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Everything posted by laxx

  1. my proudest moment is playing tiger tiger as Russians and killing a Tiger with 1 squad + 1 HQ . When I tried to play to scenario again last nite, I could not get the dang tiger(s) to die. They did not even bog!
  2. Dumbest thing I ever did in CMBO was charging at a US HMG post at night with one platoon of German troops without Smoke or MG support, figuring that hey, it's dark, they can't see me and besides, I have 3 squads. well, the .50 cal post was reinforced with a squad in foxholes. My platoon died horribly.
  3. Tigger, Sharpshooters may be MVP for Recon in CMBB. But the *real* MVP for CMBB is the HMG, IMHO. Heck, it'll swap the Sshooter for the HMG for defense anyday.
  4. Well the short answer is 500 posts. I remember in last October when I posted my 500th post, it was recognition that I had made it, I was an official forum-slut. The long answer is that the quality and not quantity that counts.
  5. oh no...my first post got corrupted! only the first 18 links are shown...
  6. One thing i like about WWII magazine is that it is linked to about.com, and the articles seem to be related to the current features in about.com which is free of charge viewing. Sniffing out some of the recent articles in about.com relating to the eastern front: Stalingrad Sixty years on, the battle fought along the banks of the Volga River remains one of the most brutal in the history of warfare. Winter Tempest in Stalingrad Paulus and Hitler: A Dialogue with the Deaf. [ December 17, 2002, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  7. kewl. thanks i will be putting it on the main page. i assume 5/5 joysticks.
  8. hahahaha...this is the funniest thread i've read in a long while...
  9. tigrii, heh, sounds like a recent scenario i was playing as the russians but without the covered tank rush. but i called it a massed-short-range-defensive position. hide hide hide until the buggers come within the kill zone. Spoilers? go here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=002294
  10. yes actually, I almost had a major victory but had to settle for tactical victory, see http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=001368#000000 cheers! btw, i modded the game for longer turns (50-60 i think).
  11. Hi, Frunz: Yes. I rushed the Russian right flank (picture left) to the scattered trees (you can see it in the centre picture, the lone tiger on the left side of the field with Russians. Tiger was killed with 1 squads + Platoon HQ, with grenade + molotovs. Tank was abandoned after 1 turn. I sort of threw caution in the wind by using Fast into the Scattered trees, advance within scattered trees, hide (rest) and when the tiger was really near, target the tiger. Holien & Xerxes: Yes, this is Me against AI. In my earlier game, i did a t-34 flanking attack that was not co-ordinated well enuff. I tried again in this game, refer to the picture, left centre (next to North marker), you can see an abandoned t-34,part of a t-34 platoon, that t-34 saw the tiger, reversed and got destroyed. The other two tanks, I rushed (fast move) towards the scattered trees in the centre. Rune : thanks for your kind comments. No, I will not take up your offer until I have played all your scenarios in the CD . I just started with Medium Scenarios and I am stressed. Can you believe I was mulling about this scenario for 2 days ?! Once Long-Distance-Duelling was ruled out, I decided that the best tactic would be a 2-line defense with massed firepower at well prepared points at short range. ie. I hid most of the units until the Germans stumbled upon them. Funny thing was that, the t-26 tanks were pretty useless where I put them, I should have positioned them against Infantry (near the centre). My reinforced tanks (map left) ended up have long distance duels with the German Left flank with good success against the Panzer III. And my right flank infantry (left map) was not used at all until I did the rush against the Tiger. Will try this scenario again. This time round will concentrate on putting more firepower into the russian left flank. Most of the action happened there and my infantry bore the brunt of the tank MG, HE, Artillery. One funny thing is that the German tanks do not turn into the corner along the road, they sort of knew the road corner was an ambush point and turned just before the corner along the open ground. Good thing about this game is that you can replay again and again unlike RealLife [ December 17, 2002, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  12. Hi, Well, I had a minor victory this evening playing tiger tiger as russians (42 vs 58% allied). It was tough. In the end, the Germans had 3 tigers standing + 2 Panzer III. (12 vs 14 russian afv destroyed) What was especially tough was the fact that none of the tigers bogged, and I had to use infantry to rush and destroy the tiger. How I split the force, on the Russian Left, I had 3 x t34s, 3 x T26, 1 platoon, 2 ampulomets, 2 ptrd, 2 hmg. on the russian right, I had 3 t34s, 1 platoon, 1 ampulomets, 1 ptrd, 1 hmg on the centre, I had the platoon with 3 45mm guns. In Restrospect, The germans split the forces, one towards my left, while the other was moving centre, actually bypassing my right flank. My central forces did not have enuff firepower against the infantry, because each time the reinforcements went against the german infantry (centre), they would get shot down by the tigers. final landscape:
  13. Olle, any references so that I can include it on the main first post ? thanks
  14. http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/tigertiger-rus-plan.jpg Screen shows the default set up, not my actual deployment. I am gonna try the following tonite: </font>[*] german unit likely approach (red arrows). rightmost likely to be tigers (for fear of bogging) along the road.</font>[*]Blue circles are my first line of defense. Will deploy troops to the left and t-26s to the right.</font>[*]Element of surprise will be essential(units will be hidden), massed firepower (however little) will be tried as well. </font>[*]Psychologically, must be prepared to lose alot of units, especially in blue zone, or do a hasty withdrawal when positions are overrun.</font>[*]T-34s + ATGs will be deployed in the centre of the hill and surrounding woods. Yellow Circle. Will only appear from hiding once blue circles are breached and enemy appears at the right corner of the road. </font>[*]Reinforcements will continue to bolster the central defense. Yellow Circle. What I hope to achieve:</font>[*]Tie up the german forces as long as humanly possible. Deny the VL until German tanks are crippled or more likely Time runs out. Points to consider, yet to be worked out</font>[*]perhaps another layer of defense between the blue and yellow circle. </font>[*]keyhole defense in the yellow zone </font>[*]infantry in built-up areas</font>[*]What to do about suppression of Enemy infantry (x 1 company)</font>[*]possible decoy for enemy artillery</font>[*]flanking on the left for reinforced tanks (did not succeed yesterday, may be better in prepared positions). Wish me well....*gulp* [ December 16, 2002, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  15. Above is for Windows. For the mac, the no.1 tool is SnapzPro . For Mac OS9 which CMBB runs under, the name is SnapzPro 2. It captures screen, sound out, sound in, all at the same time or individually and exports to Screen image, movies, etc. You can dl snapzpro at http://www.ambrosiasw.com/utilities/snapzpro/ note this sw is quite expensive at 40 USD, you can try free for 15 daze. cheers!
  16. RS, hi again, look for the excel spreadsheet in the main CMBB forum, it outlines the year and model of german / russian tanks + equipment. i believe it is in cmmod website as well.
  17. I agree with Redwolf, keyholeing means making educated guesses of the enemy approach. I have been thinking of concentric lines of defense. If the purpose of defense in CMBB is to delay the enemy until the time runs out (I take it that time runs out means more reinforcement arrives or the enemy gives up the objective) , then defensive measures must be conducted against the enemy advances as far away from the Victory Location as possible . Most of the scenarios are too small to practice Defense-in-Depth strategy, however, a 2 or 3 tier defense may be possible in Medium scenarios. Some other points regarding this tiering defense: - willingness to sacrifice units to tie-up enemy. And having the enemy overrun the tier-1 defense, the units need a tactical withdrawal towards tier-2. -Making educated guesses about enemy approach and launching contingency Counter Attacks if enemy line of approach is different. - As Redwolf pointed out, this may be difficult for units to support each other, especially if they are in isolated locations. These are my thoughts and I have yet to put them into practice yet. I am playing Tiger Tiger (as Russians) and will try some of the above Keyhole and Concentric Defense tactics to use. [ December 15, 2002, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  18. Good point Michael. Not always easy to achieve as described but you can't be all things to all people. I usually prefer my tanks to work in pairs, assuming i can afford them.
  19. RS, here's another thought for you, as a defender, what is your role ? is it to prevent your attacker from reaching Victory Locations (in such a manner as you described above) or as a defender, you are to delay your opponets for as long as possible until time runs out. hmmmmm..... i was pondering about this when i lost to the AI twice in Tiger Tiger (as ruskies this time)
  20. Hi, quoting from an earlier post: - If you are up against T-34s or KVs in the early part of the war, the Germans did not really have anything up their sleeves against these uber-armor except Tank Hunters and clever tactics. Check out this forum under Tips and Tricks section, there is a thread on 1941 Infantry/Tank tactics against KVs( http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=001318 ). In addition, i have created a small movie on an anti-KV group comprising of sharpie, hunter and flammer ambushing a KV-1 tank. http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/Trg-Anti-Tank-Ger.mov The movie uses some of the concepts discussed in the above forum link.
  21. Hi, Had my a** kicked playing the Russians in Tiger Tiger twice(!). In frustration, I even changed the reinforcement to appear BEHIND the german tanks (I know, I know!) but at point blank, the green t34s can't even aim properly and instead let some puny III 50mm destroy my no.1 voted MVP tank of WWII. Even the coveted uber KV-1 got knocked off frontally by the dang felines. I am very opened to suggestions /hints/spoilers /tips /cheats /hacks. Too bad BFC doesn't model the NKVD troops here. Btw, this is my first venture into medium sized scenarios (not counting the tutorial). [ December 15, 2002, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]
  22. OGF Keller, you da man! thanks for the nice post, and btw, i totally agree with you on the timing issue. 20 or even 30 minutes to capture the hill is not reasonable!
  23. yes, same here. shooting fleeing troops caused the captured company commander in front to be shot. The russians shouted some phrase that *sounded* a little like "massed execution", but i believe has different meaning.
  24. Hi, I have a couple of quick questions on lend-lease british tanks: - which british tanks were problematic (not suited for the russian terrain) ? The valentine or matilda ? - what were the russian attitudes towards these tanks ? thanks
  25. Michael, Thanks. I have not read anywhere in this forum where BFC came out to state this. Do you have the reference for it ? I am going by the manual which states that the enemy will see you if you have FOW to none. laxx
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