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Posts posted by Phorncastle

  1. Originally posted by Puff the Magic Dragon:

    I guess part of the problem is the borg spotting. Once spot, everyone in the area who is able to target will target the AT-team/gun.

    Totally agree with this point mate. I dont quite understand how in the heat and confusion of battle everyone can somehow immediately identify where a ATG is after 1 shot. Even allowing for tracer etc it would take far longer for a commander to pin point where the fire is aimed at and to pick it out yourself than is modelled.

    My only theory is that all the tank commanders are women, as it is the only explanation for how word travels so quickly.

    "Ooooo youll never guess what? Just heard what looks like a Pak50 over in those woods"

    "oh really, well i never wait till Sgt Mandy hears this!"

  2. Regarding bayonet charges, I read somewhere in the early stages of the Africa campaign in which the smaller British force defeated the Italians there were a number of battles in which commonwealth troops overan positions using the charge and cold steel. Regarding another incident Ive been reading a book about this BRitish horse racing trainer who used to be in the commandos called Ryan Price. The company cleared an woodland area of Luftwaffe/Navy raised infantry using a bayonet charge and nothing else(well apart from Price blowing his hunting horn!), which illustrates the psychological effect of such tactics against poorly trained troops.

    As Im not really a WWII junkie I dont have loads of sources to quote etc so cant really put up any convincing argument. If you were to do the above in CMBO the Green/conscript troops would stay and shoot, and I doubt the attackers would recieve any bonus, which maybe they should do is all I am pointing out. Of course it would be difficult to model and you could end up with people charging left right and centre.

    If you dust off your manual, you will see that it states that "stockpiling" of ammo is modelled in the game(under a section titled ammo I expect) Wether or not if it works or has been actually coded I dont know as I havent got the game to hand, but I am sure it mentions that this is modelled and once your troops move from their defensive postions they lose the extra ammo as they cant carry it, so the intention by the developers was there.

  3. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Brian:

    Those who are on the defensive, tend to stockpile ammunition reserves.

    Therefore, as the Germans were primarily on the defensive, they would have more ammunition on hand than would the attacking Allied force.

    But then, what about those occasions when it is the Germans who are attacking?

    And how do you account for defending troops leaving extra ammo behind if forced to vacate their prepared positions? And don't say they would have shot it all off by then, because that may not be the case.


  4. I agree with the JasonC argument I have read it before and think it all perfectly reasonable and a far better model than currently.

    I like the idea about the bayonet charge, rifles in literal hand to hand combat would be far better than an SMG or something similiar and it would be a nice to see something like this modelled in CM

  5. Also there is all the emphasis on reverse slope defending. Once again the enemy has no LOS until at point-blank range.

    Well I think its probably been mentioned already but heres a little story that emphasises that this was an excellent military tactic. Reading about a former british horse trainer called Ryan Price who was also in the commandos. After landing at Normandy they had to take this objective near this village begining with B (bresailes or something cant remember). Well they took this hill and woodlands then set everything up on the reverse slope out of sight from the village full of bosche, the Germans mortored the edge of the woods and attacked but were slaughetered in the suprise reistance and positions once they got over the top of the hill.

  6. Would it not be a good idea to post a MOD FAQ as I was thinking about asking this question loads of times over the past and with so many MODS out there it is confusing about what to do. Maybe someone could set up a list I know you can say well its all a matter of taste blah blah blah, but if someone could give a rundown on setting up a good baseline that people can add to that would be great.

    For instance

    Must have selection MODS, which all go together well.

    List a good set of terrain mods (as above posted)

    Vehicle mods to replace some of the dodgy looking vehicles such as the Pz MkIV

    Winter mod collection

    Optional MODS

    Weathered tanks

    Most popular Panther variants for example

    Add a final touch of realism MODS

    Track types!

    unit markings etc

  7. Just wondering what peoples thoughts were on british inf. What advantages do they have if any over the American and German ground troops as their firepower is pretty poor. The PIAT I find okay, I see at more as a long range Panzerfaust than on par with the Shrek and Zook. The 2inch mortars okay for suppressing say a german squad and can smoke, but all to often in the attack its targeted to keenly, as its slower too its harder to keep a coheseive unit together

    The actual squadies though are armed with so many rifles they dont seem to be able to pack any kinda punch in attack so Im not sure what to do with them, particularly in built up areas.

    How did the Brits fair in the reality? I can only assume that they relied heavily on things like Bren carrier support and Wasps and couldnt really be too effective with the arm out that CMBO gives them.


  8. I rather like the old Fireflys but was wondering how effective they were in real life. I suppose my curisoity is really broader in how realistic is CMBO to real life.

    Are the tactics and favouring of certain units also reflected in reports on WWII. For example I always hear about the dreaded "tiger" in the eyes of the Allied tank crews, but I prefer the Panther. Was this the case in a German tank commanders eyes? Or is the Panther seem more effective due to the limitations of the CMBO model?

    I understand that obviously units didnt have free choice in what they were equipped with like we do, the German platoons couldnt say hhmm close quarter fighting today lets all take MP44s with us. But is the modelling of units so accurate that it also reflects in WWII strategy? For instance were more Panthers made than Tigers as they could take out Armour more effectively?

    Back to the old Firefly, the guns excellent but with such poor armour what did the Brits and Canadians use? Did they produce loads of Fireflys to take out the german heavy armour, or did they stick with the doctrine of tanks as Inf support. In my games I certainly like to take a firefly as its the best guarantee of taking those, but were they that common?

    Anyone else think much of the Firefly?


  9. The british had serious shortage of infantry and were generally unwilling to sacrifice men were material could do.

    On the other hand, they had plenty of tanks, in fact so many that they couldn't make use of all of them in the narrow space of the Normandy bridgehead or rather the short front to the Germans.


    Is this reflected in the point cost of British tanks at all would you say? Just wondering, sorry if its abit off top.

  10. Recently reinstalled CMBO and now workplace has a CD burner I have been able to download loads of MODS and put take them home where I have no internet connection.

    In my haste I started unzipping MODS left right and center in a very slaphazard manner. Now the problem I have is that the Landmark fonts are all screwed up and unreadable! I downloaded Gunmetal interface would this have done it?

    The font used for Landmarks is this horrid yellow and is all blotchy. Any idea how I can change this much appreciated?


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