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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Andrew, You have to be a magician when it comes to modding. You, and Gorden, and NOOBIe, to name a few of you guys. I'm trying my best to get this modding down, and for some reason I just can't get the right magic going. Maybe one day i can get as good as you guys, I hope
  2. Ok thanks, just wondering, I know in a battle there might have been a time issue on laying mines, but in a OP, it would have been nice to lay mines. Would have been real nice to be able to destroy fortifications, thanks
  3. I was wondering if there were any plans in the works that would make pioneer squads able to lay minefields and demo fortifications? Just wondering if there had been any thoughts on this or can it be even done at all with the game engine??
  4. Just wanted to say thanks to all you guys for the feedback on the mod I have done, hopefully over time I might get better at it. One thing I really like that came extra and free with the game(besides all the mods and scenarios} Is all the help I've gotten from a lot of folks here on this forum, this is a great game, and the people playing it make it even better, thanks
  5. Lol Sinclair for someone who doea'nt speak english good you sure can spell f******, lol I get fustrated myself sometimes,so what I do is go to quick battle get like 20 tanks agianst 1, on a open field , and BLOW THE CRAP OUT OF IT!! then I feel better and go back to my original game
  6. Ahh what the heck, I just figured there had been some complaining about no shockwaves and the only mod I new of,so i figured I'd post em
  7. that is strange, I've been playin TCP/IP games,with others, some running Win 98se, and others running XP, and have'nt had a prob like that,wierd prob. I have only been playing Quick battles though, maybe we'll try playing a scenario and see what happens
  8. Oh yeah forgot this part, you need to go to your Dirctex file and check to make sure you have certian things enable. Here are the steps; 1.Right click on start tab 2.go to explore, then program files 3 find directx folder and click on it 4 then click on Dxdiag shortcut Ok, once you do that you should have a DirectX Diagnostic tool window pop up, next steps 1.Click display tab, you will see some tabs under DirectX Features. 2.make sure they are all enabled. 3. then run tests While you are here you might want to go ahead and check the other tabs, sound, music, etc. and make sure your sound is at full accelaration and such.
  9. There have ben other people on the forum with ATI vid cards with similialr probs. On page 2 of the forum there is a post that may help. But if you have'nt done this already, make sure you have updated drivers and directx 8.1 installed on your machine, you can go to windows updates to get it,(look in you start panel, or programs you should see a "windows Updates" tab. Updating the drivers has solved most peoples problems. Hope this helps.
  10. I don't have that problem, what kinda system and what nonitor are you using?{eample; 1gig p4,256 ram,Via chipset,Gefore 2 mx 400 AGP}
  11. no problem,Just figured I'd pay it forward, lot of people on the forum have helped me when I needed it.
  12. Look guys I just posted it, I did'nt say they needed work ,lol. I always back up my BMP's and check zipped file for a virus, there are some mean ones out there, and I have'nt found one yet but you never know.
  13. Thanks, I should have posted something like this earlier, I've gotten some good tips, thanks.
  14. Just a follow up I found way back in the forum who made the mod it was a fellow who went by the name of M Bates, I think I was one of the few that got the mod, afterwards I have'nt seen him on the forum anymore
  15. I have read a lot about people wishing CMBB had shackwaves. Well I have them in my game,and they work fine for pc, but won't for MACs. Back when the demo first came out a fellow came up with a shockwave mod> I don't have his name because in his zip he did not put any text files, he only put the BMPs. But I will put then at the "CM MOD DATA BASE" I'm sure he would'nt mind.
  16. By the way you can have shockwaves in CMBB, I have a mod that someone made, well he did'nt put a readme in the zip, and I got it back when the demo came out for CMBB, I have shockwaves in my game.
  17. yeah Micheal, I think I might have missed your point, just that the klan is a touchy point down here these days,and when you see these talk shows and such portraying the people here in the south as being ignorant hill billys and klan members, it just gets under your skin. But like I've wrote earlier, this is'nt a CMBB issue anyway, and we all have something in common on this forum, we are wargamers, so let's have fun and wargame!
  18. thanks for the feed back bullethead, I will work on that
  19. I have completed my first mod, and now I might have learned a little about what the real modders must go through,LOL. I used CMBB base BMPs of the Dunkelgelb PZIII J and added a camo pattern I found on a WWII site. I hope I did alright on it, I posted it on the "CM mod data base". I would have posted a pic, but could'nt figure out how to post a pic on this forum LOL, any feed back will be greatly welcomed,(constructive please)
  20. Yes but you have to remeber that as far as my collecting goes, I didn't get all my items over night, years of collecting,( and hiding new items from my wife)heheh
  21. To Rune and Andras, and all the other people who are making scenarios, my say probably does'nt count for much but, I think you guys do a great job on the scenarios. Heck, rune, I really liked the clash of titans, and I do review the scenarios at the depot. I think it is a matter of taste on what kind of battle or OP each person likes, and if some one does'nt like the work you guys do FOR FREE, heck there's a editor that comes with the game let em make thier own. And one more thing, people seem to forget that a lot of you guys including modders are doing this in your spare time and it is FREE, so won't people give constructive critism that can help people make this a even better game then what it already is, and stop down grading so much. I'm not saying that there is many that do, most people on this forum don't but to the ones that do remember this, these mod sites and scenario sites are FREE.
  22. Man, That is real good, how do you do it, I have been working on a tiger for 4 days now and still can't get it to look as good as these other mods.
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