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Green Hornet

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Posts posted by Green Hornet

  1. I have to agree with Michael here.

    For me, over the years of playing CM it's always been the events of the battle themselves that gave me the rewards I was looking for.

    Taking out the Tiger with a perfectly coordinated flanking manuever... the ambush that goes just as planned.... the perfectly positioned AT gun laying in wait that takes 2 or 3 opposing tanks before being spotted...the carefully coordinated infantry assault that goes just as planned...these are the things that make me stand up, pump my fists in the air, and cheer mightly ( as my wife and kids eye me strangely ).

    I've never stood up and cheered louder playing any computer game than I have playing CM. And it's always been the little battles inside the battle that does it for me. The drama and the rewards have always been inside the battle, not after the battle.

    Sure, at the end of a scenario or operation I like to come out the winner, but I've never really felt let down at the end of a game because I was expecting more fanfare.

    But yes, this is definitely something that is solely a matter of opinion.

  2. Barleyman,

    I agree it would be nice to see how many games a person has going ( at the Blitz ladder ) but I can't imagine that would be enough to stop you from joining. Especially with the lack of good, active CM ladders.

    Simply post on the Blitz messageboard for some games and you'll usually get plenty of responses. I joined well over a year ago and I've never had any trouble finding a game. My inbox has at least one turn in it every night.

  3. I'm amazed at the number of times this question has been asked on various CM message boards. Don't get me wrong Mantra, I think it's a very worthy question.

    However, I have never seen a thread where an agreed upon conclusion has ever been drawn. I'm convinced that people will always be firmly standing on opposite sides of the fence over this issue.

    I happen to completely agree with Treeburst155's opinion. I think it's gamey to the extreme. There's just no way you are going to convince me that racing jeeps and scout cars within 50 meters of enemy armor for recon purposes was a historically accurate tactic.

    I agree that some scouting in an absolute necessity in CM battles but it's my opinion that people seem to confuse controlled, tactically sound scouting with suicide jeep rushes behind KNOWN enemy positions. It's simply taking advantage of CM's current spotting limitations. Explain to me again how a jeep driver is going to race behind enemy lines, take hostile incoming small arms fire, and ultimately get blown to bits and STILL have time to relay all the detailed information back to an HQ unit. Yet, in CM, a player gets this information regardless of whether the jeep crew lives or dies. I can't see how someone can claim this is NOT taking advantage of CM spotting issues.

    That being said, generally I don't get too bothered if someone does it to me in a game because I rarely see it work effectively.

  4. GREAT looking stuff Robert. I made a set of campign rules similar to this for CMBO years ago but haven't had the time or energy to tackle it for CMBB or CMAK. Thanks for the tremendous effort.

    At first glance this looks outstanding and looks exactly like the sort of thing I'd enjoy. As Sgt Kelly mentioned in an earlier post, however, it may take me a little while before I'm playing my first campaign. I still have a lot of PBEMs and mod downloading to do.

    So much CM to be played, so little time...

  5. I did a quick search but I couldn't find the specific answer I was looking for.

    If air support is scheduled to arrive as reinforcements (e.g. - turn 8 100% chance). Is there still some question as to whether or not it will even show up?

    I thought I remembered in previous versions of CM CAS was never a guaranteed thing. Is this still true in CMAK?

    The reason I'm asking is that I'm playing a scenario in which I'm supposed to recieve air support on turn 10, it's now turn 19 and I've seen no sign of it. I'm just wondering if I should just assume it's not going to show up.

  6. A simple excel sheet for me. I keep track of dates, opponents, victory level, which side I played, type of battle, casualty percent and a few other tidbits.

    I'm actually geeky enough that I keep all the movie files ( including the final AAR ) from all my PBEMs.

    And like everyone else, I can't remember ever going back and looking at any of them. Maybe someday... :rolleyes:

  7. Gyrene,

    As a matter of fact, when I first started thinking about the color scheme for this car, my first instinct was to go with some sort of olive-drab camo color scheme. I tried it but it just didn't look right. It just didn't look fast.

    Mr. Dorosh,

    Your comments remind me that I should trust my instincts. I was going to orignally put logos on the car for the Scenario Depot, CMMODS.COM and other CM related sites that I frequent, but I got lazy.

    Battlefront.com is already on the rear of the car, so when I get the time I think I'll make the changes you suggest. Unless of course any of those sites object to the free advertising...

    Also, CMMODS.COM needs a logo I can use. :D

  8. CM automatically initiates hand-to-hand fighting when your troops close within a certain distance. I believe it is 10 meters or so.

    You won't actually see the images of the troops using hand-to-hand fighting techniques but if you listen carefully you'll be able to hear the general sounds of punching, kicking, and gun butts being used against an enemy's head.

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