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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Usually in SC1 it was a concentration of effort to destroy as many units as possible per turn. Things haven't changed that much, but now I find myself being a little more cautious and there are instances when I try to weaken enemy units that are in proximity for a counter-attack. I find that I take less casualties to my assaulting units in the preceding turns since my opponent usually reinforces or moves away instead. It just seems to me that the essence of SC is to efficiently manage your MPPs. Isn't that how you get ahead in life, efficient management of your assets? :cool: Oh yeah, I forgot....a lot of you out there want the government to do that for you. You know they'll do a good job!
  2. This may be pretty obvious to some of the continuous SC players but for us intermittent players, these things sometimes go unnoticed. The manual says that you cannot load a transport from a port that is less than 50% efficiency, that is all well and fine, but how about the unload? I've noticed that you cannot unload at a port of less than 50% efficiency on the turn you move into it also. But if you let that unit sit there through your opponents turn and during that turn you holler out to those longshoremen, "If you don't get your lazy asses in gear and unload this vital military cargo, I'm going to come up there and bitch-slap your unshaven faces", they have a tendency to get it done the next turn and you can unload, even at less than 50% effectiveness. Ok...maybe you don't have to be so ungracious, and maybe you don't have to be so unsympathetic, after all those hard working longshoremen are probably missing their ration of Beer, Whiskey, Rum, Vodka, Schnapps, wine....etc, not to mention their equipment, remember they are operating at less than 50%. Anyway, I thought it was a nice feature, the port facilities will get the job done, just not on the turn you get there.
  3. This is a perfect example of what I am always talking about. Rambo finally gets the luck, the weather, the diplomacy, everything going his way and what happens? There's Terif, unassuming, preserving his resources for the opportunity, unrelenting perseverence. Not the least enamored with the thought of instantaneous gratification. Rambo, brash, daring, gambling, his own worst enemy......"going for it". Well gentlemen, its like the game of life, like playing the stock market over the long haul. You endeavor to persevere, know your limitations, take a calculated risk here or there, but never throw or show all your cards, and know that a little mistake can be overcome, just like the diplomacy and the weather. Its the repetition of the big mistakes(Rambo's first two games) that get you in trouble.
  4. So what you are saying is, any unit of strength ten possessing one or more medals of experience(elligible for elite reinforcements) should display a gold background in the strength box? Good idea!
  5. Look, perhaps I owe Rambo an apology, but I'm wary at changing the diplomatic mechanics too much. This is one of the most important aspects of SC2, one of the dimensions we all asked to be expanded. HC accomplished that fact. I think that even though the combat and conquest features of SC are most attractive to us wargamers, we must not forget how important diplomacy can play out in real life. Diplomacy is the antonym to war, in many ways its effectiveness should be comparable. I think it makes for a most compelling game of SC2 when taken in the "what if" context. It is consistent with the real world. I like Scook's idea, how about a three tier approach to diplomatic randomization. The majors cost the most with the lesser of a randomizer, the mediums(Spain, Turkey, Sweden), moderate expense, a little more possibility of a greater percentage, and finally the minors, with the greatest chance of joining one side or the other, at the least MPP investment.
  6. OK JJR, 45s at high noon in the public square so all can see, especially your "in crowd". I think you should be the Nazis...fits your mannerisms. I'll be awaiting your first move.
  7. So you are saying JJR, that Terif kicks everybody's butt cause he's lucky all the time? Terif is a perfect example of the constant of skill winning out over the variable of luck in the majority of cases. Go cry on someone elses shoulder. And when your done do something positive and examine your strategies for flaws.
  8. So Liam, your saying not even a 6-1 set in the match? Not even a few lucky shots? 3 sets at 6-luv. :confused:
  9. Every second you delay in purchasing this game is a detraction from your life's quality. But alas, people miss so many things when failing to realize an opportunity.
  10. A good point SO, but we know that if the Italian fleet would have been handled with a bit more novel thinking, the historical results could have been different. Then as we have all addressed before a greater commitment or strategic thinking for the Med region by Germany would have definitely produce a different conclusion. Which an SC2 player surely recognizes and usually learns from that historical oversight and endeavors not to recreate that mistake. Which is what SC2 is about, IMO. Maybe we should ask Hubert what he had in mind for the game, after all he is the creator.
  11. I believe that's the key, AOM, either The Isles or Egypt, not both, and it must be a full commitment.
  12. This is a simple decision, hold the UK is a must for the Allies to have a chance. I would be very interested in someone's experience that has won, from either an NA base or returned to the continent with the USA after the loss of the British Isles. I guess there also exists the possibility of USSR beating Axis on its own, however remote it may be. Anyone accomplished any of these this feats?
  13. Coupled with the possibility of diplomatic success in preventing a preemptive USSR strike would open up another facet of an already entertaining model.
  14. Good story AOM, a feel your exhiliration, an interesting scenario. Hubert's not done yet.
  15. Agreed Liam. One of the unique things of SC2 is its ability to dwell on the operational level as well as the strategic, with a pinch of the tactical sphere also. It can never be perfect, satisfying everyone to an infantismal degree, nor can any other game....ever! But its friendly, easy to grasp, with some genuine depth. And its getting very close to being balanced.... ............IMO, given two opponents of equal ability.
  16. And you know Fk3r it is just that simple. Easy to trace back to the irresponsible party, but what if it wasn't intentional? An accident of bad accounting, poor security, or a few devious men. We visit them with the Genie? Comes down to cost assessment. Imagine the League of Nations, or for that matter France herself, stopping the initial German incursion into the Rhineland in violation of the treaty. You think they would have done it, if they had known the consequences? But they didn't, and we don't either. And that makes you "damned if you do and damned if you don't" Monday morning quarterbacking with millions of lives. You see man forgets as time passes on, especially the details, they become foggy, the generation that bore those consequences slowly dies off and their voices are silenced and we are not reminded. Tough decisions take tough men and women and actions of destruction are very distasteful, especially when applied foolishly. But who knows how it will go, the untaken path will always be subject to scrutiny, and terms like "proportionality" are rationalization when it comes to war. Its all uncivilized, unacceptable, even in the smallest quantities. Cultures of grievances don't survive, get it done, get over it, and go on to something productive for the planet and its species. [ September 07, 2006, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  17. I'm still open for an Axis opponent....anyone???...just send the move!
  18. OK vveedd, if you're still open, PM me at bradtap@aol.com, your first move, standard settings, I want Allies.
  19. I have one other suggestion for this scenario, when UK surrenders. Canada should be fall back position for UK continuation, with some of the RN surviving, or USA naval build limits should be adjusted, more subs, CVs, BBs and CAs. Japan would have waited.
  20. And Liam your right, why would Germany trust the minors. When things went bad they promptly switched sides, both Rumanians and Bulgarians had 170,000 and 32,000 (respectively) casualties when fighting with the Russians in the late stages of WW2.
  21. looking for a pbem opponent, I want Allies, already doing Axis, I'm mediocre at best and sometimes slow getting a move done, a few days, but mostly a turn a day. But....I never quit. bradtap@aol.com
  22. Take it easy NE, and welcome to our niche. Now when your ready, start some PBEMs or TCIPs against some of our clan, and you will be ecstatic. Happy Gaming!
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