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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Not solely your quandary, JJ. There is much confusion in our midst.
  2. "now Man has weapons that can kill an entire civilization in a second instead of centuries, you disagree" Not in the least. But in history, there were times when civilizations/species were wiped completely out, well at least to a point they were a nonentity. If you examine the percentages, casualties vs population, would it be so different in the twenty first century? Homo Sapiens have thrived but a short time and they have eclipsed the natural order, thereby diluting the very instinctual characteristics that brought them to this point. Is it no wonder that many of them perish? It is not so different than before and it will continue to be the same until the natural order is restored. Doesn't matter how it happens, just know that it will be so. And oh yeah....about that "Love", well that is a very ambiguous feeling with a menagerie of perceptions dwelling in each individual, ripe with rationalizations. The "unconditional" aspect of the abstract was long ago lost.
  3. I'm not with anyone....and I think the whole bunch "stinks", there is a global stench arising from the so-called leaders/inhabitants of this planet, and no one has a lock on the odor. Ashame man seems to constantly forget the lessons of the past. Progress is really slow in a revolving door.
  4. So Liam, your hypothesizing the human condition has not improved in 2000 years......10,000,........100,000? :confused:
  5. "We're just a bunch of WW2 psychonuts, probably all reincarnated from that era." Aptly acknowledged Liam. And let us not forget the lessons. "it's only here that our Howling comes together." And we're all the better for it, John.
  6. How about limiting Amphibs to Corps size units only. Let's face it, Tank Groups and Army size units making amphibious landings is totally unrealistic. Any other units have to be transported as normal and only through friendly ports. You want to simulate the research to acquire amphib capability? OK, only Corps with IW upgrade of 2 or greater are allowed to conduct amphibious landings. That should represent a viable German commitment(planning and resources) to address a Sealion like operation and it can be incorporated immediately by a "House Rule". It will also give the UK the necessary time to prepare and if a landing is conducted a better ability to counter it. Also, because IW 2 level is somewhat dependent upon luck, then there will be that element of uncertainty consistent with the time period.
  7. Hey Bill, be sure and include some detrimental weather examples on supply if it is relevant. And thanks, this is very important.
  8. I'm with Rambo on this thing, even though I've made some suggestions. If you don't want your shores invaded, simply protect them. Sorry if that depletes your ability for other operations, such is the way it was. UK has the navy to intercept, just park those CAs, BBs, and CVs on your coastal tiles. Build land forces to counter the landings. Add AFs, Bombers and Rockets to strike with. It took awhile to load a full corps on transports with all their supporting equipment and supplies to sustain an attack. A SC turn is one week, that's not an outlandish amount of time to accomplish the embarkation. On D-Day, 6th of June, 1944, the assault force was landed in one day. Sounds like an immediate action similar to what happens in SC2. Leave it alone.
  9. You forgot making amphibious transport cost half the unit cost that is being transported. This would bring in PT to the equation, sort of an amphibious tech.
  10. Have to agree with JD2. The rules for SC2 say there is not a supply enhancement for units tracing supply to an HQ linked HQ. Only the final linked HQ receives a supply benefit. I figure so that it can get out of the mountains. But I haven't modelled it!
  11. "Making rockets defensive weapons is silly IMO." You just don't "get it" SO? Now very slowly......conjure this image up in your mind.......Rockets are not really Rockets, this is all about FoW and your Intel level. You just think they're Rockets because HC duped you...you were easy. But because my Intel level is 5 and the Fog has been lifted the Rocket image changed :eek: . It now resembles a field artillery piece. Don't you see it??? Put 5 chits in Intel, maybe with a little luck you'll wake up.
  12. Is this different than SC1....the HQ linking effect? IIRC in SC1 one HQ could link to another to provide supply to combat units. Usually the linked HQ would be withing 3 APs of the linking HQ which was itself within 4 APs of a city of at least 5 supply. Like this city >=5supply to linking HQ within 4 APs(HQ=8 supply) to linked HQ(within 3 APs=8supply) to units = 8 Supply-APs to linked HQ?
  13. I agree SO, why would you know exactly. But you would get an idea. After bombing reconnaissance sorties would yield some indications. Remember Bombers and AFs have that recon element at their disposal. Maybe an undefinitive popup of "The bombing was effective" or "Another mission should be planned". Flak report???? Just look at your Bomber unit losses.
  14. Alright Edwin, but AFs would have to be on auto or intercept. If your opponents attacks with air first then they will be deemed neutralized unless you have more AFs in range than your opponent attacks with first. Makes complete sense and realistic. Now...how about Rocket defensive fire? Ok guys here's the deal, a preliminary conclusion but none the less building to a consensus. What are we going to do to make Rockets and Bombers worth their purchase and maintenance? Since Rockets are artillery, we know that IRL one of their most effective uses was to be called in for defensive support. If Rockets are not used for attack in your own turn, they should have the ability for defensive fire. Heck maybe they should have it for both! Perhaps you could attach them to a certain unit like HQs for defensive fire, like IRL fields of fire were preliminarily targeted. Let's face it, it seems we must provide Rockets and Bombers with "other" attributes to make them viable or make them cheaper. Because "The Attack" is so overpowering in SC2, we need something that will damper its effect. The answer, massed defensive fire from artillery, just like IRL. Sitting behind the lines, perhaps unnoticed(FoW), if your opponent has not provided for reconnaissance(AF spotting), what a surprise when he attacks. Someone tell me this is not the way it was. Don't tell me about the scale of SC....I know...I don't care, my imagination is vivid and yet abstract, I see it works. Would that provide an incentive to buy Rockets? Now what to do about Bombers?
  15. Try turning off the unit display when you bomb, then you can see the immediate results. I agree I would like to avoid this and just have a popup say "such and such a port/city/resource was reduced to ?% productivity".
  16. Ditto that FF units JG. Has anyone acquired any Free French units at all? I've been through about 5 French surrenders and never a one. Tried moving some to UK, no luck. I wonder if I parked some naval/transport units in the Cape Loop?
  17. I'm always up for PBEM. Just started one, but thinking that the first patch will be a dramatic change, perhaps this should be playtime. Inevitably, it really doesn't matter, as its all about fun anyway.
  18. Now this is going to be a little strange, but fully motorized Corps. Great recon element at 5AP. Good infiltrators with a loosely held front, cutting supply and pinning other units from escape, then nailing the survivors with Tanks. Cheap, effective, wish the Italians had more. Haven't been able to get any to high experience with 3 IW and AT. Thinking they could be a good mobile reserve with HQ support. Most lame...probably carriers, only good for naval operations and way to expensive to maintain.
  19. I kind of like the way the defense, or non-defense works in SC2. One thing is for sure, if you allow your opponent to saddle up next to you from 3 tiles and prepare an attack for the next turn.......well , just put your head between your legs and kiss your @ss goodbye. I don't care how much of entrenchment you have. If I move around your flanks and soak off that entrenchment value with Corps attacks, use my AFs ,bombers, and Artillery(rockets),...... its over man. Now in real life, what was the usual course of action when a commander was faced with overwhelming odds? Well I'm not sticking around unless I'm surrounded. The better part of valor IMO, is retreat and live to fight another day. OK, okay...since I'm from Texas, there may be some reasonable conclusion to perform an "Alamo" feat, but it should be kept to a minimum.
  20. Look guys, it just one click per turn. One Click! Isn't this kind of trivial, to save one click. I can't even remember half the time how many MPPs I got in the Summer, Fall, or Winter, for each ally. By the time I write down the info from the popup I could have "one-clicked" myself to the diplo screen. I'm clicking on units checking out supply, morale, readiness, HQ attachments, AF modes, movement possibilities, etc. etc. Come on ...one click. Its no wonder the world can't get along.
  21. Why not use the surprise contact feature to simulate enemy intercepts of amphibious landings. Even if previously spotted, each adjacent enemy air, naval, or land unit would inflict casualties on the amphib unit when it moves to land or even after it lands and moves adjacent to other enemy units. Just like when there is a surprise encounter, even though this maybe is not a surprise, the adjacent enemy units will inflict random strength losses to the landing unit. The stronger, more numerous the units, the more strength loss. This uses the existing game mechanics and pretty much simulates the adversity a landing unit would encounter when trying to get ashore.
  22. Thank you my good Liam, well said. Now the rest of you "students", get out there and build some, deploy some, use some, and report back to HQ for debriefing.
  23. CRAP!!!! Its no wonder I have no hair left. Listen closely....that's it put your ears in close proximity to the CPU speakers....ready!!!! Research rockets to level 5, or less for that matter, but get them some range, IMO 3 is good enough. Research motorization to level 2. Sprinkle with a little SC2 magic dust(your imagination), or change the icon if you must. What have you got............anyone.......Liam...please elaborate before I have "The Big One". Did I mention, this time(SC2), they are transportable.
  24. I'm with you Liam, good, simple and historically accurate. I'm also partial to Retri's idea which could be scripted and is also historical. If certain forward tiles are not garrisoned on Axis DoW a % chance that Germany receives and extra corps or two.
  25. There has to be an incentive to compel the USSR player to deploy along the frontier. That was one reason I suggested that every, well almost every tile should have an inherent MPP value. That's just one suggestion. I like Edwin's idea of allowing Soviet deployments to entrench if they are on the border, perhaps within one tile. Alternatively a diplomatic script is another incentive as Edwin suggests. There needs to be some randomness to the deployment so that the eventual effects can't be assured at 100% accuracy.
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