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Posts posted by Cameroon

  1. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Actually, it's the other way around. We would be interested in THEM licensing us the W40K property so we could do a game for them. ;)

    Unfortunately, it's not quite that easy or affordable to get the license rights.

    Dawn of War is an excellent game though if you want a quick Warhammer fix.


    Dawn of War is fun, for an RTS smile.gif Like all RTSes (for me), it doesn't offer near the lasting fun, replay or excitement of games like the Combat Mission series.

    Now if I could get my Mac copy of CMBB to work on my PC (*grumble*OS X*grumble*)... alas, I'll just wait for and then drool over CMx2 shots until there's a new CM product to buy smile.gif

  2. I'm at least an armchair fan of Warhammer 40k, and was/am a fan of BattleTech, so no flames from me smile.gif

    Still, unless the rules part of CMx2 can be easily adapted to use non-reality based rules or the target game (e.g. W40k) adapted to use real physics-based rules (without becoming a different game), it would seem a poor fit.

    Not that I wouldn't enjoy being proven wrong by the release of such a beast smile.gif

  3. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


    I had another analogy that involving being stuck in a car and having to go to the bathroom. But I figured people don't get stuck in cars very often (except for in the Great White North in winter), so I passed on it due to the lack of connection with the masses.


    Drive around Washington DC during rush hour. THOUSANDS of people stuck in their cars smile.gif Too bad I'm one of them. I'm sure LA and others are similarly bad, but DC recently earned the distinction of 3rd worst traffic in the US. Go us......

    Now, if you can figure out a way for me to play CM while I'm stuck in rush hour...

  4. Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    Yes, it's a shame design decisions, development time and effort must be spent on a computer opponent. People played games long before the computer came along. They played other people; and in the case of wargamers, they often played themselves.

    I have no need of a computer opponent. Too bad I'm in the minority. Have you ever played CM against yourself? I promise you it won't be long before you actually surprise yourself with an ambush. It is not difficult to put out of mind the orders you just gave to the other side.

    Treeburst155 out.

    I heartily disagree. I deal with people all day long, and often enjoy computer games specifically because I can do something within an environment that is at least somewhat challenging (and sometimes very challenging) that doesn't include any people.

    I like playing real, live opponents, too from time to time, but the vast majority of the time I play vs the AI. In fact, I'm in the (probable) minority that doesn't care if there's multiplayer (or multi-multiplayer). Though if I had to pick one form of mutliplayer, it'd be PBEM rather than TCP/IP. smile.gif [Edit] And by minorty, I mean those who really don't care about multiplayer vs those who wouldn't use it, but would complain if it was missing.[End edit]

    And either I give fewer orders or my memory is better, because I remeber it all way too well to play vs myself with any kind of surprise involved ;)

    [ August 30, 2005, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: Cameroon ]

  5. There's little to be said that is positive about war. The outcomes of wars might be better for a particular side having won (WWII, for instance), but the war itself is not a positive thing.

    That being said, why does anyone bother commenting on the sides portrayed in a war game? Unless there's glorification of inhuman deeds; why get more upset over a particular setting compared to other settings?

  6. Why would you claim that WWIIOL has more extreme viewing distances? One of the major things I remember from that game were people popping in and out during, for instance, air combat.

    Are ground view ranges greater than 2k?

    The other huge annoyance was the 64 entity on-screen limit. Nothing like getting killed by something that wasn't visually on your screen because 64 other people/vehicles were :-p


    To be fair, when I first started playing and for a good time after, it was a lot of fun. But I don't think it was worth a monthly fee. Plus the fight was always predictable while I was playing. The Axis forces always had more players, thus meaning it was often simply an exercise in slowly losing if you played Allied.

  7. Training 2 Replacement

    Download the file and put it into C:\Program Files\Battlefront\T-72 Demo\DATA\scripts\ You may want to back up the original first, especially if you have not yet learned how to operate the T-72 (in which case, I encourage you to actually use the original 2nd training mission first).

    So I went and modified the 2nd training scenario to do more than just let the tanks fire back. Nothing fancy, but all the enemies activate at the beginning of the mission and you don't win until you beat them all (had to find some scripts from the Russian demo to figure out how the trigger_logical stuff worked).

    The infantry don't need to be all hunted down, just have to be reduced to 20% strength (at least I think that's what the script parameter means; I didn't change it from the original). It can be a little frustrating since they can sometimes hide fairly well.

    Once you kill all the targets, you'll get your victory screen.

  8. Originally posted by GunzAbeam:

    Ok, thanks Judo ...don't exactly sound like the most honest thing to do ...you know, the little guy sitting on my shoulder ..I thought maybe ...well never mind. Thanks anyway.



    You could also download 7-zip, which is literally free and handles zip, "7zip", rar and other formats.
  9. Sven, yes you can set the units in the 2nd training mission to fire. The simplest thing is to edit the tren2.pd file and find all the instances of "nf;" and change them to "fw;" ("no fire" to "fire at will"). Don't change the "nf =" bit though, just where it's listed as "nf;"

    What might make it far more challenging would be to remove the orders to go to XYZ waypoint and to have all of the enemy units activated at once. With the current edit, each unit only activates when you reach its corresponding waypoint.

    The other thing I did was to change the "Destroy Gun" objective from "Break Group" (or whatever its called), which doesn't count the objective as fulfilled until the gun AND its crew break, to the "Destroy" trigger and set it to the gun itself rather than the group (which is crew and gun).

    The reason I did that is that the gun always seems to flip over and/or slide down the hill. Then all the crew run away, but aren't broken, so I often can't get that particular objective to complete (without making the above modification).

  10. Rusted, from my experience the Leo crew will ID you and open fire long before your TC can spot him. They're rated as Veteran while your crew is Recruit.

    Here's my experience: floor it, get into 3rd gear as fast as you can and get moving full throttle. You can race straight forward and to your left, which will hopefully keep you moving fast enough that the Leo won't hit you AND will get you to cover. There's a small rise that you'll get below if you do the above.

    Your other option is to navigate more-or-less hard left with some zig-zagging to keep the hits off, but expect to be hit once or twice. When performing the above I usually get hit, but not killed.

    Further, I would NOT rate this engagement as "typical" simply due to the starting positions. No one has to find the other, you simply start within line-of-sight and the better crew with better long-range equipment will get you if you don't get moving quickly.

    So far, once I've moved off the initial start point and gotten a few seconds to recover, I've been able to reliably beat the Leo. It will continue closing with you, which really makes your job a lot easier. First, you have less range than he does so his closing helps. Second, he's moving and (generally) I'm not once I get out of the initial hotspot. This is huge, as most of his shots then pass by me or are glancing blows. It may have something to do with positioning, but honestly I haven't had the time to really check since I'm busy trying to bag him first ;)

    Also, if you're in the grass and having trouble seeing, you can switch to the night vision. I don't know if it's a bug or intentional, but there is no grass in that view which makes your life as a gunner a lot easier.

    HTH smile.gif

  11. Originally posted by aphelion79:

    Yeah i dont like how the buildings destroy and how suddenly you can loose your tread for no apparent reason... (granted i drive like a crazy s.o.b. so lol maybe jumping a 40 ton tank isnt a good idea? lol)

    The only time the track throws bother me is when I go over a little concrete bump (near the power plant, for instance) and it breaks. Trying to go over the big rocks out there I can understand, but those little concrete rises seem a little overboard. No idea if I'm right though smile.gif

    But overall the graphics for the ammount of PHYSICS involved in trajectories etc can be understandable... people need to realize what else the CPU is doing besides processing the eye candy!!
    Not to mention the distances involved. You can see a long way in T-72. I actually really like the graphics. I don't care about the "beauty" of the building textures nearly as much as the great smoke and dust effects, since those really affect whether you can see your target!
  12. Benito, make sure that you download and install the demo hotfix that is in the post near the top of the page.

    The original demo files contained a bug that meant the Leopard didn't move from its start position and did not fire. You can find him on the hill opposite your start position (on the road).

    You'll quickly notice that he's out there with the fix, though ;)

    As for the deformable landscape, fire off a HE round (the "O" ammo) into the ground. It will definitely deform the terrain smile.gif

  13. SvenPatrick, I think you probably can. Now that you've given me the idea, I'm going to look at it tonight when I get home (2 hours!).

    I imagine it would just be a matter of adding the "Fire at Will" command and/or ammo, both of which can be done.

    You can even add some things, like AT mines and artillery attacks, via the scripting system (look at the first training mission for an example of AT mines). Only difficulty is figuring out the format of the commands and the spatial system in use on the map.

    And by the way; damnit Battlefront, you guys keep making me choose between bills and entertainment smile.gif

  14. Hey all, these are instructions to add a victory trigger to the demo "Dogfight" mission. I think I could improve it very slightly, but it works and I know it works so here you go.

    Go to your T-72 directory (probably C:\Program Files\Battlefront\T-72\) and then into the DATA\scripts directory.

    Within you'll find the demo.pd file. Open that with a text editor of some sort (Notepad should be fine).

    First, add the following line beneath the "defeat =" line:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">win = ot_addtrigger, win, trigger_dead, ts_passive, ts_win, i_leo:leo;</pre>

  15. Heh, I think I need to reset the AI experience level.

    I had upped it to 70 (from it's original 5!) in the configuration program in the hopes that it would get the thing to move prior to the hotfix.

    Now the Leo waxes me before my TC can even spot him. I'm glad I remembered that I'd changed that, otherwise I'd have been running around figuring out how ANYONE was able to come out on top ;)

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