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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Dave don't forget to check out Muzzy Lane's Making History. I believe the game is "The Calm and the Storm". I've played the tutorial and I must say, innovative, interesting, needs some polish, but what a potential it represents. It might be in the same category, as far as innovation is concerned, as the Airborne Assault series from Panther.
  2. Its alright guys, no need to be humbled, we've all been there and you never can tell the next month when it comes around again maybe it will conjure up some different philosophy, comments, like this one just did. Just suppose, that USSR had signed an armistice and UK was barely holding on with Germany and Italy completely dominant in 1942. Now somehow the USA sees its calling, recognizes the threat and addresses the obligation with all its industrial might and citizenry sacrifice it can muster. Would it be substantially greater than the historical level? What really was the USA capable of? What was the point at which exhaustion would've set in? Imagine also, that all the resources into the nuclear capabality were redirected into conventional weaponry. Define the limit of that titanic effort? [ January 09, 2007, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  3. I'll add one, applicable for today's "civilized" world, should be required reading, at least for Americans, probably Britains also since it used to be their job. Max Boot's "The Savage Wars of Peace".
  4. South is the key, you'll have to get it finally to get USSR out. Usually USSR will defend with all its assets, watch your flank and if you are successful it is over for the Reds. One goal, one conclusion, the rest is a mop-up. I'd be interested, anyone ever comeback as USSR after losing Stalingrad and not Moscow, Leningrad? This is for H to H games only.
  5. Ha Ha ! If this is the only time you get cheated, misrepresented, disinfranchised, taken to the cleaners, etc. etc in this life. Consider yourself lucky!
  6. Okay DD, I'll bite! Read what you want, but to me its about decision making and carrying out that decision, good or bad, to its conclusion with a bit of conviction. How else are you going to be able to evaluate the decision for future applications if you don't at least give it a chance......now define the timeframe for "give it a chance". On GW, well let's see, I agree, and I bet that if man had been around for the other seven ice ages that have come to pass on this planet,...hmmmm.. when the current one was ending....well, What would you call that? Anyway I prefer the warmth, that's why I live in S. Texas and wouldn't have any problem moving further south. So currently I will continue to fart freely ..... and hope that helps.
  7. Actually I would like to see a phased armistice resolution available for the USSR. Once Leningrad and Moscow are taken before 1942, an option for cease fire becomes available to the USSR and the DoW script is reactivated. Conditions would be currently occupied Russian resources would go to 80% for German MPP allocation and any violation would have a consequence of severe MPP or ? loss for either side in a certain timeframe. Russian forces would be reduced and a condition similar to Vichy would evolve for continued USSR participation. Perhaps after a certain amount of time passes, say 18 turns, diplomatic maneuvering could be used by Axis or Allies to reactivate USSR to the appropriate side. Nahhh.... sounds too complicated
  8. Have to agree with Lars, USSR gone = game over. Now on the otherhand, I see the point of continuing as Allies with at least a chance of retribution.....to keep the game going. The only realistic element that I can foresee to continue is the variable of the USA. Perhaps if USSR surrenders, USA gets a boost, research chits, MPPs, naval assets from Pacific, force pool increases, etc. The question is how much to be competitive, but not to completely negate the Axis advantage?
  9. Whoa! TJ me thinks your expectations of H to H SC are somewhat skewed. I've done plenty of Barbarossas with IW 2 and AT 1 and no HT, far from a waste of time. Actually a much better challenge....so you wilt at the first appearance of adversity? Sounds exactly like the climate that pervades the civilized????? world today.
  10. Gentlemen, simmer, being a modder from way back, TOAW 1, I can tell you that this is a self-satisfying embellishment. Its nice to get approval from your compatriots, but this is a labor of love, an artform, and you must have patience. Accolades may follow, but with SC2 being a more intricate engine, it is very much harder to balance the scenarios especially with the mechanics,(ie. Scripts) constantly evolving. This game is a gift to us all, it will develop a loyal following for years to come and many of y'alls efforts will be greatly appreciated. It is not about instantaneous gratification that we all have succumbed to in this day and age. So know that eventually your aspirations will not go unheeded. I look forward to trying out your endeavors and thanks in advance for your sacrifices of the most valuable commodity......Time!
  11. Always been the best formula for research I've see yet. Seemed like your first introduction was a long time ago, hang in there John........reasonable presentations have a way of cultivating a fan base. [ January 04, 2007, 06:47 AM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  12. Only if you want to dabble in the southern Med. If the UK sticks its bombers in Egypt early and takes pot shots at Tobruk along with the ME you might never see 50% efficiency, more like 10 - 20. I've even seen a crafty UK amphib take El Agheila on Italian entry. Better to turn west towards Tunis if you like African adventures. This is about playing humans.
  13. I've had some decent results by getting two HQs, one German, one Italian, into N.Iraq. Add a couple of Bombers and a couple of AFs, para, tanks with mobility and you can do some serious damage to the USSR Caucasus resource area. Can really get the Red Army spread out for a late Barbarossa. Eventually with a few more units, Turkey is toast at your leisure. Now with 1.05a, you are going to need to take out Malta before this strategy can develop. Damn ME is devastating for Axis adventures into Egypt and further east.
  14. Do I need remind you guys what a training ground for the Luftwaffe Norway makes when the UK comes calling?
  15. I'm into Ham and Duck! In that order, and Merry Christmas....Happy Holidays......and New Year to all my SC brethren.
  16. Well sorry guys but Agamemnon is right! I just checked it out and Bombers only have a spotting perimeter of 3 tiles over water, irregardless of weather conditions. So if you think its 5 in clear conditions, well be forwarned, you may not see that invasion fleet parked only 4 tiles off your coast using just your bomber.
  17. So Bomber spotting is 5 sea tiles in clear weather at 0 LR level? Has anyone verified this is working? [ December 19, 2006, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  18. My playing partner just brought up a possible 1.05a disfunction with reference to Bomber spotting. Now I haven't had time to check it out, but I thought I would post and see if other players have noticed that the spotting is not 5 tiles in good weather. As I remember it, all land units were reduced to half their introductory spotting of 2 tiles to 1 when reconning over water tiles in 1.05a. Was there a clause excepting bombers or did this apply (halved spotting) to them as well? [ December 19, 2006, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  19. Well since the cat is "Out of the Bag", best to build your fortifications around cities. Research infra to reduce op. costs and during a threat, op. the appropriate units in to deal with it. Engineered forts make great places to counter-attack from. I also like to keep an army group delayed deployment in the build queue so that I can use it at a moments notice, no op costs.
  20. Retri, what brand (and model#) is that 17" laptop? Are you running a video card?
  21. Once familiar with the interface, parameter values/limits and scripts, against the AI, about nine (9) hours with the Fall Weiss campaign.
  22. TJ thinks right...you defend France against a human Axis with all assets; might as well have UK roll out the red carpet for Sealion.....don't even need a drum roll.
  23. Augustus if you like this strategic scope represented by SC, better get on the train. This baby has some fast and furious offensive action, and especially compelling in HtoH play. The modders are just getting the feel, and Hubert is not done yet with the feature tweaking and already it seems that endless quest for side balance has been achieved. All Aboard!
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