Not that I'm in any hurry.....I even took my time typing this post. :cool:
  8. Has anyone other than myself taken note of the diversity of the supposedly "cool stuff" in SC2. Think about how revealing that is. :cool:
  9. It sounds like seazones suck, I'm with you JD2. The whole dynamics of "The Search" are completely undermined, one, if not the most compelling feature of high seas skirmishes.
  10. And what about "High Life"? By the way, if you ever get a chance, see them live.
  11. "I'd buy an old "Traffic" LP burned to CD if the label said SC2 on it." Not unless it contained Winwood's "Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys".
  12. Alright DD, I stand corrected......belay all those requests, I forgot they had been accomplished, my apologies HC. I have the feel, since inception, that SC2 was the strategic game to end all others..... excepting of course the one I make. And for the operational aspects, another of my fav. scales, there exists the Panther engine. Life is good.
  13. Ahhh Liam "thanks for the memories", I remember those circumstances. Presently, I'm in a deep 43 game of Operation Sphinx(SC mod). The Axis have been stalled at the gates of Moscow, there has been stalemate in the East for many months on the line of the Volga. But the West, the Allies are across the Rhine, threatening to cut off Denmark, Paris is still Axis. D-Day was at Pas de Calaise and finally in Africa, Tobruk is being beseiged, but Axis own Gibraltar. There is still much to accomplish, but the mighty Royal Navy and AF have the upperhand.
  14. I'm all for simplicity, so if scripts can be set up in context with Todd's suggestion, then that is good enough. If not, then perhaps we can have a reciprocal effect that bombarding naval units have on occupying combat units. That is, when a combat or air unit attacks a resource occupying combat unit there should be some chance that the supply infrastructure would also take a hit.(I know, I've suggested this before) Of course it(resource, city, port) would slowly recover from turn to turn that no additional damage is initiated as repairs are implemented. Which leads me into another suggestion. Perhaps resource recovery and repair should be subjected to a MPP investment?
  15. Hey Rambo, you forgot Global Warming! Even in Idaho you're not immune to drowning. Just think if you've been a good boy....and that's somewhat doubtful......??? You may wake up with waterfront property! How's your Karma? [ March 29, 2006, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  16. Crap on the 6 weeks timeline. I pre-ordered first. Let's get it right. Axiom No.1 Best laid plans of mice and men!
  17. Alright, I'm in agreement that a port or city reduced to 0, relays that nonsupply to the units. This is good enough for me. But Rambo brings up an interesting point, the only unit capable of that is the Strategic Bomber. Why.... because if the port or city is occupied by a combat unit, then all other types of attack excepting SBs are directed at the occupying unit. Right? Solution....all units capable of strategic attack should have the ability of directing their attack at the infrastructure instead of the occupying unit. We need the option.
  18. And what if I ring that port with subs and surface combat vessels, a complete blockade of any supply coming in or out?
  19. Hey GenMarky, I used to play PTO2 quite a bit. Where can I get info on PTO4? Sounds like it might have a lame AI if you won that early. PTO2 had a very inefficient AI, the biggest reason I finally put it to rest, not to mention SC.
  20. Wait! Wait! Hold up here. I still have PBEM games of SC and WaW going. Please don't release SC2 till I'm finished. Shouldn't be too long, maybe a couple of months. Thanks
  21. Good one Liam, but I prefer OMNI "Organized Mediterranean Nations of Ideology". Of course with our Roman Fascists at the helm.
  22. Come on Blashy, get with the program, we've posted about the imaginative deployment of the artillery. :cool: What's "not realistic" is the incorporation of such a nonsensical weapon systems like the V-1 and V-2 of WW2(in lieu of artillery) into a game like SC2. :confused: I'll admit the weapon systems did have an aura of scientific achievement, but as far as being anything near a viable combat asset....well history speaks for itself. What was the "Queen" of the battlefield, and the greatest casualty producer of the war......anyone???? Artillery.....and instead we get rockets.......go figure?
  23. Mr D., they're actually artillery masquerading as rockets...."don't get fooled again"! (Roger Daltry...The Who)
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