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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. I have a request. In the interest of historical accuracy, and this one is subject to debate, I want to address the situation of the UK/Commonwealth in the event of the British Isle's surrender. We know that Cairo is the fall back position, but in most cases Egypt has fallen previously and that is the disposition I wish to address. IMO there should be a provision for Canada to be the new cradle for UK rejuvenation. I'm not advocating a full blown Allied power with tech and builds, diplomacy and the such, but a contingent to assist USA with re-entry to the European continent. This may be possible with scripts alone. First and foremost a Royal Navy deployment. Should some of the RN be allowed to spawn and reappear in Canadian ports or should the UK player have the ability to run to Canada when all is determined to be lost after a successful Sealion? Then those extra MPPs from the Commonwealth would be useful for repairs. Now about the Free UK armed entity. I propose a scripting of at least an HQ, engineers, paratroopers, an AF, and possibly a tank and corps for the invasion force. These would come about slowly from scripting queus with the HQ coming first followed by the specialties and finally the tank and corps by early 1944. If possible they should arrive at some level of tech advancement in relation to USA levels. Not sure if this can be scripted so there may be a decision to what levels they should be at. For me that's pretty easy, I say HT level 3 with 2 mobilization. The corps, 3,2,2. Realistic or would the UK just have folded up like whipped dogs?
  2. Aha! HC's back from vacation and in good spirits. Hubert, just ignore us old farts, cause we're going to try and get a rise out of you with our many lame suggestions. Besides, it seems Blashy has a good handle on a balanced Fall Weiss. Heck...you deserve another vacation, we'll hash this out until you get back.
  3. I'm voting for 200 MPPs and the 3 SA factor. This should help defense, the counter-attacking kind, and keep those damn IW3 corps from swarming all over your armies. It should also induce a semblance of combined arms as now you will need the armor in association with your corps when on sustained offensives to deal with these armies. Well....its worth a test.
  4. I have been an advocate of the "pass through" feature for a long time HR. There should only be a random chance that naval vessels would be stopped by the "surprise contact" mechanics. This % random chance should go way down in stormy tiles, giving vessels a tactical or strategic chance of hiding in squalls/bad weather conditions. Subs running silent should have a reduced random chance also. This feature would allow the "search" features to be more compelling and realistic for naval operations. In the event that two vessels would occupy the same tile at the end of a move, the game mechanics would simply move the active player's vessel to a random adjacent unoccupied tile, just like when transporting from an occupied port. We could even see some interaction with a player's intel tech causing greater random percentages of spotting and surprise contacts for the higher levels. Look at any of the historical naval battle scenarios over the 20th century and you will find "the search" the most important aspect of the engagement. In my opinion SC2 could improve this aspect and become a very interesting and in depth naval model and the number of ocean tiles could actually be reduced, assisting in the larger map mods.
  5. Now mind you JJC, I have never got very deep into the Russian campaign from either side, but there are a few things that make common sense by examining the preliminaries. Get IW3, maybe AT1 at least. Supply seems to be the key, so defend in the interior with commitment to the cities. Try to get AA tech on the cities cause you know Germany will have an HB or two. Use your engineers to fortify some basic positions to funnel the Axis attack to a certain area where you will set up a mobile defense and counter-attacking forces. That seems to be in the south. Speaking of the south, watch your backdoor.
  6. You still have the reduced cost of corps upgrades vs armys that also make purchasing corps more attractive. Would you rather have a 3,3,2, corps or a 0,0,1 army? Then there is the mobility/AP advantage, not to mention the rebuild and build times/costs. Perhaps a 3 attack and defense base for armies and maybe a terrain defense bonus also. In actuality, armies usually equal 3 corps and have more attached assets, why not represent reality?
  7. Steve, I remember researching this once before. I'm not at "la casa" presently, but I have the Luftwaffe handbook at home with the actual numbers(operational also) and deployments at the war beginning. From memory, the actual operational aircraft and the numbers counted are different. Remember not all the aircraft are worthy at any moment for combat, usually around 80% for the Luftwaffe, better for the UK. As I remember it, you could represent 4 luftflottes but one would be only at half strength at best, in Sept. 1939. I believe 2 luftflottes were full strength, one nearly there and the other like I said (half), that could be the HB unit. I'll check it out later and post if you wish.
  8. A suggestion. Dave has done away with operational movement in his North Africa scenario and just increased the AP of the units. Seems to work fine. Another suggestion was the need for a road tile, this could also be tweaked to simulate a rail tile. Perhaps setting up a number of clear terrain and good weather tiles connected from one industrial center, city, reinforcement entry area, to another would solve this problem. The units could run these corridors using their full APs simulating rapid type movements. Obviously I haven't dwelt within the editor yet, but these are some things I remember being discussed pre-release.
  9. Amen Blashy! It was this way in SC1. Instead of adopting a balanced campaign mod many players embraced the bidding scenario. OK, fine by me, others move on and find something else, or create it themselves, sometimes called progress. Humans are habitual creatures and those old habits die hard. We're all guilty, no big deal, it is as it is, and rest assured even when Hubert has the game as balanced as the mechanics will allow there will always be someone complaining of imbalance. Its just human nature, the unsatisfied variable of different perspectives/realities. Look at the world today, for example, totally unquenchable, it is without solution.
  10. I'm with you Ag, well stated. Did I mention I hate "House Rules". Blashy's mod already addresses all that are presently pertinent and when another comes up, the editor will take care of it also. Did I mention, I love this SC2 editor.
  11. Nicely done guys. Oh and Kuni, has the sauna been retaken, I had reservations at 2?
  12. Not so RJ. My Wehrmacht boys in Russia have Bearskin hats and coats, with waterproof overcoats. They drink only the finest vodka and plenty of schnapps from the Fatherland is at their disposal. Food is plentiful as is their female companionship. Their fires are constantly stoked with aromatic wood and they are free to enjoy winter sports. They never would board a train to the west if not ordered to. One problem though....they don't like to fight too much in the winter.
  13. I would think that construction on the scale that SC fortifications entail is pretty hard to disguise from common knowledge.
  14. OK BW, fair enough, but this game isn't about defense, IMO. Seems to me its about the effectiveness of attack and the follow up and positioning for a continuation of the attack, ie the name "Blitzkrieg". Upgrades in tanks also include heavier caliber weapons and more efficient types of ammo for penetration. It just seems to get bloodier and bloodier, the killing gets so effective. If we start getting into defensive measures of the ground units we could again end up with the static characteristics of the original SC. Not saying it can't be accomplished, but it will have to be approached with scrutiny.
  15. Hummmmm, B..."Wizard" is it? Ever here of aircraft and antitank weapons? They're both in the game. I won't mention Artillery, which masquerades as Rockets, but they've also been known to be effective. Try them first and then clean up with your level 5 tanks.
  16. Rambonehead, I can vouch for Blashy, he is a capable player. Yes, he experiments alot, you don't? He's a beta, its his job to help level this game out, and yours too, if you really are an icon, and not incredulous. Try something different for a change, explore the unknown, I know you Idahoans have a pioneering spirit. You have time to play a lot, give Blashy a break and some feedback, he's doing this for all of us, a true SCean. Try his mod....you going to help or just CROW?
  17. How could we forget. By the way, you've got your HQ in SC2. Don't tell me you haven't purchased it yet.
  18. This is a perfect parameter for a lead in Intelligent tech to reveal. You have a higher level of intel, you see those that have a lesser level, MPPs and unit configurations as in SC. Its simple, its somewhat realistic, and it will catalize an additional dilution of MPPs which leads to more diverse strategies.
  19. Hey Rambum, its time to buy, a great opportunity. The gold and energy positions are kicking, enter into the defense sector. There are plenty of places for entry,..... that is if your smart enough to maintain a cash position.
  20. Exactly Otto, this is a war. Someone needs to win, emphatically, and then it will be over.
  21. Please .....can we cease this display of a total lack of common sense. This is media babble....ie. propaganda....get a grip. Hint: Examine the historical "Cultures of Grievances"...the picture may clear. Get over it....get on with it.
  22. What's the matter JJR, things a little to complacent around here? Stop trying to instigate some sort of chastising remarks, rebukes, and downright turmoil in this forum. Now go to your room and play some SC. Find someone or maybe the AI to vent your hostility with. Maybe visit a physician and have them check your blood chemistry, obviously something it out of whack. Perhaps a mild anesthetic could subdue this testoseronal outburst. You have a cold silver bullet handy? Now light some incense, sandalwood is good, dim the lights, sit crosslegged on your prayer rug, touch your thumb and middle finger and repeat after me OOOHHHMMMMM........Ohmmmmm........He.....a...ven, Ohhhhhhhmmmmmmm. Softly now......"The Earth turns slowly round".... "Faraway the distant sound" "Is with us everyday........Can you hear.... what it says.........." OOOOhhhhmmmmmmm. Now that you feel better....turn out the lights.... the party's over.
  23. I think with the true information being what it was of this time period, sketchy at best; the vastness of the conflict, the rudimentary communications, the secrecy of the regime, Ill go out on a limb here and say: "We all can be right" After all, who really knows the truth, who could know it all? No way anyone can refute anyone else with any credibility, say what you will, its all conjecture.
  24. Kuni...I thought you have John Ellis' book? A good source IMO, it says 11 million killed and missing, 6 million POWs, and 6.7 million civilian casualties. Of course in the USSR, between 41 and 45, these would all be approximations. BBC is usually pretty accurate, especially documentaries, but beware their agendas, there is always one, probably more. Anyway, population estimate supports good data, 194,100,000, with 30 million serving in the armed forces.
  25. Kuni, what they probably did was change the icon of the infantry units when you apply motorization tech as an upgrade.
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