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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. How about we use a new formulation for diplomatic effects based on the mechanics we have now. Depending on the diplomatic vitality of each major as was historical, a new multiplier is used unique to each major instead of the set 5%. Let's say historically UK probably achieved the greatest diplomatic influence in WW2 = 6%. Germany next = 5%, USA = 4%, France, Italy, and USSR maybe 3%. These are the base starting values subject to modification from which tech? How about Intel? New formula % influence = base X chits + Intel level. So for UK with 4 chits and a level 3 Intel we have 6*4+3=27%. UK max=35%, Germany=30%, and so on. To determine who(Axis or Allies) is wielding the most diplomatic influence against any nation, just sum the % influences, every nation contributes its effect.
  2. SMG, you can take them out on the DoW turn, no matter the deployment or weather. Can it get any easier than that?
  3. Looking at your numbers John, it seems that we will always see an advancement within 7 turns max by your system. Half the time, 50 percentile, we will see that advancement by the fourth turn. This of course assumes a five chit investment in that category. I'm concluding correctly? What I particularly like is the minimum turn deviation window for your proposal, especially for 1 chit. One thing is apparent. If we want an advancement with the current model, we better invest at least 3 chits, a one to twelve turn usual occurrence. Now the final straw, are we positive that either of these models is better than the other at accurately portraying research advancements as they happen IRL?
  4. This is one of my pet projects, but I'm not far enough along in my Hotseat to draw any conclusions. Initially it seems they need to be teched up to at least level 4 because of low soft and tank attack starting values. On the way to that level you can get some good experience. Perhaps attach them to an HQ you wish to max experience on also. Once at the upper levels they should provide a good artillery arm. It would be nice to be able to upgrade them with motorization so that you could simulate self-propelled artillery, typical in the latter stages of WW2. Don't forget to protect them with an experienced airfleet or two or park them in resource/cities with upgraded AAA status.
  5. I've been trying to research the cost basis in WW2 values for naval task forces vs SC land formations without luck. Continuing......... I believe this is a good platform to examine the need for adjustment, initially. We can debate it from there.........anyone else with info or comments?
  6. Keep this in the forefront Lars. Edwin, we need your help too! jomorisin, this was addressed in the "enhancement wish list" thread. We're hoping for scripting of various convoy schemes that could be selected by the Allied player. Changeable every fourth turn or so.
  7. In light of the AAR just finished between HR and Terif, I thought I might bring this little observance up one more time to those that don't RTFM.
  8. The Solution, as it was in real life, is that not every tile should be available for amphibious assault. What we need is a beach tile that allows this type of landing. A hard limit for each participant that caps the number of amphibs at sea simultaneously. A higher MPP cost for amphibs, like 100.
  9. How about a hard limit on the amount of amphibs any major nation can have on the water at one time? This could be tied to an infrastructure, industrial tech level, so the need for additional landing vessels could be addressed by nations with a need for that type of invasion technique. In the real war, the Allies were always strapped for landing craft. The absence of suitable craft kept the Germans from seriously considering Sealion. Another possible approach, through the editor, is make the cost of Amphibs 100 MPPs. Let's see how many are used at that point. This cost could also be effected by the infrastructure/industrial tech level. This would stimulate a degree of research and and an accompanying time delay to acquire a viable amphibious capability.
  10. Yogi, Lars and I had success with our D-up. Do it overnight, only took me 6 1/2 hours.
  11. Perhaps if the Axis should make an investment to reduce Malta to a certain supply level, which is randomized from turn to turn, then the "Malta Effect" would be neutralized. This requirement might catalize the large scale skirmishes, ships and planes from both sides, that were reminiscent of the actual war occurrences.
  12. So did we all want to wait an additional 6 months for HC and betas to tweak the AI?
  13. Same here, 6 hours and 35 minutes. Launched the game on expert +2 and when I was running through my units with the "N" key got a CTD. Same thing happened with the demo once, its posted in support.
  14. OK, I've got a similar segmentation violation also that caused CTD. When running through my unmoved units using the "N" key, I got this message. FAILED(mouse_on_rect):Segmentation violation. Also received notice that the application has requested Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. This was from MS Visual C++ Runtime Library. This happened to me once before while I was playing the demo.
  15. Well damn, I couldn't get through the company firewall, something corrupted the file. So I started the painstaking dial-up dl. Got about the same as you Lars. Got 35.5mb dled in 2.5 hours and the damn thing shut down. Trying again...overnight. Let's hope we get lucky Lars.
  16. Dulak....what to do with Italy? Shoot the juice(research) to the Muss(pronounced Moose, short for Mussolini) and turn them loose. :cool:
  17. I got that dang dial up at home too, Lars. Think there's any chance we can get it before it resets? The T1 at work will definitely do the job and then maybe burn a cd. How about it Martin?
  18. Lose.... you idiot(not you jjr)...not loose. You lose your dog and post a lost and found reward, or you turn him loose so he can take a sh1t. Lose like lost, forfeited, defeated. Loose, unsecure, untied, slack, vague, promiscuous...like the hangman draped the noose, loosely around your neck.
  19. I've been trying to make up my mind based upon the trivial experience with the editor. Preliminarily, I like the way you can customize your units with upgrades and elite reinforcements.
  20. I'll offer you a couple of cliche's...Kyros' "Early Bird Gets the Worm"....or "Better Late than Never".......or if your one of those with a hapless dedication to luck, then "Every once in awhile a blind squirrel finds an acorn".
  21. "Yeah well Im not really good at staying cool when it comes to things like this." Or anything else for that matter. If you live long enough, that'll change.
  22. HR.....which ones? And if its both...well then I'll be lucky if this is all the money I'm ever bilked out of in my life. For that matter...the government has got their hand in all of our back pockets...all the time. And get this.....most of the folks want it there even more. Got to laugh at the hypocrisy.
  23. I think I'll wait till tomorrow...maybe the next day, or possibly the weekend. The demo will hold me over.
  24. Only thing is Spain doesn't have the flexibility of research/production.
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