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Thin Red Line

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Everything posted by Thin Red Line

  1. Imagine that at the beginning of of game you order your FOs to target WITHOUT LOS critical points on the map were the ennemy is likely to hide. If after 1 turn or 2 the said FOs have reached a location WITH LOS on those points, will the accuracy of the bombing (that should arrive at this time, 2 or 3 minutes after the order): 1)be correlated with the new LOS status ? 2)or will it lack precision because the order was given before acquisition of LOS ? 3)What if you adjust fire when with LOS ? I ask because if the answer is 1), you can save a precious time without loosing accuracy ! Side question : is this gamey ?
  2. Vader, I have to disagree with you on this one, I'm sure modders accept criticism. After all, it's part of an artist's experience ! Pritzl is right, and it's not a matter of personnal taste : it is quite obvious for me also that while the dark mud road has an incredible look, not seen before in this game,t it is pretty much out of scale (I'm currently playing Back We Go scenario and with germ big tank on it, the beasts look like miniatures). Correcting this by yourself is very difficult, I've tried. (I sometimes fine tune the mod myself like you suggest) But in this case it is different : if you just copy/past the dark part on the middle, the beautifully done cracks won't fit, and the result shall be poor. Not to mention the curved parts of roads. I think it's a welcome idea to attract the author attention about that , (and also to thank him again for his excellent work) ! That's how the quality of the graphic will continue to improve.
  3. Never since the demo. Two many smart pbem opponents, cannot afford loosing time with stupid AI.
  4. Pawbroon, When are you going to release the Panther review ? (I'm stuck with the original graphics because I don't download any more mod without checking your site before...) Merci d'avance !
  5. My last air support attack wasn't even unable to scratch my opponent KT, after 3 (!) consecutive strikes on target... :mad: At least they disn't raid my own tanks...
  6. Andrew TF : why is your Daimler mod not included in CMMOS ? It is IMHO, the BEST mod ever, incredibly realistic and photolike. Bravo !
  7. For some reason,information provided for dead ennemy units is always more precise than when they are still alive. I don't think it's a bug.
  8. Illo, Why didn't you tow the guns and leave the exposed place ?
  9. Terror, My best advice ist to use the superior CMMOS Field and Stream tool wich allow every combination in just a few clicks Also refer to the Lanscape Contest thread http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=023488 ...and of course, try by yourself it's also a matter of personnal taste ! Personnaly, I like Gunnergoz grass, Magua Normandy environment and buildings but I haven't tried every combination yet.
  10. I may be unlucky, but as a profane in the art of picking units it seems that each time i ingenuously choose a unit and I'm happy with it in the battle i read a post in this forum stating that its use is gamey : german soft AA vehicules , Cromwell 95mm, 3'inch brits onboard mortar... Is there a weapon at the same time 1)historically common, 2)well modelled 3)fair to use 4) efficient :confused: Just curious
  11. I agree on this one, not a very logical feature. Gives the feeling that I'm cheating somehow...
  12. Kamikaze style suicide with 155 mm arty ? Not a bad idea actually, but quite gamey, isn't it ?
  13. I really like this fire, far better than my (although modded) current fire in CMBO. But the really important news are not that !
  14. For the same reasons, I find there is no unit more useful than a CO, even better with it goes with fighting bonus. Put a HMG and a few mortars under his command, it can save your day. [ February 01, 2002, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  15. ...I see, hence the addition of schrapnell effect in your (excellent) explosion sound mod ! Thanks, Captain.
  16. Excuse my ignorance, but what is the difference beetween VT and other artillery ?
  17. Well, if it's random it explains this kind of unconsistent AAR...
  18. Very talended guy, keeping alive a long tradition : this kind of machine caricature was often seen in WWII, especially for airplanes.
  19. I have to disagree, I'm currently playing a 25 turns ME PBEM and on turn 15, i occupy all VLs and I still didn't see any ennemy force. Looks like my partners prefers to hear birds singing instead of war explosions ans shouting...
  20. I have to disagree, I'm currently playing a 25 turns ME PBEM and on turn 15, i occupy all VLs and I still didn't see any ennemy force. Looks like my partners prefers to hear birds singing instead of war explosions ans shouting...
  21. Maybe it has already been explained somewhere else, but I'm curious to know how this KIA figure is calculated . Is it based on how the game was (i.e. a detailed squad by squad follow-up during action) or is it random and calculated only at end ?
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