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Posts posted by Ymir

  1. Some WW2 historians state that Stalin disbanded the commissars as a gift to the army for the victory at Stalingrad.

    Commissars where not just political officers "guiding" the CO´s but some was given commands of their own. That gave the problem of super officers in the army hierarchy. A battalion CO who was at the same time a Commissar was not very popular among the army generals.

    After Stalingrand fleeing soldiers would still bee shot, not by individual officers but by squads of the NKVD.

  2. Here are some of my thoughts about "the human wave". My theroy in the use of human wave had it´s birth while playing ASL "Red Barriceds" as Russian.

    ASL is not the same game as CMBB (a boardgame vs a comp. game) but I feel sure it will be the same ballgame of tactics when playing CMBB vs a human player.

    1. Human wave is just something to be used in urban asault starting close up to the main line of defence. Exp. crossing a street. Poor/short line of sight makes braking up the human wave hard.

    2. Human wave is best used as a tactic of "recon by force". 2nd line attacking in human wave with assault/SMG squads following, and "slipping throught" the holes in the defence line made by the human wave.

    3. The Human wave is a psychological weapon against an human player. A player that has been "human waved" in Stalingrad will/and should reinforce that sector when the Ruskies assembles into a nice straight paradeline a cross the street.

    Have fun playing CMBB, and maybe we will meet in the streets of Stalingrad.

  3. Hello everyone.

    When talking about the casualty-rate of artillery

    (rockets,mortars and art. gun) in WW2 remember this:

    80%-70% of all casualties infliced on the easternfront was caused by artillery.

    This is why the modern G.I "just" has vests and helmets that stop shrapnel but no bullets.

    So, In my head when playing SC a lev.5 rockt is just a huge asembely all kinds of artillery.

    (Used many times by the russians late in the war)

    The size of these assembelies of artillery where so big that they under a "Startegic Command"

    Ymir, out.

  4. After playing a couple of games last night there is just one thing I find strange in this otherwise excellent demo/game.

    Russia is to aggresive, I think Russia never would have attacked the Axis if Op. Barbarossa had just been dusting away in Hitler´s desk.

    This is how I build my case:

    *Stalin wanted pace with Germany. (Stalin=Russia).

    *Stalin´s main occupation in 1940/1941 was build up the Russia´s industrial might. As his main enemies his eyes was set on Finland and Japan´s armys on the asian mainland .

    *Stalin knew the his army was commanded by inept (but fanatical) political-officers.Pluss very bad equipment ment a worse army than the French.

    This ment that until The Battle of Stalingrad when the Russian Army was modernised, and the political-officers was sacked the potential as Russia attacking any large force with success was minute.

    With this in the back of my head when playing SC, I get annoyed when the message "Russia prepares for war" pops up.

    PS. Remeber that England supported the Finnish people in the "first winter war"

    PSS. Please excuse my spelling I´m from Norway

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