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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. Would you watch an hour of animated maps? The gaps in the footage record are massive. And a grog will always find fault anyway. If you were showing Typhoons they would point out that they were from the wrong squadron or were opersting over the wrong sort of terrain etc. There is a finite amount of WW2 footage and if you start going through your catalogue looking for +Typhoons +Falaise +shooting at Panzer V.... you quickly run out of options.
  2. It's all about what you have access to and budget for. The sheer volume of footage you need to gather to fill a 50 minute TV slot is immense and you can't always be choosy about what you have. There would also be the calculation that 99% of your audience is beer and pretzels and won't give a damn or notice. The grogs, you can't cater for them, because they're always going to pick holes anyway.
  3. There is of course merit in the thought, but the idea that any war can be won simply by airdropping stuff (whether bombs, batteries or beans) is the problem. You still need boots on the ground. Even if it's just advisors and political commisars leading indigenous forces. Too much of what went wrong in the early days of this Afghan campaign was because too much reliance was placed on shovelling cash at proxies like the Northern Alliance and asking them to get on with it, rather than actually shaping them into a desireable tool.
  4. It was a fairly active conspiracy of using the Romans to do the deed. And of course, the Jewish mob had the chance to save Christ as well, but instead were whipped up by the Jewish elite to free Barabbas. You can also make the same argument for Jean D'Arc. Captured by the French, detained by the French, sold by the French, tried by the French, convicted by the French.....but actually set on fire by the English
  5. The staue of Bonber Harris frequently vandalised and there was an almighty row about putting it up in the first place IIRC.
  6. Nothing at all in the US Constitution about forbidding the armed forces to operate on their own soil. There is the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 that forbids the armed forces from being used locally in law enforcement duties (ie. with the intent to pursue and arrest people). The Navy and Marines are similarly forbidden by their own DoD directives. However, just like the Geneva Conventions there has been some white anting of these principles in the name of homeland security, with Army units being delegated to help deal with unruly crowds in the event of a WMD terror attack.
  7. You see by disagreeing with the fact that everybody disagreed with you I was creating a Catch-22 logic loop.
  8. I'd say you're completely wrong and totally misguided about this.
  9. Mate, I wouldn't even bother. It's a straw man argument to the OP anyway.
  10. Hang on. Isn't the media supposed to be controlled by Jews? I get so confused by these people. Can't they just feck off and sell gold or something instead of controlling/not controlling the world media?
  11. WTF has Holocaust denial got to do with this?
  12. Definitely the last Turkish Gallipoli veteran died about three years before the last Australian one. have no idea about other nationalities there, but at least that's proof that the Allies out-survived the Johnnies! Given life expectancy rates in Russia are even lower than Turkey, it's doubtful there are any survivors from WW1 there. Wiki has this list but it makes no mention of Russia. Note of course that many of these last 'veterans' did not see active service, but enlisted at minimum age in the dying months of the war.
  13. Of course and if the eg. book is a best seller, with hundreds of reviews, the averages will balance out. This was the paper I was talking about.
  14. We do have one left living here but he served with the British (RN). Then with the RAN in WW2.
  15. I read an academic paper somewhere about the veracity of online reviews. The kind of stuff that gets posted on Amazon and the like. Lots of ulterior motives from authors and publishing companies there. And then of course there are the large number of Wiki edits that get tracked back to the offices of the politicians the articles cover....
  16. I do know that the Israeli government was offering Wikipedia editing classes to people in various language groups with the intention of keeping pages there toeing the party line.
  17. Quite so. In Australia it would be a case of how many guys it would pull wanting to (a)beat you up or ( suck you off. I doubt the girls would be interested at all.
  18. Jon is in the artillery. Sure hope they're not using him and his gear for rescues!
  19. That's nothing guys. When Emrys was young, he was a druid. Whose idea do you think Stonehenge was?
  20. I note that there is a tall, quake damaged building called the Hotel Grand Chancellor in the middle of Christchurch that is going to topple. Any word on whether it has been pre-chambered? Or will the pre-chambering occur on the buildings around it that will be inevitably 'pulled'?
  21. AS a Mayan elder, I say "Stop it! Or you'll all go blind!!"
  22. I did have a wry smile at the footage of a guy in business clothes wielding a sledgehammer as he tried to free people from one of the crush buses. Only a Kiwi would have a sledgehammer handy during his day at the office. If there is a zombie apocalypse, team up with a Kiwi.
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