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Posts posted by Aaron

  1. Man, I'm confused. I'm about 1/3 the way through Glantz's When Titans Clash and he's talking about how the Russians were reorganizing their army for an offensive in '42. How does this refute any claims of a pre-emptive soviet invasion? Is this just a question of a late '41 invasion versus an early '42 one?


  2. Originally posted by Tweety:

    What are we talking about, traversing the gun or the gun carriage?

    As you describe it, it would seem to me to be bloody unlikely to do this, but not impossible.

    Unfortunately, CMBB doesn't model gun traverse. At least it doesn't appear to. I did a test case with 6 T-34 Fast Moving left to right down a paved road perpendicular to a 150 IG at 150 meters. When the IG spotted the tank, it started to travers left towards the tank. However, once it got there, the tank would pass from left to right and the IG would then start traversing to the right. The tanks was out of the field of view before the IG took a shot. The animation of the travers was of the entire carriage traversing, not the gun. The gun -did not- travers within the carriage at all. Note that if the IG has just held it original aim, it could have easily gotten off a shot as the tanks passed by but, instead, all 6 tanks passed by without a single shot being fired.

    I then sent the tanks back across, this time on the very dry open ground. Here the T-34s were slow enough and the IG was able to take a shot at each of them. It hit slightly more then 50% of the time (the HC with its improved velocity was slightly more accurate.)

    The simulation as is favors the T-34 in this situation due to the auto-track traversing.


  3. Originally posted by wadepm:

    Remember, in the situation I described the tank was going full speed on a dirt road at a range of 150 meters.

    Just for grins, if the T-34 was moving at its maximum possible top speed (34mph), the tank would have moved 9 meters in the time the shot is fired before impact (about 0.6 seconds).

    I'm curious have CMBB's Fast Move corresponds to a vehicle's top speed. Maybe its in the Strategy Guide I keep hearing about (that I bought about three months ago).


  4. Anyone complaining about realism in a Campaign just needs to look at Operations. I can imagine a Lt Col telling his men, "Men, we are going to fight four battles each day for the next three days. After fifteen minutes of fighting, the enemy will cease-fire allowing us to reposition our AT guns in preperation for the next fifteen minute battle. OK, Go."

    I've said this before and I'll say it again. The -only- thing required for a campaign game is the ability to edit saved game files. If that were possible, there are dozens of programmers out there, myself included, that would love to hack out a variety of different campaigns.


  5. Originally posted by danscan:

    I would like to make a request. I have before but I want to see the response. If you like the idea and would want something like this Please just put a positive response so that The programmers here might think they can make money on it. smile.gif

    I, also, would like unencrypted save game files. A campaign game would be a nice third party thing. (Of course, just the non-PBEM save files should be unencrypted)

    I've spent many hours trying to decode them. Its beyond my capacity.


  6. Originally posted by gMak:

    I'm new in the game , starting just yesterday so i would like to ask few questions.What do these orders and how i use them in the game :SEEK AND HULL DOWN , CONTACT

    MOVE TO CONTACT is probably my most favorite move command. I use it as a infantry hunt. For example, if you have an enemy tank on the other side of a patch of woods, you can move-to-contact your panzershreck up towards him.

    When playing CMBO (which doesn't have that command), you have to guess where to move to. If you guess wrong, the tank can spot you moving and you'll merrily move along as the tank your trying to kill is shooting at you. Its frustrating as heck.

    I use move-to-contact for panzershrecks, at rifles, small calibre AT guns, and scouts.


  7. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    I noticed that we gave up on the M1917 HMG in 11/1944. Does anybody know why we would stop using these and just go with the M1919 a MMG? I can't imagine why we would stop using a HMG and continue with a MMG. Anybody got any info or know any sites that explain it? It really bugs me as the 1917 seems to be a much better MG or at least it is in the game. I tried several tests and the HMG is a lot more gun at least in fire power then the 1917 was.

    The M1917 weighed 90 pounds, the M1919 weighed 40. Since by 1944 we (the US) were attacking everywhere, the ability to easily carry and setup the weapon was more important than sustained rate of fire.

    Does CMBO model weapon setup times? I don't remember.


  8. Originally posted by HSample:

    I am playing CMBO, and the mission is called Meyer's Decision 3. Location field says "on map." I have 6644 total points listed, comprised of 1515 infantry, 510 support, 0 vehicles, 3514 armor, 1105 artillery and 0 fortification.

    Here's exactly what I did ...

    Load the Meyer's Descision 3 file

    Click on Units

    Select Support and add several halftracks.

    Click OK

    I went to the MAP editor

    Click on Preview

    The newly added halftracks were in the far northwest corner, well behind enemy lines.

    I moved them all into German setup zones

    Click GO, and then OK.

    Finally I saved it as "Meyer's Descision 4"

    I loaded the game and the 1/2tracks were where I put them.


  9. Originally posted by dor:

    I play sort of campaign with my friends and when calculating the loses,the men remaining in most of the cases are not enough to fill a squad,so we thought we could replace the every 2 men left with a light MG 42.But now there is another problem:the 42 LMG is not fast enough despite the fact now it is carried by 2 men,and when is inserted in a squad just one man carry it.

    One thing you could do is split a normal squad and throw away (agree not to use) the assault half-squad. This will give you, essentially, a four man LMG team. I do a similar thing in my campaign game.


  10. Originally posted by HSample:

    Actually, the halftracks don't show up in the preview mode either. It's weird. They're listed under "chosen" in the units section, but they don't show up in the maps section or when I actually load the game to play.

    I'm wondering if by adding halftracks i've gone over my points allotment, but there's nothing telling me that or giving me an error message. And there doesn't appear to be a way to increase my points allotment. I'm stumped!

    First off, there are no point limits when using the editor, only a max number of units. There is a field called "Location" in the upper right corner of the screen. What does that say?

    BTW-Are you using CMBO or CMBB? If you tell me what scenario you are editing, I can give you a step-by-step.


  11. Originally posted by Jack Carr:

    Is there any way to get a list of the names used for the troops in CMBB or CMBO? I know that when you build your own scenario you can edit names but I was wondering if there was a way to find out the list of names that the game has to choose from.

    You can load the .exe file in Wordpad and search for the names. They are about 2/3 of the way through the file. I already did it. Its a huge list (or rather several huge lists). Email me a akkala@cyberramp.net and I'll send you the text file.


  12. Originally posted by HSample:

    I am trying to edit a battle to give the German forces more mobility by adding some halftracks. So I loaded the game into scenario editor and went to the units section, and then added the halftracks into the mix of axis forces at the beginning of the game. Then I saved the game, giving it a new name.

    I'm not sure exactly what your problem. However, the best way to check your work is, after you have added the units, to go to the map editor and hit "PREVIEW". This will allow you to setup the new halftracks you added. You need to do this anyway since often the computer will place the new units in bad spots. If they don't show up in the Preview, they won't show up when you play the game.

    Also, check to make sure that when you added the unit, you didn't add it to a reinforcement.


  13. I was reading a book (Roll Me Over by Raymond Gantter) and he makes a point that the US troops didn't call the Sherman a "Sherman" but instead refered to it as an "M4". I've only seen this mentioned in this one place. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

    He also make a point that everyone and his british girlfriend knew what SNAFU meant by the time of the invasion so the infantry guys stopped using it by then.


  14. Originally posted by Andreas:

    Don't know about your copy, but in mine the 1940 KV1 is only at 30% rarity (AG South June 1941). Which, incidentally, is less than the rarity for the German sIG33 you bought two (IOW a regiment's worth) of. ;)

    It makes me wonder about how the rarity factors are calculated. There were certainly more 150mm howitzers than KV1s.


  15. Originally posted by JasonC:

    This all led to the development of the 106mm RR, which is actually 105mm caliber, the same as the howitzers. The extra millimeter is not really there, it is just a quartermaster's designation to prevent ammo type confusion. The 106mm was too heavy to be truly man portable, although it could be manhandled into position like a 50 cal. They were mounted on jeeps.

    This is the gun GIjOE used. I had one when I was a kid. ;)


  16. Originally posted by Tigrii:

    Not really. A RL commander would minimize his losses and wouldn't send a whole squad on a suicidal mission. What is more gamey is the fact that anyone's on a suicide mission. No on e would do that except possibly the Japanese.

    I think you misunderstand me. If you have a platoon in woods engaged in a firefight, you opponent will use more ammo if you split them into 6 1/2 squads instead of three full squads. This is esp. true of MGs. I think its a function of the game engines treating gunfire as one group shooting at one other group. The TacAI shifts fire around quite a bit, thus using more "shots" from the ammo pile.

    Whether this is realistic or not I'm not sure.


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