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Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Originally posted by Subvet:

    Can anyone offer any advice on my problem? :(

    Sorry, I can't - all my CMBB stuff appears to have worked fine so far.

    But a direct appeal to MikeT might sort you out - he is now the designated CMMOS guru. He's doing a sterling job and is also very helpful ... which is nice.


  2. Hi Allan,

    I think I may have confused the issue. There are no seperate buttons on any of the tabs to activate these mods.

    Clicking US Army field drab/olive drab camouflaged in the US and Free French Vehicles tab leads to this...


    Clicking 11th Armoured Division, British Army, in the Commonwealth Vehicles tab leads to this...


    For what it's worth the contents of my RuleSet001 folder look like this:


    Hope this helps,


    [ April 25, 2003, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  3. Sorry for the tardy reply, but I've only just noticed this. I may be able to help with a few of these....

    Originally posted by Seydlitz:

    I installed CMMOS 4.03, apparently with no issues. I loaded CMMOS_Allied_Rulesets_v1.03, again apparently with no problems.


    Originally posted by Seydlitz:

    Lastly, I downloaded a bunch of the Allied Vehicle mods (is there a quicker way to do that than only with individual downloads?).

    Sadly not. And you'll also find those Sherman mods are far from complete (search for a fairly recent thread on the CMBO forum for a detailed solution).

    Originally posted by Seydlitz:

    I configured the CMMOS and added the ruleset from a subdirectory. However, when I try to add many (80-90%) of the mods (all residing in a separate "mod" subdirectory, I get a "Mod not installed, check error log" sort of message. And when I check the log I get a "Mod is not CMMOS compatible" message (or something similar; I'm at work and can't quote verbatim). This can't(?) be right because many of the mods should work, including :confused: such as "AF_Cromwell_CMMOS" or "CMMOS Churchills v1". Every once in awhile one would be added okay, but there was no rhyme or reason to which ones would or would work properly.

    Some CMBO mods can be added via CMMOS in their zipped form - the majority can't. Just unzip the troublesome items, select the bmps and dump them all in your CMBO bmp folder. This should then activate the CMMOS buttons and the mods can be switched in and out.

    Originally posted by Seydlitz:

    Has anyone seen this before? Can anyone explain this and/or tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to get it working?

    Hopefully if you've not already solved the problem, this should point you in the right direction. It is worth the pain and effort though.


  4. Originally posted by Soddball:

    Teddy Windsor - my Sig looks like a running sore with comments about hot white coconuts in it. Now that I have turned your PanzerGrenadiere into whining nancies in the SEPTIC cup, how's about a little rematch to free my Sig from pervdom?
    I've missed your witty banter, words of wisdom, tales of derring do and manly friendship, my little chum.

    Those halcyon evenings spent around an open fire, roasting our nuts, slapping each other’s thighs and wrestling in the tent.

    I’m feeling a little neglected since you tied the knot and have a vacant slot that you're more than welcome to fill.

    Whatever tickles your fancy is more than all right with me and I look forward to hearing from you once more,

    Yours, as always, Teddy

  5. Hello Meach,

    Just double-click to launch the installer and direct it to your WAV folder at the appropriate moment.

    If you're running the CDV version of the game, you may have to browse to "Combat Mission 2" rather than "CMBB".

    If for some strange reason you don't like the new effects, all your old ones will have been backed up for you.

    Very neat.


  6. Well, I've just about recovered from my hangover.

    It was a beautiful ceremony and I won't forget the reception in a hurry.

    Mike the Wino looked wonderful in his off-the-shoulder taffeta number and long train, but it was a bit of a shock when he lifted the veil...

    Soddball wore a traditional morning suit and, as Matron of Honour, I splashed out on a new frock and hat.

    I have to admit I was very relieved the Best Man failed to show - I wasn't looking forward to a slow dance with MasterGoodale - although I don't think there was a dry eye in the house after the happy couple tripped the light fantastic to "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You."

    It was a day to cherish...


  7. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    The prospect of being the "wife" of said pervert was never mentioned, nor accepted, EVER!

    I'm sorry, but I think you'll find it's SOP if you embark on a game with Soddball.

    May I be the first to congratulate you on your impending nuptials and I wish you all the best in becoming his first wife.

    If it's any consolation, just between you and me, after his nasty accident with the chainsaw I'm sure you'll die with your virginity intact.

    Toodle pip,


  8. Originally posted by Rex Bellator:

    ETAs on the other three would be appreciated.

    Hello Rex.

    Hope you're managing to enjoy your career break as much as you can.

    We're currently ticking over at a turn or so a day and we're up to 27, although I think there's a fair chance we could go into time added on for sheer incompetence.

    I'm currently holding a couple of flags, but that's more a comment on how annoying I can be than a testament to my tactical genius or a true reflection of how the battle is going.

    If the need to start the second round is urgent, we can ceasefire to reveal who the lucky winner is.

    Chin chin,

    Mr Green

  9. Originally posted by Soddball:

    On the plus side, Mr Green has saved me a huge amount of work by dropping his heavy artillery on his own positions. Marvellous stuff.

    It's the sole way I can persuade the idle buggers to get off their bottoms and show some enthusiasm for the task in hand.

    I've been outclassed and outplayed by Mr Pink and the only things greener than my moniker are my troops.

    I have a nasty feeling the best man is going through to the next round ... life can be so unfair.


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