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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Actually...down here in Texas, the Fatherland, GW is known as "The Boy from Brazil". :eek:
  2. Glad to hear something positive and intelligent, Tim. Its better than what we got!
  3. Exactly Ag, no one uses them, and thus we have a unit that could actually add to the strategic possibilities and the variable gameplay that we all wish SC2 could have more of. I have no argument against the "scale" perspective, it is so, it is viable, and hard to ignore. I admit it. But SC2 is an abstraction and requires the accompanying thought patterns for credibility. I, for one, believe it accomplishes that fact admirably. So it is that I play this game with that conceptual attitude. Works for me. But I realize, as I do about everyday life, that I can get alot of things to work that other people can't. Hence, .....the demands on my time.
  4. No No No DD, definitely want to play. I have just not been at home much lately, except to sleep. I run a 24/7 business and we had some new Russian Crude enter the port for processing. Lab's been busy ascertaining its characteristics. Plus life's many demands, especially from the rampant incompetent humans that inhabit most of this planet, I'm trying to help them, I'm sympathetic and hopeful. Please don't give up on me, Blashy and Agamemnon can vouch for me. My play is inconsistent, be patient. I looked at your scenario setup...very ...very interesting...shall we do an AAR? Come to think of it, our fellow forum members probably don't care and it would be a "long and winding road". But from the Axis perspective I could really elaborate in the role of Rommel. I'll PM you tonight....unless?????
  5. Come on Blashy....give me a break. This game is not real...= unreal. Its a simulation. The fact of the matter exists, deny it if you wish, but the way rockets are presented and used in SC2 more closely resembles artillery. You know it...I know it...this forum knows it and I beg to offer that HC knows it. Rockets, as represented by the V1s and V2s of WW2, did nothing as far as any battlefield consequences, in any theater. Perhaps, and this is a stretch.....of realism.....they may have had some morale impact as far as English citizens were concerned and probably did divert some assets to their(rockets)potential demise. That is it. They are in this game, that in itself is unreal, and because they are here, then they can be made to serve a rational purpose. That purpose, in all logical deducement, is in the role of artillery.
  6. Hmmm, wasn't it Teddy that said "Walk softly and carry a big stick". I'm kind of partial to Woodrow Wilson.
  7. Look you guys, you are going to have to get over this scale/range thing. Its not going to work if you can't get by this. Think in terms of deployment, behind the main positions of resistance. What we need is to make the strike range 3 and leave it at that. I use 3, because the defensive lines are too porous in SC2. The tech levels should increase the effectiveness of fire, decrease in enemy readiness and morale, higher SA and TA for the artillery units. These new units should be cheaper to produce and spend less time in the production queue.
  8. Ags got it. He knows it can be done, but an Axis bomber sure helps. With HB, Malta garrison is dispatched in three turns using 3 AFs and Italian fleet. Oh ...and wb....they are not being supplied with troops, the troops are already there, they are being resupplied so that they become effective, hence their combat strength goes up. You guys have no imagination, what has the world done to y'all. Stop standing in that cold shower of reality, this is a game, enjoy it, use your metaphysical thought processes. :cool: Same for you rocket boys........become artillery men.
  9. Oh one other thing...... Once they get to level two mobility they should be allowed to "Shoot and Scoot" or vice versa.
  10. Rolend.....you got it! The subliminal message of the SC2, and for that matter SC1, Rocket unit is quietly ...now A R T I L L E R Y !!!!! Did anyone notice that they are transportable now and with the mobility upgrade they become.... Self-propelled Artillery. Forget what they look like and perish the thought of the map scale, they are simply deployed in the rear echelon just like they're supposed be. Their combat prowess improves with tech levels, they have better range and accuracy. Man-Law......SC2 Rockets will now be referred to as "Artillery".
  11. Agreed JDF, leaving a unit in proximity of enemy units beginning their turn is certain death. There is no "stand and fight" feature in SC2 except in fortifications at level 8. I don't think the additional movement penalty will be enough. We need something, not much, to give the defense some teeth. We should be, at least, able to hold a defensive position for one turn. I have some ideas on mobile defensive measures but have not tried any out, since I haven't been as far as Barbarossa yet. Some veterans of that campaign should be able to comment. A screen of corps, with others in deployment for potential "surprise contact" stops if undisclosed by enemy air, might stop the advance. Of course at that moment you would have to unleash the mobile reserve(Tanks, Artillery, and Air) for the counterattack, then bring up a couple of more corps(+mobility level) to screen your exposed reserve(the Tanks). Takes quite an assembled force, don't know if its feasible, 6(2 upgraded) corps, two tanks, two rockets, two AFs. Someone has bound to try.
  12. Not if we had a defense bonus from combat engineers or perhaps from HQ command and control.
  13. I think hexes would have been just fine with the fight then move feature we have now. It means with proper planning you could get 4 attacks concentrated on one hex excluding Air and Artillery(rockets) assets. With tiles you can get at least six and probably more like eight ground attacks on a single tile. Pretty tough to form any kind of defense. A fix is forthcoming.
  14. Great DD, looking forward to it. My email is bradtap@aol.com. Oh and I only drink soy milk, that stuff from the dairy is for baby cows. I haven't even dwelt within the confines of your scenario, but looks like a gem. Heck I'll just shoot from hip and hope I don't get filled to full of holes. High noon on main street, Ok with you, sun won't be in either of our eyes. I'll be at La Casa later.
  15. Good work JDF, but........ this may be OK for an AI game, it will not alleviate the naval roundup I referred to in H to H games. When the surface forces are adequate they will corral a sub with surprise contact. Subs can only spot one tile while the surface forces configure themselves two tiles away surrounding the sub and unknown to the sub. After each stop of sub movement using the "surprise contact" feature, the surface vessels reposition for the next surprise contact until the sub is exterminated. The sub never escapes. So with these proposed modifications it will only take a few more turns, probably two, and the sub is dead. What we need is some way for the sub to escape this roundup.
  16. Your right SO, but this is about the historical unkown as it was for the entities of power back in the 40s. Just like you said about playing Terif you expect to never win. I say rubbish. No matter what your gaming style is, there should be some inkling of a chance, giving enough beginnings, you will eventually find that acorn and succeed. The question is can you persevere through that many games. That creates the ray of hope, the challenger can always have a chance to knockout the champion. Lord help you on the rematch.
  17. That's just it Ron, we're smarting than that. The Med is obviously a better gamble than USSR. Since we roleplay as the supreme commander we want the ability to thwart a badly preconceived invasion of USSR. Yes, sometimes things cascade out of our control and that's what we are advocating also, but there should always be a very large window of opportunity to change things from the historical set. No one knows exactly when the hierarchy of the USSR would deem an invasion of Germany appropriate, we can only hypothesize. We want to create the unknown, therefor we need a larger timeset for an indisputable action to take place. Perhaps late 43 would not be to farfetched for a Red Army incursion into German territory?
  18. I'm with the gameplan Liam, sounds great. But we also will need the possibility for a decline in readiness also. It can't always be going positive. If you happen to catch the right combination, diplomacy chits and unit deployments you actually get a reduction.
  19. You guys are falling into the Rambo trap. God love him, but Rambo is our Knight in shining armor, long on brevity, but short on brains. Actually this is probably a ruse, he just wants us to think that. Still he serves a very valuable purpose, he's the diversion while the more cunning amongst us move around the flank and attack from the rear. :eek: This model is fine, the Germans were very adapt warriors. The French were no pushover, plenty of other examples. Simply, the Germans were the innovators, they arrived on the scene with some novel strategies and tactics. Until the other powers adapted and were able to implement some effective countermeasures the Germans were at the advantage. Then it became their turn to adapt, which they didn't, efficiently enough, ie. the historical conclusion to WW2.
  20. True Ag, but what he's saying is you shouldn't know how many units it will take to deter USSR aggression/readiness to DoW. My take would be as readiness inclines for USSR involvement, in order to manipulate the percent, in conjunction with diplomacy, you would need to station more troops in close proximity to the border. Perhaps 2 tiles from the border, perhaps on the border, you never know, this is the variable that always changes like Stalin's whimsical personality.
  21. Glad to see you back and in the philosophical mood DD. I missed you, no one to keep me in line, I've been running amuck. In total agreement with your post although I could pick, but I won't. I'm going to pick an SC fight instead. Examine your schedule, I've really been wanting to do a smaller scale SC scenario. You know I have inclinations to the desert and you did create a most intriguing campaign that dwells within that environment. Now I have been offered to accompany some Algerian friends of mine on a carravan into the Sahara, but my wife is a little skeptical, what the heck....she's terrified. So it probably won't happen real soon. So what if me and you perform our own quest into the Sahara ala your scenario, side doesn't matter. This will be for the "Sheik of the Raging Sands" title. You got game, I got milk?
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