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Commander Slip Digby

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Posts posted by Commander Slip Digby

  1. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I wasn't aware the "suicide attack" was a standard British tactic, but of course we just had this discussion recently...

    If you don't think that getting out of your trench and very walking slowly toward german heavy machine gun fire across no man land isn't suicide i'd hate to be in your regiment..

    "Come on lads, there's only 50 HMG's! - it'll be a laugh"

    And besides - if artillary fire was that effective - we wouldn't need ground troop would we. just cleaners. and mops.

    and troops.

  2. Originally posted by John D Salt:

    What is the best thing for attacking infantry to do under indirect fire: Advance out of it, or take cover?

    From history (WW1) it is known that the English shelled the German trenches non stop for almost the entire war, Before suicidal attacks, After suicidal attacks and often during suicidal attacks (well, you might hit some of them as well!) and the outcome was generally very poor. Even air attcks on dug in targets are usually not effective as anything but a direct hit will usually have no effect. I would say Dig in, Dig Deeper, and when if your losing - change sides, it's easier and it cuts down on the paper work.
  3. Ahhhh - i get it. Hey, i'm a Commander - what the hell did you expect.

    I had the same problem with three, yes count them THREE Panzerfaust units, just sitting there, watching the Allied armour (I was Axis This Time - they seemed to be winning) trundle past without a care in the world.... damn spies.

    I always wondered - if the chances of winning a battle are greatly increased by using spies, why not make ALL your troops spies. at least when your attacked all your men will be on their side and they won't have anyone to fire at.

    Makes sense to me. Now where are my dried frog pills.. BURSAR!!!!

  4. Originally posted by Ligur:

    Just finished a TCP/IP where a M8 Greyhound controlled a small flag for 6 minutes against a platoon of my regular German riflemen. The last three minutes the Hound just stood there, buttoned, and I had 3 squads with fausts sitting at under 50 meters. I had had them all target the Hound for at least 4 minutes. Only one squad used the Faust and missed. The rest just threw grenades and shot the kar rifle. And smoked cigarettes probaply.

    "Look Hans, a Tommy AFV."

    "So it appears, Herr Oberst."

    "How amusing. Kamarader, let us smoke cigarettes."

    The platoon is being shipped to the Ost Front at the moment.

    The flag was left uncontrolled. I lost with 16 points.

    So, my question is: How the hell do people get infantry to use those fausts or riflegrenades? Under what conditions? Sometimes they seem to do it on their own, sometimes what described above happens. I know they are not AT assets, but still. Having a single light AFV laugh at a platoon of men who are equipped to drop it infuriates me.

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