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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Hell its not to late yet! Get Terif in the beta team right now, if he's willing. Then get on with the patches and let's get to a settled format. Then we can start some real custom modding, while HC investigates a new product, like some real Pacific naval-air warfare. There's a new board game out that has accumulated some accolades, "Fire in the Sky", might be ripe for a massaged PC game based loosely on its mechanics.
  2. Is this comment based on the fact that the morale escalation for conquering minors will be fixed in the next patch or are you referring to it as probably not a good idea even with the fix?
  3. Liam did you research AAR for your western resources and cities? If you had deployed the upgraded AFs with Bombers, any chance you could of hindered Allied build up by limiting supply? Have you had any success with the use of rough terrain in S.France as a launching area for flank attacks into the Allied spearheads aimed at Paris?
  4. So Rambo, I'm interested in your experience with the use of rockets, other than what's been stated before. Would you advocate a cheaper purchase price to get them into the counter mix on more than an occasional basis?
  5. Reads as an enjoyable game Liam, one that went pretty near the distance. So not operating westward at the early DDay beachhead consolidation was your greatest fatal flaw? Did you use Italian and German engineers to fortify any of France during your eastern escapades? Would a higher level of infrastructure research catalized you to a more proactive response to DDay?
  6. Smoked you out eh! I was wondering if you would be lurking in the shadows. Thought you were the TOAW man, or the bringer of realism for Slitherine's "Commander". Tsk Tsk why hang around such a dilapidated game and forum as SC2?
  7. Liam, that sounds.....dare I say it...semi historical. The means may be a bit questionable as I'm sure Stalin's Organist would exemplify with furore the shortcomings as ahistorical. But the ends......hmmm, what's that old saying? "The ends justify the means".
  8. Heh heh! Good one Retri, and if I may be so bold as to ask; What happened to the Imperial Guard? Ahhh never mind, we all know it wasn't good.
  9. So Terif the accumulation of 7 capitulations in two turns sends morale to how high a level? Give me a numerical value, an average, and a maximum. And how long does this effect last, a mean time will do? If I'm following you, then Red Army needs to trade space and avoid combat during this period and definitely wait for winter effect on Axis supply before any thoughts of counters. Don't tell me Rambo didn't adhere to that philosophy.
  10. So how bad did you lose? One man's exploits are another's weakness. Maybe he knows you better than he knows SC. Could it be you were impatient....again.
  11. I can't disagree with this line of reasoning. JJ, you are right on and Blashy was right about this(America's apathy). I for one and there are not just a few others who will be awaiting with anxious anticipation for your book. IMO you have the clarity of vision to make this "what if" work, with premise. We can debate it, but in the end, who can say it couldn't have happened, only a fool? I am sure that Hitler's demise, one way or another, was in the cards for 45 or 46. And who could deny that with some better decision making and an earlier exit by Hitler things couldn't have wound up vastly different.
  12. Thanks JJ, I'm calming down now....taking out my aggressiveness on my SC opponents. You know how it is, you go on vacation to somewhere "Magical" and everything is fine. Then I come back to this "culture of grievances" which never gets anything done, wallering around in a pigsty of bitches.
  13. Well yes and no, JJ. There was an abundance of resources on the Allied side, no doubt, eclipsing the Axis. Obviously, that is what wars are about, usually, but not always. You do know how to have to use them things or they're really of know consequence...right? And being resourceful also means being a good leader, able to adjust to the ever changing situations. But it even gets down to the single person. Imagine....for example...a soldier thats been subjected to a rigid dictum, a society that does not promote "free thinking". He reacts with the discipline of conditioning. Another, taught to rely on his ingenuity and innovative spirit may improvise when faced with imminent demise, he may be considered more "resourceful". So it is one word...but ...it has a lot of depth.
  14. Thanks Retri, but.. well it wasn't that good! Wait till TJ or Blashy set me off with there self-righteous condemnations of people that are trying to do some good in this world....Like they have all the answers. They'll be the first ones dead. At least they'll be doing some good then....fertilizing the daisies!
  15. Man HC, you ever feel "Damned if you do and Damned if you don't"? Its like dealing with a bunch of women around here, you never know what's going to please them and just when you think you have, they'll contradict what they yearned for in the first place. :confused: YIKES! you guys having hot flashes too? Menopausal, the whole bunch of ya. I'm playing the hell out of this game, and I'll take on anyone, you bunch of crybabies. :mad: This is a magnificent creation born from the dying embers of SC1. SC2 is a lot of what we asked for in the SC1 forums, Take a bow HC, :cool: ...and the rest of you maggots....be careful what you wish for!
  16. Better yet, let's allow AAR to be assigned to all units but at an increased cost 100 MPPs per level of research. And while we're at it, let's lose this amphib tech. Set the amphib movement as historical and make a new tech to balance out the AAR research. CAS...combat air support technology, weapons, tactics, and ground-air controller communication advancements just like it happened in WW2.
  17. Good read Terif, your help to the noobies is unequaled. My thoughts exactly on the balance to this point. One thing you said, between the lines, just to clarify, "Infrastructure" research for Germany allows for the economical schwerpunkt. Allowance of a 75% reduction in operating costs is invaluable, especially in inclement weather conditions. IMO if it is found that the Allies have a slight advantage, infrastructure research should allow a 20% reduction per level, for a zero cost at level 5.
  18. JDF2, come on, you've been here a long time. You know much of what is said has been expanded on to the nth degree. So many times I pop in here and see new members/players reiterating the same ole things, that I hesitate to comment. Let the new guys run with it for awhile, they'll hit on something new eventually. For me the game is still new, I'm learning the ropes and exploring the balance. Have yet to even touch upon the editor and I figure its much the same for alot of us. Life has its demands, games are not high priority.
  19. I'm wondering about those negative defensive bonuses, especially the marsh situation. My understanding is that attack values of any units attacking from swamp tiles is halved. And any unit in a swamp tile being attacked by AFs or Bombers suffer a penalty, taking more damage then if they were in a clear tile. As far as the port situation, it seems that naval units would be more susceptible to additional damage from soft and tank attacks(infantry and tank units). But I've been wrong before. Terif.....Hubert....????
  20. A likewise observance IR. If I get that first hit with the initial starting investment in Rockets as Germans, I usually follow up with additional MPPs. After level 3 attainment, its time to start purchasing the unit. Parked in cities/resources with AAR and AF cover they can be devastating to attacking forces, operating out when the situation becomes dubious. Decent on attack, but slow to set up.
  21. Hey JJR, don't you remember the movie? Patton believed in reincarnation. Ok, then change his name to something else like Ridgeway.
  22. Yeah sorry about not qualifying that. My postings are always about H to H competition. I haven't played the AI since the early days of SC1, unless I was designing a scenario specifically for an AI position. If anything, I'll set up a hotseat and play with myself.
  23. I'll bring up the fact that many larger warships carried catapult launched recon aircraft. And when an enemy carrier was in the mix and radar became a little more sophisticated, not to mention radio triangulation, that many of the attacking CVs had their positions deduced. It was a relatively simple item to shadow the returning CV aircraft and monitor their radio transmitions for vectors, not always foolproof but effective.
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