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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Noticing a lot of matrix posters here. Glad the word got out.
  2. In my experience one chit does wonders sometimes. Other times I can't get anything from 3 chits on one major. Its the luck of the draw, like seeing mud and the Benelux corps show up at a different deployment when you DoW them.
  3. Eddy, would you trust Dave and the Panther team to "do the right thing"? Well I can attest, HC and Battlefront will do likewise. And anyhow, its only $45 worth of trust. I've passed out at least that much on the street to people who said they wouldn't use it to buy drugs, just food and shelter.
  4. "Don't you just love Hubert?" Well Blashy I don't know him that well, but he does seem to possess many admirable characteristics. And I must admit I do hold his creation close to my heart........wiping the CD on my shirt to clean off the dust. Love?.....Love! Hmmmm Kuni....you better check this Blashy guy out for gayness=happiness inclinations, unless of course Blashy=Toni Cater.
  5. How about UK and USA units having the flexibility to attach to either country's HQs? It did happen IRL.
  6. Blashy does that mean we have 6 times the normal(current) strategic scale map to produce the global wargame?
  7. Billy, beta is done on CotA. Release is imminent, it was held up by the out of sync. bug for on line play. Eddy's here to enjoy a game of similar appeal. Von Epps, welcome to the forum........don't fret, I to possess limited game time. Just remember we are on a journey...a short one at that...think of SC2 as a slight delay.........a moment to smell the flowers.
  8. Thanks HC, so at level 5 I would have my 200 MPPs(base) of German origin multiplied by 1.5 = 300 MPPs. If USA then = 400 MPPs. And if I was using those MPPs for unit only purchases and I attained level 5 production technology, then I would be effectively getting 400 MPPs for Germany and 533.3 for USA. Correct? Oh one other thing, that production research level will also effect the cost of my reinforcements and upgrades?
  9. That's a cheap shot HC. Except for the betas and yourself, we are all SC2 n :eek: :eek: bees. So are you trying to put the fear of God into us as the Blashy sacrificial lambs? Where's Terif when we need him? Well,..I'm taking this as a personal vendetta to blow Mr. Bad@ss Blashy off the face of the SC2 map. I maybe a sacrificial lamb, but I'm not going to the slaughterhouse willingly. Have you ever been bit by a lamb? Have you ever had to put up with their incessant Bahhhhhhing!!! Have you ever stepped in their .......... Well... its not going to be pretty.
  10. At work and don't have game access, but looking at the manual, this little parameter seems to stand out. Could it be that research into this little item could have significant game impact? It seems your base MPP accumulation per turn is multiplied by this insignificant digit, right? Now research levels are a bit confusing and can vary for each major between 10-25%(pg 25, 2nd to last paragraph). If this is true, is it a random variable modifier or is it constant depending on the major? Page 93, last paragraph states initial starting multipliers and designates the increments at 10% for each major excepting USA, which is 20%. So what's this with the 25%? And is the increment of increase per level, per major, adjustable/accessible through the editor? I couldn't find a script example for controlling this parameter. Is there ever a time when it would decrease during gameplay?
  11. One thing that has really impressed me is the motorization upgrades, unless of course there is mud and snow. Even then they have a maneuver value extra ordinare'. On attack in clear weather and terrain, the Blitzkrieg is fully realized. And as HR just alluded to, on defense, in conjuction with "operate" mechanics an immeasurable ability to adjust.
  12. Well troopers it seems Bad Blashy is up to giving us all a redheaded stepchild spanking in SC2. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't mind sharing a little knowledge of his patterns with my fellow rookies during gameplay. Wouldn't even be above Bill or Dave sharing a few tidbits about Blashy's game antics. I could start practicing the countermoves now. My email's up there....no false intelligence accepted.
  13. Martin, why don't you make all these whiners wait another week. And Kuni gets an additional week penalty for being the biggest baby of them all. Gee wiz don't you people have a life other than SC. I've got to hand it to Jersey John, the most steadfast willpower exhibition known to SC2 whiners. He has personally sacrificed obtaining the game till summer, June 22. A monumental task of human denial. Kuni you should be ashamed. I salute you JJ, your a better man than I, and most of these other SC indulgers.
  14. I have to agree that the owning player should be able to view his convoy routes on the big map. Toggle on / off....good suggestion Kuni. This allows for pinpoint convoy duty for naval assets(escorting). Lars and Edwin have some great ideas also and I sure like the idea of disclosure tied to intel levels, whoever's suggestion it is...doesn't matter. At least from my perspective, it seems we all want to enhance "The Search" aspects of the naval-air model. I'm all in as long as it can be accomplished simply...abstractly...no micromanagement. If HC blesses it, it will get there.
  15. The in depth view would be that the SC2 AI will be in constant improving evolution for years.
  16. Oh I forgot to add, when playing Btesters, they usually allow rookies to re-load.
  17. Best way to learn is to play one of the beta testers/moderators. Russ(arby) taught me SC, JanS taught me WaW, so I guess its your turn Blashy. Be forwarned I'm a slow player.....ie run a 24/7 business. bradtap@aol.com oh yeah....side...does not matter.
  18. Lars, Edwin, when the full game is out, I'm thinking one or both you should address the convoy mechanics in its own thread. You've both touched upon some great features and I've been thinking about some also. I'm sure others will contribute some good ideas also, its just a bit premature now. If we can get some scripting enhancements for convoy routing I can foresee a linkage of %MPP transfer connected to route tile length, with seasonal variability and a little randomness to keep people from crunching the numbers. Custom routing, surface raiding, and intel connection are definitely on the right track. I was thinking that only parts of the routes should be disclosed depending on the difference in intel levels. +1 gets you 33% randomly each turn, +2 67%, +3 100%, setting up the intel war. Only problem is route disclosing is advantageous for the Axis mostly, we need something for the Allies' incentive? Perhaps a spotting bonus, ASW help, or a detriment to sub diving percentages, etc. Hopefully an Allied player will have the ability to shift to different routing schemes; Scheme 1(short routes), Scheme 2(variable routes), Scheme 3(random..shotgun routing, no convoy). Maybe we would have the ability to define the schemes in the editor. For the player, they just select the scheme(previewed on the convoy screen) they wish, enforcible for the next 4 turns, and then allowed to change every 4th turn or so.
  19. Remind me to never play a wargame with you.... Your just to easily manipulated.......attest to how easy these guys can get you to lock threads . Well I guess we could play with FoW off....that would even the odds.
  20. "but everybody who pre-orders will later get both access to the download (before anyone else of course) as well as the printed manual and cd by mail for no extra cost." Hey Martin, Was that the "surprise" in your back pocket?
  21. Hey Eddie, welcome to the forum. Glad your checking out the best Strategic game around. Still I wish you would hammer on Dave(Arjuna) to get PBEM incorporated into CotA. Well at least for BftB. Its the one thing holding up the universal acceptance of such an excellent series of games.
  22. I'm corrected Yogi, wasn't sure if you were one of those that is always in the Ranger's hair, as it turned out, your smarter than the average bear.
  23. Perhaps a survivor DD....the survivor. After the perils and pestilence have run amok, maybe those that bathe in the "Light" will have the answer, a glimpse.......maybe not! Is the secret for many....or for only one? And for those that know.....then what? Is the enlightenment attainment of the final goal, or is the infinitude of the quest for the goal that yields the enlightenment. If it is the first, ..... I repeat....then what? If it is the second.....well does that define the spirit as a perpetual being, existing in the infinity?
  24. fantomas, get a grip, its your loss. :confused: Don't buy it! "Is it better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all?"
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