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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Balance.....????? Sheesh!!! If ever there was a fleeting notion, this is it. Y'all sound like DD's idealism of everything being the same, sorry... for interrupting with realism, but there will never be two players the same. First of all the game mechanics won't allow it...Duhhhh!! Remember that little variable called luck :cool: , the randomizer algorithm? The tech plays, the diplomacy, and the individualism of each human's decision making process. Come on...you got to be kidding me. Balance? Fair and Just? Go find another universe, ain't happening here. I like Yogi's perspective, sounds logical.
  2. Kind of had a feeling something was amiss. Thanks for the update. Is first patch going to be compatible with present engine or will we have to restart ongoing games?
  3. Only two at the time of D-Day. But added a couple more later, 17th and 13th Airborne. Eventually grouped together as the First Allied Airborne Army with the 82nd and 101st. Should be two corps allowed remembering that glider regiments were attached at times according to operational needs. 3 jump Regts + 1 glider = a large division.
  4. Have to agree with Lars here, the propensity of evidence does not support the conclusion. Like DD refers to, lots of perspectives, profuse speculation abounds. I'll submit that Stalin actually thought of Hitler as a sort of "Brother of Ideology". Both with a deep commital to new ideas of controlling social order. Both visionaries with similar concepts, yet skewed with the details of attainment. Let's not forget they started out as allies.
  5. Same here KT. The game is maximize MPP efficiency. Get France out early, add minors, tech up IT and PT..........add units depending on strategy.
  6. Reduction is ok, I just want some acknowledgement that they are at least raiding. 75% of the time, 3 out of 4 turns, I don't even get a notice that they raided. Its summer of 1940.
  7. Good point Exel, I don't play the AI anymore, too incompetent. My comments are only directed at H vs H games. I'm getting France to fall in February or latest April 40, so there is a quiet period that runs into the summer while Axis addresses different strategies. One or two turn delays in France are inconsequential.
  8. I'm wondering how the rest of the forum sees Uboat raiding? In my game against Blashy I have had full strength level one Uboats on both the Canadian and Mideastern routes in calm seas and am only seeing raiding on the order of 25%. Comments?
  9. Have to agree with the Canada scenario. What better place to be rearmed, in US proximity. Also need those convoys from MidEast to be redirected. All seems to fit a logical, historical "what-if".
  10. Yeah, and with a little help from Woodrow Wilson(who tried against vast political discourse) and our Doeboys occupying Russia at the time, there may never have been a CCCP. Now think of the millions of lives that would have saved, not to mention the the trillions of dollars. Another great vision undermined by shortsightedness. BEF...leave it at home, to easily caught(Germans will target it) and UK needs all its MPPs early. Besides, not like it will prevent France's fall.
  11. I haven't tried saving a PBEM game partially through one sides move. You couldn't do this with SC1. In GGWaW you could save anywhere in the turn and pass it on to the next player. There were 5 majors being a world scale.
  12. Keep it simple....its just a matter of scale. Do your children need a guardian? Does your house need a watch dog/security system? Does your town need a Police force? Does your county/state need an enforcement agency? Does your country need a military? Is there anything worth fighting for? Declared or not...doesn't matter, if evil exists it must be reigned in, constantly. So who's going to do it? Who get's dirty? Who faces the heat and cooks the dinner? Its always been someone, not always the consensus either. The present policeman goes back a couple hundred years(guess who's the deputy), check out "The Savage Wars of Peace" to get a glimpse, not the whole story, but a little orientation. Max Boot...the author
  13. Well Tojo, I don't know that I agree that "All that matters". Actually I agree with Rambo, JJ has shown you an abundance of compassion and did you reciprocate? Nevermind(Nirvana's best), JJ is right, as usual, off to Buntaland.
  14. JJ, sorry, not desperation. You guys have got to expel the media propaganda from your reasoning powers, use your common sense. Read between the lines. God knows its not easy. JJ, I just had an Argentine family come to work with me, about a year ago. Another is on the way. These people had a decent living in Argentina, their house was better than mine, he was an airline/air force pilot. They love America, don't forget I live in S. Texas. I rub shoulders with many immigrants, legal and illegal. I visit Mexico constantly, do business there. My conclusion, they are coming here for the same reasons they came here in the past, the same as our ancestors did, and you can't blame them either. What do you think they see? Same thing those prospectors saw......in the hills of California, mountains of Alaska. Think about it, have people changed that much, or is it, there is just more of them and the resources are dwindling, the infrastructure is not keeping up. Why is that? I'm with you JJ..............Gone >>>>>Surfing!
  15. Great point JJ, the smaller scale is easier to manage and pride starts at home. First with yourself, then your family, your neighbors and on up to your local community. People thrive on the success of their immediate acquaintances, that builds and propagates to others, friendships, partnerships form and yes, DD, companies, corporations :eek: . Take this forum for instance. That's how it started, from those single dwellers, to present. Yes, there are casualties, some people wander off no matter what you do. Examine the trees for the answers, don't address the forest yet. [ May 07, 2006, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  16. Look guys, I'm not in total disagreement with many of the premises made here, I respect both your opinions and I'll be the first to admit, I don't have anywhere near all the answers, never will. All I can do is observe and form some loosely held opinions based on the conclusions of my examination of the past and present. Do humans respond to reward? Is that consistent with the rest of the "animal" world? Do some learn faster than others? Why does the USA have so many people wanting to come here and hardly any leaving? Just a few of the basic questions that guy in the mirror keeps asking me.
  17. "Nope, no, nix, forget it, not a chance." Thanks for the open mind DD. So you would be happy with everyone at the same level of consciousness, economic level, going about their designated tasks for the goodness of all? Did you forget, we're talking about human beings here, not ants.
  18. Thanks JJ...Whoa DD! So you want the government to handle these social issues...just what I'm talking about...look in the mirror. Delegate it to someone else and then complain because they didn't do the job right. Read DD...a reduction of government, not a destruction of. The rule of Law and a secure environment to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. The sole role of the Fed. You want to help the less fortunate people, so do I, but let's address that at the local level, get involved and evaluate who is really needy and who just needs a helpful shove. Perhaps our resources wouldn't be so wasted through the trickle down bureaucracy, all those middle men with their own agendas. Ohhh....you don't have the time, remember what I said about delegation. Granted, there must be some coordination of the infrastructure for capitalism to thrive, but what we have is ridiculous. Now you see JJ, this is just what I'm talking about. I'd have to make a detailed explanation and have a long drawn out discussion, 280 million times.....never get nothing done.
  19. I'd be more than happy and honored to be your co-president. Just one thing, with 280 million voices dishing out more than a small amount of criticism, not to mention the absolutely insane rhetoric, integrity bashing from the other politicians. Shall I mention the vote pandering, the lobbyists, the undermining of any reformation issues, totally dead locked congress, and the Supreme court that tries to dictate law making policy instead of interpreting the Constitution. Well to put it simply...its no wonder Cheney has a bad ticker and shot someone. I'd be dead or in jail and you would need a replacement. Better yet, make a long list of replacements. You'll need to invade some more countries to get your MPP level up. I'm voting for all political positions being term limited, a flat tax, phasing out of Social Security and government/tax reduction. The US government, state, county, local...all of them are completely out of control. And guess who's to blame...well its that idiot staring back at me every morning in the bathroom mirror.......before he's had his coffee. But he's slowly waking up!
  20. JJ gets my vote for the "Nobel Peace Prize" . Also for Secretary-General of the UN. Could I hope that you are Catholic....the Pope's position is not beneath you. And finally......well I'm completely at a loss for our next US President. Would you consider it? :cool:
  21. To set the record straight, I'm not highlighting any administration, Bush&Co, or otherwise. And I'm not scared, nor do I live in any fear.
  22. Dutch Gambit / LC Gambit. What can you do? As Allies.....watch them surrender! And one other note, if for some reason Brussels doesn't fall, the reinforcements will come out of your French MPP stash.
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