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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. I saw some artillery! W :eek: W, "very interesting"
  2. Liam....have you been messing around "The Still"? :confused: Your beginning to worry me, what the hell is all this jibberish? AFs are fine. You can have two at advanced status and an HB, also advanced, for UK early. Are we playing the same game? Instead of nipping at "The Still", which by the way has been converted to producing E-85, you should be touting the need for our beloved .......ARTILLERY! Rockets are lame! Now leave the ethanol alone, my flex fuel chevy needs it for my appointments with "ZeeK the Peak" and my old buddy "Mel, the Swell", and "Get Back", to where you once belonged.
  3. no sweat Dave, this is after all a game, to be enjoyed in our leisure time. And we both know what a valuable commodity that is.
  4. I'm playing it also. This is DD's scenario, and that's a good question Curry. Hopefully, there is no spotting in SS, no air operations and probably some reduced movement. Dave?
  5. The easiest way to decrease the effectiveness of AFs is dilute their sorties to going after more high priority targets. And what unit would that be.........but of course....... Artillery!
  6. Got to agree with Sombra here. We've got to be careful with presumptions of AF prowess. Let's not forget they should be a force to be reckoned with, history dictates and the present still supports their dominance. In fact I think they should be provided with increasing ground attack capability as advanced aircraft tech levels climb. The counter....AAA tech of course, that can be applied to all units, except maybe subs.
  7. Well hollerin out loud, DD you knew the ole Z-man. Back in them days of the Mothers? What an invention they were. That little lovely of yours didn't go by the name of Suzie Creamcheese by any chance?
  8. Now don't get all gay(gay=happy) on us Kuni....errr Puni. Is that a little mist in your eyes? Your soooo........fragile! No Lars, I was 18 on arrival, but my youngest sister went there, Dora Taylor, maybe you remember, she would have been about 11. She and her good friend, Leslie Kucera, were in your neighborhood, both ...not bad to look at.
  9. Hey Lars, we must have been close. Moved to 4609 Jarvis, just off Airline, 2 blocks towards the Bay from Alameda, in 1969. Been around here off and on since then. Kuni.....Master Chemist....on your knees peasant, bow to The Master(aka, " The Spoiler" to the females of your specie) No one has jumped in awhile,Lars.... but I might throw Kuni off.
  10. OK Lars, but Snoopy's is on The Island and down here all the shrimp boats pull up at the T-Heads on Shoreline Drive. Prices are better, shrimp are fresher and just across the causeway in Portland resides the best cook on the planet....Me! But Snoopy's is good after a nice swell at Bob Hall pier and I'll pop a couple for ya on my return trip, chasing them with some ice cold Dos Equis.
  11. Is this about choreographed weather patterns? Well, this is about weather....right! Is there anything more random? Well here in Corpus Christi, it was about 85 degrees F on Christmas day, 2005. I've seen it in the 90s, awhile back. In 2004, there was about 5 inches of snow on the ground, sounds consistent to me. It never ceases to amaze me, people here want a realistic simulation of WW2, even though we all have the benefit of hindsight. How are you going to simulate the "Unknown", intangibles, that the original participants faced without randomness. Keep it as it is, that's my vote for SC2 weather.
  12. Ok, I'll let the markets decide. If coal gasification and the subsequent infrastructure to distribute and convert to its use arises, then you are right. If not? Case closed.
  13. Come on Night, you've been a staple around here. Get into it, there are some good mods, and we all value your input. Get with the plan and play somebody, heck ....grace us with an AAR. You can do it!
  14. Thanks David, I think we all share this philosophy to certain degrees. Its how we get there that really is the question. Always will be some good ideas, practical applications being for HC to decide on. You got to hand it to him, he's provided us great platform and been very receptive. Too bad all of us can't be as appreciative as this game and he deserves. But no matter, each venue has its following.
  15. Yep, adding AA tech and air defense enhancements to ground units was discussed many times in the SC1 forums. The perfect counter for that all powerful airforce of your opponent. Eventually at the level 5 tech area we could see the development of SAMs and extend SC mods into the contemporary era. Another plane of the SC2 platform to explore. [ July 05, 2006, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  16. You know this is where we have an opportunity to incorporate another of those seldomly used units. Engineers. Giving them an ability to enhance the supply of a city railhead would make them much more attactive to purchase and deploy. Also would make them an attractive target of air assets, again incorporating an additional dimension to the game. The goal is to get as many different units, ie strategies involved for replayability, employing them in their historically realized roles.
  17. Men, I have to hand it off to you guys, y'all have got it. I've performed my role, just a little push, it was apparent in SC1, that's all it would take, but you guys are more receptive, the idea is gathering moss. Like a snowball going downhill, the momentum of artillery is undeniable. Tell us HC, this is our new SC2 parameter. At least let us test it. :cool: Thanks to all, but most of all to you, Blashy, your mod got it done. SHHHH, I don't want to hear it. Don't be insulting my intelligence, you know you saw it all along.
  18. Ok guys, finally we're getting some intelligent people on board. But we have a small problem with an accurate presentation of the artillery unit and that is in the naval aspect. Not a unit breaker, but it would be a bit unrealistic for artilley units to damage naval vessels that were offshore. In other words, artillery units should only be able to strike sea tiles that are adjacent to land tiles. See, now we have just broadened our gameplay again with artillery units. No longer will naval units be able to bombard your land units with impunity. I have heard the complaints about naval bombardment, but now your land based forces can return the damage.....sound realistic?
  19. You guys ever play GGWaW? Well it is this scale, bigger, and there are artillery units. You know them damn artillery units are deadly to, just like IRL, but they have a weakness. Know what it is? Attack from the air. Imagine we had an SC2 artillery unit. Do you think it would get much attention from AFs. You better damn sure bet your last dollar they will. Those AFs will prioritize those units and you won't be complaining so much about them damaging your frontline units, will you? You might even invest a lot of MPPs to get your artillery range higher than your opponents....so you can what????....counter-battery...maybe?? Does this all sound like something that would happen in warfare....for real?? Ask yourselves....are we creating a another dimension of gameplay for SC2 strategies and tactics? Is it in keeping with real life scenarios? Then what in the hell is the problem here? Scale?? That is a hopeless argument. Scale?? is going to stand in the way of gameplay? Is this a game? What is important about a game? Gameplay???.....maybe, or is it scale?
  20. Thank you Cary, a viable observation. And that is just my point, because you are not allowed to stack you must make some conceptual alterations with unit dispositions. Is it so hard to imagine?
  21. I like your ideas here Blashy. All seem historically accurate although I would give the UK a chance for level 5 AF, ie. Meteor. We still need a way for those subs to escape the "naval roundup" when going silent. I noticed you didn't add any "teeth" to the defense or didn't refer to any changes in that parameter for combat units....by design? Well at least you acknowledged the forlorn situation of our Rocket unit and corrected its historical attitude. Seems a downright shame we can't incorporate this unit into a potentially new SC2 dimension. :cool: Oh well...I've been on the point many times, pioneered lots of new innovations. I don't mind the wind out here on that limb, I'm used to it. Can you imagine some so-called professional people actually accuse me of "making things up". Tsk...Tsk... the ineptness of it all.
  22. Good one KG, I'm for SA/TA at 1 and strike range two for our new artillery unit. It will open up a whole new dimension in SC2. A counter for upgraded HT and IW units. Might even add to the defensive characteristics, since the only defense in SC2 is offense.
  23. JJR, you forgot Cheney and Halliburton. Oh.... and our little poodle puppy across the pond, Blair.
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