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Everything posted by Generale_Pasquini

  1. forgot to mention... lets not get confused with the Italian Army in ww2. I am talking only about MVSN troops which i would love to see modded better. The Army ones are just fine. My scanner isnt working too well so i sent only what was already on my hard drive but when i have time ill send MVSN rank insignias and all that good stuff...
  2. Hello, Thanks for the pics Mike! I really appreciate you taking your time to send them out with explanations and all So, in return I sent you some scans of original photos of MVSN troops on the Eastern Front as well as some pictures of real uniforms from the Eastern front. Hopefully these help. Also... I have TONS of uniforms from the MVSN, and Colonial Fascist troops from the African Campaign, Ethiopia, Libya, etc etc. Just about any Italian campaign you can immagine. All with Insignias etc etc. So if you ever need to make a mod and want specific and accurate uniforms of any Fascist Organization... let me know. Thanks again
  3. I meant MikeyD Can you send me those drawings you have to compare them with mine, I'm always up for new info on Italian uniforms that I dont have...
  4. I'll try to scan some pictures from books i have of various MVSN units and uniforms, insignias etc etc... And I'll come up with some guide lines of what I would like to see (not to sound bossy )Some winter uniforms would be nice... By the way MikeT, can you email me those drawings I just want to compare them to what I have. Thanks.
  5. SSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Don't want to wake him... He's been quite lately, Thank heavens... (thanks god)!
  6. Hey guys, Not being much of a modder myself, I was wondering if anyone out there has or had any intentions to make some Italian mods... Most preferably MVSN (Blackshirts) which were separate from the Italian Army and which fought on the Eastern front alot too. (Sort of like SS, and Heer)... I know there is a "Blackshirt Legion" in there during the correct year so it would be nice if someone could make some mods for them. I don't know if anyone has figured out a way to do the whole trenchcoat thing but these were worn by italian troops of the ARMIR (italian army in russia). Also some white helmets etc etc... I could go on and on... Anyways if you are intersted i can give you all the information needed about the uniforms I would just like to see some made from our wonderfull mod community! Thanks!
  7. Ummm, all of you are smoking crack. Two Words: MARIO KART
  8. Thanks Arax3... I agree. Useless crap like this does nothing but fill up this forum with more junk. Its a cheap way to bump up his lame post. It belongs in the Garbage Forum which I suggest you make just for MasterGoodale. More useless junk that has been said fifty times... This sounds like the fantasy of a twelve year old boy... I can believe a grown man would be able to say things like this, it is so lame. If you did have a dream like this... keep it to yourself, because it makes you sound extremely childish. MasterGoodale... HOW OLD ARE YOU? A grown man, spends all his time in a videogame forum. This is pathetic. Do you have a job??? I figured your where 10 or 11, but how could you go to school then? Jesus man, go outside, look at the sky breath some fresh air... there are other things in life besides CMBB (kinda ), and hanging out in a forum all day... get a clue. On a final note, Abbot I am very sorry, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope everything works out and your not alone.
  9. I had a Panzershreck take out moving Churchill once from 200+ meters. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw... God bless that little guy.
  10. If you spent half of the time you spend filling up this forum with useless garbage, smiley faces, and "arghs and grrrs", actually PLAYING the game... you would be the best CM player on the planet. Don't you have a job man?
  11. To few countries??? Oh yea, we forgot China, Japan, United States, Britain, Byzantine Empire, and Crimea... since they all fought in the Eastern front.
  12. Hey, I agree 100% with Deadmarsh... the ladder is a fun way to make friends, keep a record of your progress, and play with the stakes raised a bit. I love ladder play and can't wait for CMBB to show on Tournament House. If you hate ladders so much, don't play them. Period.
  13. Goodale, Please stop filling up the forum with your countless number of brainless posts. If you have lotsa ideas... make a huge list and put it all in one post dude, this way you bumping down more important and interesting posts.
  14. Dude, You seriously are lame... since when did the beta testers becomes gods that we have to defend by fighting??? You are so childish its not even funny, listen to yourself... is it worth fighting over BETA TESTERS!?!?! Come on man, I don't know if your trying to sound tough, or to come off as a hero on the forum-- BUT your not, you sound like a moron.
  15. ... Isn't this is the same stuff that fanboys worldwide say on their forums? Don't get me wrong here, I agree with you Kump, I just don't like all the name calling etc etc... ...and I supposed calling him a monkey, an idiot, a wide variety of other names, and insulting him is going to change anything or make the situation better... I just think it is silly...
  16. Hey guys, I know that we all take this game very seriously as I know I do, so it's only natural we take offense if somebody reviews it in a negative way. It is like a mother when somebody offends her child... But, I think it is really unnecessary to go bashing reviewers and wasting time writing them e-mails... these guys who review our game don't give a crap about you or what you say. It's not going to change anything and it is a bit immature. We know what a great game we have! We know what a tight knit community this is and that nothing that those "big" game review sites or magazines say matters! I'm sick of reading childish insults about reviewers and taking up forum space to do it... If someone has something negative to say about our game... pay no attention, as long as we play it, we enjoy it, thats all that matters.
  17. Wow, great job man!!! I love the Russian ones!... I'll be using it!
  18. Hey, I have a laptop which I run CMBB off of and I can online play single player with it... I am used to playing lots of multiplayer online games so I thought it would be horrible. Actually... the AI holds its own, play bigger matches and give the computer 25% to 50% more stuff... not only will it simulate the way germans were outnumbered but it will be alot more challenging! Besides the AI is about at the same skill level as your average Russian Battalion Ok, jokes aside... the AI is pretty decent-BUY IT!
  19. Has anyone made or planning on making any scenarios based on Panzer Battles by Mellenthin... I read this book a few summer ago and it would be fun to play a few scenarios on it... (I don't remember how small unit it actually was but its worht a try)...
  20. Sorry... I hit add reply too soon Anyhow... I have a laptop I thought would NEVER run CMBB, i think it is about 400mhz with some mystery graphics card and a small hard drive. To my surprise I booted it up and it runs great! I have to take trees off on some of the larger scenarios but otherwise it runs real smooth. Now I can finally play CMBB between classes and when I travel on long distance flights!!! Yey!
  21. Hey guys, I bought CMBB as soon as it came out. I have a 1700+Mhz, 512Ram, and a GeForce2... everything ran good and the game was great.
  22. With screenshots and 2000+ its gonna take more then 8 hours. I've had some 1500 games go beyond 4 hours on TournamentHouse... I think a reasonable battle scheme would be 1500 or so with pictures every 2-3 turns, of important events (a tank battle, a infantry slugfest)...
  23. I ran it on a 400 or so MHZ laptop and it runs fine... huge battles are impossible. However if you remove trees, and do 2 men per squad you actually get a decent frame rate for medium-large battles.
  24. FeldGrau might try that, maybe they will have something... good luck
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