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Jeremy Hill

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Posts posted by Jeremy Hill

  1. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    I also get a kick out of ground units inflicting counter-damage on fleets at sea during bombardments, like that's going to really happen. Ground units should not be able to attack naval units at sea, only in port.

    Actually, any corps and/or army will definitely include at least one artillery battalion (usually, more than one within each division of all/any corps-sized or larger force), and any artillery battalion will contain long range artillery pieces (i.e. Howitzers) capable of returning fire on naval ships bombarding the shore.
  2. Originally posted by DaVillan:

    [QB] With all of the strategic possibilities currently in the game. I think a world theatre would be great, but extremely complicated and maybe too many units to control.

    I should have also added I had in mind that each major power could be controlled by a separate person. This should make it managable for each player to cope with the number of strategic possibilities.
  3. Originally posted by Sgt Eagle:

    In the beta demo for SC, all of the units are represented by small icons (little infantrymen, little tanks). Being the detail fanatic, I decided to change that. I looked up actual symbols used on World War II-era maps. All of the symbols are actual and correct except for the Jet Fighter and Naval Unit insignia (I simply modified the standard fighter for the jet, and just kept the ships as they were). The strength of the unit is displayed with the size. For example, a corps unit is represented by the standard symbol for an infantry corps, and the army is the standard logo for an army. The Rocket Detachment is represented by the modern-day NATO symbol for a SSM division (They didn't have symbols for rockets back then). The first two levels of tanks are represented by a Tank Corps, the second two a Reinforced Tank Corps, and the third by a Tank Army. The three levels of air units are represented by the air equivalents of a Division, a Corps, and an Army. The headquarters units are represented by the standard Army Group heaquarters symbol.

    For all of you out there playing the SC beta demo, I hereby present the first mod of Strategic Command: The New and Improved Unit Symbols. It adds a bit more of a realism feel into the game, and I hope you like it.

    To make it simple, here is the actual .BMP file. Save it into your Strategic Command\Bitmaps directory.


    I've clicked on the link, but I get a page saying your page is unavailable. Do you know what's going on?
  4. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    I think that a Pacific Theater game would be the next good choice but it's still all up in the air for me right now, first things first kind of thing ;)


    As an Axis and Allies player (mostly variants: Europe at War, World at War), I have been searching a long time for a game that can add more detail and more realism to war gaming while retaining the scope of the entire world (or at least one major theater, i.e. Europe or the Pacific). Having said this, I have found Strategic Command to be the PERFECT blend of detail plus grand scope; it is essentially the war game I have always wanted. Bravo!

    Now, if I might take this one step further with a request: do you think that, some day, you would consider expanding Stategic Command to the scope of the entire world? For one thing, a game of such magnitude of scope and detail would be almost entirely physically impractical to manage as a boardgame, which is why I have the idea that it might be possible through compter software. I realize it would probably require a mother load of computer ram and a super fast procesor (not to mention years of work), but it would sure be the game of a life time for me (and maybe others). I actually like long games, especially ones with the potential to evolve radically over time.

    For example, after several days of gaming, Germany is defeated by the Allies and the Soviet Union (as a separate player). Now, a cold war begins as the Allies (with Germany, or part) prepare for another massive world war against the Soviet Union (meanwhile, the game could actually proceed write through to the 1960's or even later, while technology progresses to form a completely alternate reality from today). Or, maybe Germany and Japan conquer the Soviet Union while the US and possibly UK prepare for another gigantic naval war as the Axis powers attempt to overcome the rest of the world entirely. Whether or not you think such a game would be at all feasable, I would love to know what you (Battlefront design team) think about this.

    Thanks to anyone who read this post and more to anyone who replys!

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