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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. not forsaken forsook: Actually, I AM able to say - WHY, but, Choose - not to, at least Just now. You guys figure it out for yourselves, I am ONLY interested In helping Hubert in whatever way That I can. I have said it before, but will Say it yet again - I wouldn't Spend all this time, In this, my one & only Life... for ANY OTHER Game-maker now alive - claimed famous, Over-rated, or hardly even beginning, No matter - NO INTEREST! So, there you go. I will however, mention a couple things: 1) The game is WAY over-priced For what you get, IE, essentially, The near identical thing - and, I mean that literally, That Hubert put out - all by himself, (... most of the testing included) For... $25.00 And, what do you know? Now I hear tell that there will be "Expansions?" Add the price of those - another $60.00 bucks each? And you'll soon enough have to pay A couple hundred dollars For something that should have been part Of this half-*ssed game To start with. It's like this one board-game I - mistakenly, Purchased - awhile ago... see, In order to get ALL The assorted unit types, You had to buy "add-on" packets. Well, the game sold for $30-40 bucks, IIRC, BUT... each add-on pack - and there were about 4 or 5 of 'em, Cost $15-20.00 What do we call THAT? :eek: Scam job. Conning the gullible (... at first). Commercial exploitation. Royal rip off. Just like that OTHER game, IMHO. ________________________________________ **[... yeah yeah yah! I ken hear ya, You IMAGINE this is what is happening here, With SC1 -> SC2 -> SC2, WaW, yes? Well, best to keep in mind that Hubert Codes - all by his lonesome! Has NO coterie of computer-schooled Dudes! And, has been pressured!! - all along, From the SC Community, from places Higher up, even, and, no doubt - him being A "perfectionist"... taking SUFFICIENT time, Wanting - nay, personally insisting! He would indeed put out The VERY best game that he could manage, Given the time-pressures, And those ever-present forum demands, IE, I want the new! Game - NOW! Best to keep in mind also, the TOTAL investment For SC1 + SC2, Thus far -> $25 + 40 = ABOUT the same As what Smithereens is asking for... JUNK!] ____________________________________________ 2) At the moment, I am creating A scenario (... actually, updating an old one - 1941-42 North Afrika) And adding in many changes, IE, Much different OOB, using Almost all! Of those new unit types, As for instance, GErman 88's as anti-tank, Mobile anti-air, TAC bombers, etc. **[... and here, I want to express immense THANKS! to Brad - AKA: SeaMonkey, For his VERY helpful and quite informed input WRT the OOB's! :cool: ] And unique terrain, And some more scripting, for "events" AND - for the AI. Now, I can make a complete map Of ANY WW-2 scenario, as for instance I am currently considering doing "The Battle of the Bulge," At the same scale as '41-42. I can do it, GIVEN what currently is available, WITHOUT resorting to units/resources/terrain Paint-created by some other Mod Cat. And so - I have to ask? Can we do such as that With that OTHER game? New map, Damn near ANY sort of unit, Like stand-alone Arty or anti-tank? If not (... and keep in mind, We are talking... $60.00!) Why Not? Next, To go a bit further, I have ALWAYS favored having ALL "experience" gained by a unit EQUAL, whether you win, tie or lose. How not? The losing soldiers HAVE indeed become "Combat hardy" every bit as much As the winners, IMO. In my VERY strong opinion. (... the losers have to reinforce with MORE "green recruits," and so, the unit will LOSE more experience in the process; also, we already have "morale" so that should surely suffice, WRT the winner's newly achieved combat superiority, and etc) So, Listen up! I go into the Editor, And with merely one little mouse-click, Takes - oh, maybe 3 or 5 seconds, I have "equalized" ALL experience, On the CRT (... combat results table) As I personally believe it should be. And, So it WILL - in that aforementioned 1941-42 North Afrika scenario. OK, enough. As said - I have absolutely NO interest In helping Smithereens make their game Better. I only have so much time, And I can think of a couple thousand Other things I'd rather do. YOU go back and tell them what's WRONG, What's a-historical, What's freakish and needs immediate! Attention and improvement, yes? Though, Stalin's Organist has Done a pretty good job, So I agree with his assessment, As of - now. [ June 25, 2007, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  2. Please meet - Dick. Also meet - Jane. See their little dog - Spot. It is elite, created Out of - anti-matter. See Dick & Jane chase Sprightly dog Spot! Daytimes, yippee! It's fun! Night times, alas, They can search and search And search and search, but, Can find, The turned-dark dog... not. That work for ya?
  3. OK, returning - on topic, Been doin' somemore research, And now, shoot the man in the moon, Gotta down-grade That OTHER game... to... $7.95 As a bike-riding pal a' mine Once shouted across The fast-blasting wind - to me, Then, We were approaching a PO-lice Barricade - was stretched Shoulder to shoulder Across Route 66 Road, "How LOW can we go?" (... you know, drop the hog and slide the gravel, then get right back up, again and - ride like the dickens! red or blue lights a'flash, no matter! ) LOL, well, pret' soon here They gon hav to PAY Me to play that thang. [ June 24, 2007, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  4. As per usual, Grown VERY Old, Dude, You got it all wracked Around - back-*sswards! As a licensed "addictions counselor," I do my damndest To get them there unfortunate users, (... to include across-the-counter EQUALLY as deadly - "legal prescriptions") OFF - ALL! The pills. Live lean, live and let live, Mostly, Mind yer OWN piddling bidness, And, While yer at it, Go - holistic! :cool:
  5. Yep jjr, Won't be long before you will be able To whip the daylights outta everyone! With this most amazing! new! Version of SC too! Ah, ack & alas, X-cept... you know who! LOL! Well, At least you NEVER quit TRYING To take down the (... temporary, as ALL things ARE) reigning champeen, The Cassius Clay of... SC 1 & 2! Yea, that's... "old school" too. :cool: BTW: If every forum member wrote Of their experiences here, And out there, of This & that, Them there nuts, bolts & nails (... clench and wrench and hammer! like hell! Grit Cats!) I gotta admit, I'd read your story-book - first. PT Barnum has got nothing on you! Hmmmm... seems my thread Has got hi-jacked! LOL, EVEN - by me! OK, Old School - as you would say, Is ---------------------> OUT! **[... though I'll continue to X-press same as I have for 5+ years now and if'n some some body ain't liken it, well, tough titty, kitty Cat, they can rock me or sock me, can me or ban me, nah, nope, makes no - big deal diff, to me ] Back on topic: That OTHER game is nuthin' BUT! Utter and useless... JUNK! Now! Down-graded to value of $12.95 IMHO.
  6. Good for you, but... you ain't one NOW, Insofar as I am aware, So... giv it a rest, yes? Are hard to git rid of, but, You CAN... all ya gotta do Is - say to yerself - I ain't actually Gotta be any freaking snitch no more! Sh*t on a dowsing stick, I AM impressed... I guess - ah, no, Truth be told, I am MUCH More impressed with... how those fellaheen Can survive on next to - NOTHING. Live in an over-turned refrigerator box. Scratch at the arid land, Sup on the cess, scrub and spoor That emerges from sun dunned sand. Have no interest in "rational X-planations" About how they are situated So awful poorly, IE, Hey you - "Anthro-pologist!" Leave me be, get yerself A REAL job! Have - superstition. Determination. Steel-welded sort of Soul. Them are the kind what impresses me. Well, It's obvious we got two entirely DIFFERENT ways of apprehending This World. That's cool, I ken live with that. :cool: I ain't gon go on with this, You can have the last word, I gots to take the Terrier Dog For a walk in the park... being Mighty - careful! How I awaken that sleeping creature, There - where he lies. [ June 23, 2007, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  7. Good! That we have a rational some one Who will keep track Of ALL the nefarious doings Hereabouts! In another time & place, Then I was a soldier, a biker, An everyday common laborer, This sort of attitude would be called: Snitching. Being... a rat-fink. Know what I mean? How's about you let the sleeping dogs lie? Never know what some ol' cur will do Once awoken out of a peaceful slumber, So to speak. BTW, I am hardly surprised That you worked for the Mega-Corp Media, It shows, it grows Ever more apparent!
  8. Not to omit, John the Baptist Had 'is head handed to 'im. Literally. (... think about it... what would he be, in order to accept that sort of, ummm... "temporal and utterly ineffectual - gesture?" )
  9. Ah I see. Taking my quote out of context And adding YOUR OWN agenda/addendum, eh? You should be working For ANY English-speaking Mega-Corp Media! I've got news - Xtra! Xtra! Hear all about it! For you... forum members have been Bespeaking politics & religion (... EVEN - then they didn't KNOW that they were, RE: my post just above) For the 5 + years I been around. What gives? YOU yerself gonna CHANGE all that, All of a sudden? HOW so, might I inquire? LOL!
  10. How would you know that, Blash Mon? :confused: You don't live and die here. I myself can "tell the difference." MOST of the folks I know, Can indeed "tell the difference." According to the latest polls 70% of Americans Can "tell the difference." On and on Under the same old (... ever lasting?) Sun, Geee Yippeeeeee! Ain't we got fun!
  11. The sig is an attempt to come up with the only rational reason behind a person's "patriotism". Nothing in the history of this world, maybe with the exception of religion, is responsible for so much death and suffering as patriotism. </font>
  12. Home is the hunter Come from the hill, Home the sailor, Come from the sea; Home is the Honch, baby, Recovered from - 'is cheap thrills? Why 'e begone in the first place Well, that's... way beyond me. :confused:
  13. Long time no hear from Old Man like me! Playing? 1) Nascar board game where little replicas of Bobby Labonte and Rusty Wallace and Matt Kenseth race 'em little cars around 3 different tracks, yep, it's got flagging, pit stops, drafting and slip-streaming, screaming! by those who suppose they were "bumped aside," and moving through the "groove of the track!" Well, all them years livin' in the deep south remain in my blood, I reckon. 2) A baseball game that I made from scratch which features all them great and legendary stars of yester-year (... IE, them that don't have heads the size of Alabama watermellons, and cojones reduced to mustard seeds), such as Moose Moryn of the lovable Cubbies and Joe DeMaestri that good-field, no-hit shortstop for the hapless KC Athletics... tho, he did warm the bench for them damn! Yankees a couple of years. 3) SC-2 WaW, natch. Boy! Are you guys gonna be surprised! :cool:
  14. I have read all contained in this thread, And, I have read all WRT to this OTHER game, At a couple other purely Fanboi sites. And so, I have changed my mind. I had originally said That I would pay $25.00 for it, Same as what Hubert had for SC-1. Now, Since I am a little better informed, I guess I'd now pay, oh, NO MORE than $19.95. Been playing almost all these WW-2 GS Games - board & pixel, Since we were introduced to Third Reich. That OTHER game is commercially exploitive JUNK. Same as Grigsby's serio-cynical rip-off. You guys that like it, well, You can have it. Yeah, yeah I hear ya. NICE! That we got another game in the genre, LOLOL! Like I say - maybe, Another year, Many & manifold patches, It MIGHT be worth $29.95. Those coy cats what made this thing Apparently, Can't hardly grasp The INTRICACIES of WW-2, Let alone - what makes ANY game ANY good. Too bad. Nice try, PITIFUL poor execution. [ June 20, 2007, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  15. Hey! Idaho Ivanho! Thanks for the offer, But, I'm gettin' by alright. :cool: Haven't - always, Then again, Who has? I ken appreciate that your offer Comes from a right Righteous heart, and You know - and I know what that really Means, but it seems some don't, well, That's alright too, but Them kind are often the very SAME (... IE, who don't LIVE here) Who ain't got a Sherlock clue What America was, is And ever will be... all about, neither. _____________________________ WRT all the fair-minded commentary About that OTHER game, well, Just goes to show The immense DIFFERENCE between SC Community And them other 2 I'd mentioned, Whoso seem to delight in trashing THIS game, and this game maker. Rare is the one At Smithereens or Matrix Who has given Hubert Much, if any CREDIT For gifting us all With that most amazing! editor. They ain't got no class, man. And so, I tell you straight, You ain't seen nuthin' yet! Just wait 'til you Get a glimpse of this next game And what you can do with That next Editor! :cool:
  16. What, you slither into yer wet-suit, Paddle far out into The Nord See, Then! Shoot the curl, Walk the board, Back & forth, Hanging 9, Until! You hit... the dyke?
  17. You can't be a critic without testing the product I don't mind spending the money, it made me a bit wiser again and my review supported my earlier views of Slitherine. [/QB]</font>
  18. ROFLMAO! Second time in two days - a very first For me! LOL! When I wuz in, I NEVER did salute enny a' them Sorts of... hanging back 100+ clicks from the action Soldiers. Never did found one what deserved it. In fact, The ONLY "officer" I gave more Than a sort of... half-*ssed, Half-raised, nonchalant "carry-on dude" Kind of faux salute, Was my First Sergeant. I still think of him, now & then, To this day. Saved me two Article-15's, at least, IE - told them ROTC shave-tails To cool it and go find Some rear-echelon slouch Cat To nit-pick with. :cool:
  19. Geeeeeeeez, What an INexpert, UNfinished, Copy-cat (... no you duplicitous dudes over to Smithereens/Matrix, it ain't LIKE "PG," it's been sorta "accidentally borrowed" - mostly from 'round hereabouts, IMO... and - as I always say - who else's - should I have? ) Piece of OVERpriced slab of UNDERcooked Pizza Pie! In the sky! LOL! Well, I ain't gotta ELABORATE all the reasons Why - do I? $60.00!! :eek: For - essentially, the SAME thang Hubert put out for - 25 bucks? OK, Let's see... maybe, A couple years, 10-20 patches or so, Another iteration or 2? THEN they can yak up the smack. [... BTW: hmmmm, hard for me to imagine another Geezer what wheezes so awful supercilious as that fat-lip Canadian Cat - LestheSarge... nope, canno think of nary a one!] Yeah yah yah yah! I am been with Hubert for 5 years now And I am a mite sympatico. So what, that don't change nuthin' IMHO. [ June 17, 2007, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  20. Where've you been the last 5 years vveedd? Parsing out the stems & seeds? Folks on this here forum have been expressing Quite explicitly, Many and multiform requests all along! What did you miss? Worse, does that worry you? :eek: </font>
  21. Better to do that With "scripted variants," Which has increased dramatically Due to new! Opportunities soon to come To a theatre near you. O/W, as Targul has said several times, With the current a-historical exploits, You may as well be playing Nazi Space Rangers meet Godzilla.
  22. Man, have you EVER changed Skando Mondo! :eek: It's as tho... you grew VERY old Like,over-night, man. [... BTW, are you still keepin' that "lock-out count?" I do believe I've passed you by now ) Ya gotta have some "outlaw juice," Else everything starts sounding Like one a' them there Hollywood musicals Where ever body is smilin' & singin' Pretty little ditties. I just don't GET you guys, I guess. :confused: Folks get together - no matter WHAT The reason, war-gaming or Bird-finding, and naming, And the NEED to, Now and then, Express them REAL selves. It's only human nature. O/W you - finally, End up with cloistered kind of zombies Who are liable to commence That there "authoritarian" Sort of stuff, IE, EITHER think and talk - like ME, Or, You ain't no damn good. Lighten up dudes, Yer life is VERY short. Have some fun. Well, Skando, NOW we only got The one GENUINE "show-man" left, rambo_jr. It's a travesty, a real shame, IMHO.
  23. Same here. Though, I can't SEE you, merely Hear the, ummmm... defensive tone Of yer 2D voice, ah, That's alright, Since - NOBODY really "knows" Anybody else, nope, Even if they been trading smack or blather For 5 years or more. EVERYTHING is "related," even when The seeker/searcher doesn't know That it actually is. Until much later in Life, usually. LOTS of folks do. Now, more than ever, Thanks to the most amazing! Editor you shall ever witness Thence SC2-Weapons and Warfare Becomes available... notso long From now, or So I hear, tho, as with ALL else, I could be wrong. However, I appreciate your common fear Regarding - trying some thing, ANY thing... that is new. It's what is causing so much grief And consternation In the World community, IMHO. And too, Many are the number who are like you, Well, in this particular way anyhow, And prefer to let others make those Mods for them. North Afrika, Battle of the Bulge, Air Assault on Crete, Etc, etc. Heark! I am in suspense just now! Can we make uniquely scaled MAPS, As for those scenarios Listed just above? With that other game? Just wondering. Where've you been the last 5 years vveedd? Parsing out the stems & seeds? Folks on this here forum have been expressing Quite explicitly, Many and multiform requests all along! What did you miss? Worse, does that worry you? :eek: Didn't you realize? EVERYTHING, darn near, is "commercial," These latter days. That which is not - and, cannot Be bought & sold, well, Those sorts of things are THE most valuable, Ach, We save that discussion for another day, eh? As for the other comment, nope, nix nay, There ain't one single thing I've EVER heard tell of... that Should be... other That what it - IS. Could be? Sure, you bet. Might have been? Well, who wants to dwell on what's Long ago gone? Commercial? Well, they ain't puttin' much in at start, So I must presume that MOST Of what else is necessary To make a decent WW2 GS game Will come later? :confused: With what kind of price tag, No one can tell. From my readings it sounds as though, This is a pretty rudimentary version, With plenty of "basics" (... as with complete Polish sovereignty) yet To be inserted, yes? That YOU do NOT care Is well established by now, no need vveedd To lather rinse and repeat. However, I am - same as any other potential Buyer, VERY concerned to know just HOW That "file editing" might be done? Easily, And intuitively, With a few simple mouse-clicks, As Hubert has done it, One would hope? And so... the DEMO will let Whoso is actually interested (... based on fleeting flimsy knowledge thus far enumerated by, ummm, rather reluctant-to-reveal immoderaters) - finally, KNOW all about 'em nuts & bolts, As well as IF the game is balanced And has a robust AI, And whether it tends to crash & burn, And the like. Good luck! With yer future testing! May be you will do some good For the real-deal, Get it when they SEE it... gaming crowd!
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